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Assignment 1 Simple search and replace application.

DESCRIPTION: In this assignment, you will gain hands-on
experience with the C programming language. While you are
not required to be a C expert to complete the work, you will
certainly have the opportunity to explore most of the things
that we have discussed in class (and a few other things as well).
In terms of your task, it is fairly easy to describe. You will be writing a simple search and
replace application. Specifically, your job is to (1) find a user-specified text string within a group
of disk files, (2) modify those strings and update the original disk files, and then (3) provide a
report that indicates what has been done. It will work as follows:
1. The application will take a single command argument. This argument will be
interpreted as a text string. For example, if your program was called replace.exe, you
might enter replace.exe apple. Note that if you are using the Eclipse C/C++ plugin as
your IDE, you can use a “Run Configuration” to specify the command line
2. You will then open each of the files in the current directory. If you haven’t done
much programming with files and directories, it isn’t especially difficult. That said,
the facilities for doing so in C are somewhat more primitive than those in languages
such as Java. First, you will want to make use of the functions associated with
<stdio.h. As we discussed in class, these are the basic IO functions, and can be
applied not only to the screen and keyboard, but to disk files as well (There are
countless online examples of basic C I/O). Here, you will use functions for opening
and closing files, reading and writing bytes/chars to and from files, and for checking
to see to see if you have reached the end of the file.
3. In addition to opening and reading files, you must also be able to read the contents
of the directory in order to see what files need to be checked (the current directory =
“.”). Basically, a directory is just a special type of file that contains a list of the files
within it. So the idea is to just loop through the file list, and open and examine each
text file (for simplicity, all files used during testing will be text files with a “.txt”
suffix, so you don’t have to worry about other formats). Unfortunately (for you),
reading directories is operating system dependent since it is closely associated with
the file system used by the host operating system.
IMPORTANT: The grading will be done in the same environment as the one employed
by the labs and the Faculty’s main login servers. This is Linux based. So the program must
run on these platforms. You can NOT use directory functions that are Window’s specific.
So regardless of where you write your code, you must test your code on a Linux/Unix
system (note that you can do this remotely – via SSH - by simply compiling the code on
the university servers that all students have access to).
In terms of the actual mechanisms for traversing directories on Linux/Unix, it is
again not very hard. Essentially, the standard technique is to open the directory and
use a WHILE loop to examine the contents (i.e., the individual files). With
Linux/Unix systems, the directory functions (e.g., opening and reading directories)
are associated with the header file <dirent.h. You may also want to include
<unistd.h and <sys/types.h.
4. For each text file found in the directory, you will open each and check for the string
that was entered at the command line. The target string may occur multiple times,
of course. When you find it, you will modify the text so that the target string is
printed in upper case. So, for example, if apple is the target, the string “… the Big
Apple is fun…” would become “…the Big APPLE is fun…”. Please note that while
this kind of update can be done with complex regular expression libraries, you will
not do that here. Instead, you will just be flipping the lowercase letters to uppercase
as required. String related functions are found in <string.h while character
functions are in <ctype.h.
5. To make things just a little more interesting, directories can be nested. So if the
current directory has sub directories, you must search those as well. Note that when
you read the directory contents in the main WHILE loop, you can check each entry
to determine if it is a regular file or another directory (there are constants defined in
<dirent.h for this purpose.). Again, there are simple examples of this online.
6. Finally, you must keep track of the files that were changed and the number of
changes made in each one. At the end of the process (when no more directories can
be found from your starting point), you must print out a report. The report will
simply list each changed file, along with the count of the changes in each. The files
should be ordered/sorted on the number of changes, with the most heavily modified
listed first. Note that you do not have to write your own sort algorithm. Instead,
<stdlib.h provides a sorting function called qsort, that can be used to sort arbitrary
items. To use qsort, you must simply provide a comparison function that qsort can
use (Java uses a similar logic for sorting objects).
So you might have a final report like the following:
Target string: apple
Search begins in current folder: /home/me/testDir
** Search Report **
Updates File Name
4 dirY\apple.txt
3 bob.txt
2 dirY\sturp.txt
Note that the output includes the starting folder. This can be obtained with the getcwd()
function in <unistd.h. Moreover, the “File Name” includes the sub-folder element.
EVALUATION: For testing purposes, the marker will simply create a small directory structure
with a handful of files, some of which will have the target string inside. Every student will be
tested on the same folder structure.
The marker will also ensure that you have used good programming practices (e.g., constants,
headers, basic error handling). Moreover, there should be NO memory leaks in your program.
If you dynamically create any data/variables, you MUST clean them up before the program
DELIVERABLES: Your submission should have multiple source files. To begin it will have a
file called replace.c that will contain the main() function. This file may also contain
functions that process command line values.
Your submission should include a source file called traversal.c that contains the directory
traversal logic. A third file called text.c will contain any logic associated with the search and
replace processing performed on each file. Finally, you will have a file called report.c that
contains any code related to preparing and printing the final report.
Note that these files will each be relatively small, but this format makes it much easier for the
grader to see what is going on.
IMPORTANT: All files (.c and .h) must be prepared in the same folder so that they can be
compiled from the command line using the following gcc command
gcc –Wall traversal.c text.c report.c replace.c
You must test your code with this command to make sure that it works before submission.
Once you are ready to submit, compress all .c/.h files (and ONLY these files) into a zip file. The
name of the zip file will consist of "a1" + last name + first name + student ID + ".zip", using the
underscore character "_" as the separator. For example, if your name is John Smith and your ID
is "123456", then your zip file would be combined into a file called".
The final zip file will be submitted through the course web site on Moodle. You simply upload
the file using the link on the assignment web page.
Please note that it is your responsibility to check that the proper files have been uploaded. No
additional or updated files will be accepted after the deadlines. You can not say that you
accidentally submitted an “early version” to Moodle. You are graded only on what you upload.
Good Luck

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