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Assignment #2 The Rest of MiniLang!

 Assignment #2 The Rest of MiniLang! Due: Friday, February 8, 11:59 PM
In the second and final assignment of MiniLang, we will be building the remaining phases of the compiler that perform semantics checks and generate code. Before starting this assignment, you should fix all unhandled test cases from the first submission. We will not re-evaluate your scanner and parser directly, but they must accept all valid programs to be useful for generating code. If you did not manage to complete the first assignment, we will show sample solutions written flex/bison and SableCC 3 in class and office hours.
Question 1: Example Programs (5 points)
Write the following example programs ending with file extension .min
(a) Type-Incorrect Example Programs (5 points) Write five incorrect MiniLang programs which each exhibit a different typechecking or declaration error. Ideally, each program should be minimally sufficient to trigger the error, so think carefully about your program. Include a comment at the start of each file describing the intended issue.
Note that although we only require 5 small example programs for this question, you should prepare a more substantial test bank for debugging your submission. As part of evaluating your work, we will execute our own comprehensive test suite that covers all language features.
Question 2: AST (4 points)
Create the AST for your MiniLang compiler. For those using flex+bison this requires writing the boilerplate code for your AST structure and adding the appropriate parser actions. For SableCC, you must implement the correct CST→AST transformations.
Question 3: Pretty Printer (4 points)
Implement a pretty printer for MiniLang under the pretty compiler mode, outputting the pretty code to stdout. The pretty-printed output should be parsable by your compiler, and be equivalent to the original program. Be sure to check the invariant we saw in class!
pretty(parse(pretty(parse(P)))) ≡ pretty(parse(P))
COMP 520 Winter 2019 - Assignment 2 Page 1/ 2
Question 3: Symbol Table and Type Checking (12 points)
Implement a symbol table and type checker for MiniLang, using the semantics we decided on in class. A formal overview can be found at Assignment2_Specifications.pdf. Note that this may change as we discover the intricacies of language design - report any issues/challenges you encounter and we will discuss in class! If there is a declaration or type error, your compiler should emit an appropriate error message (Error: <description on stderr) and exit with status code 1. For this question you should implement 2 compiler modes:
• symbol: Outputs the symbol table to stdout. Note that if an error occurs the symbol table might be incomplete. • typecheck: Outputs OK if the input is type correct, or an appropriate error message.
Question 4: Code Generation (10 points)
If the input program successfully type checks, then your compiler can generate equivalent code in the target language. Implement the last compiler mode, codegen, which produces an output file in C and writes OK to stdout (no errors should occur). If the input file is named foo.min, then the output file should be named foo.c and be output to the same directory as the input file. Code generated by this question should be self-contained and compatible with any standard C compiler. Be sure you test your generated code!
On myCourses, hand in a tar.gz file of the form firstname lastname.tar.gz (all lowercase, please use .tar.gz). The structure of files inside that tarball should be:
firstname_lastname/ README (Name, student ID, any special directions for the TAs) programs/ 2-typecheck/ invalid/ (Five syntactically incorrect programs) src/ (Source code and build files) (Updated build script) (Updated run script)

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