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Homework 10 AParser.hs.

CIS 194: Homework 10 - CIS @ UPenn
Files you should submit: AParser.hs. You should take the versions that we have provided and add your solutions to them.
A parser is an algorithm which takes unstructured data as input (often a String) and produces structured data as output. For example, when you load a Haskell file into ghci, the first thing it does is parse your file in order to turn it from a long String into an abstract syntax tree representing your code in a more structured form. Concretely, we will represent a parser for a value of type a as a function which takes a String represnting the input to be parsed, and succeeds or fails; if it succeeds, it returns the parsed value along with whatever part of the input it did not use.
newtype Parser a = Parser { runParser :: String - Maybe (a, String) }
For example, satisfy takes a Char predicate and constructs a parser which succeeds only if it sees a Char that satisfies the predicate (which it then returns). If it encounters a Char that does not satisfy the predicate (or an empty input), it fails.
satisfy :: (Char - Bool) - Parser Char satisfy p = Parser f where f [] = Nothing -- fail on the empty input f (x:xs) -- check if x satisfies the predicate -- if so, return x along with the remainder -- of the input (that is, xs) | p x = Just (x, xs) | otherwise = Nothing -- otherwise, fail
Using satisfy, we can also define the parser char, which expects to see exactly a given character and fails otherwise.
char :: Char - Parser Char char c = satisfy (== c)
For example:
*Parser runParser (satisfy isUpper) "ABC" Just (’A’,"BC")
cis 194: homework 10 2
*Parser runParser (satisfy isUpper) "abc" Nothing *Parser runParser (char ’x’) "xyz" Just (’x’,"yz")
For convenience, we’ve also provided you with a parser for positive integers:
posInt :: Parser Integer posInt = Parser f where f xs | null ns = Nothing | otherwise = Just (read ns, rest) where (ns, rest) = span isDigit xs
Tools for building parsers
However, implementing parsers explicitly like this is tedious and error-prone for anything beyond the most basic primitive parsers. The real power of this approach comes from the ability to create complex parsers by combining simpler ones. And this power of combining will be given to us guessed it, Applicative.
Exercise 1 First, you’ll need to implement a Functor instance for Parser. Hint: You may find it useful to implement a function
first :: (a - b) - (a,c) - (b,c)
Exercise 2 Now implement an Applicative instance for Parser: • pure a represents the parser which consumes no input and successfully returns a result of a. • p1 <* p2 represents the parser which first runs p1 (which will consume some input and produce a function), then passes the remaining input to p2 (which consumes more input and produces some value), then returns the result of applying the function to the value. However, if either p1 or p2 fails then the whole thing should also fail (put another way, p1 <* p2 only succeeds if both p1 and p2 succeed). So what is this good for? Recalling the Employee example from class,
cis 194: homework 10 3
type Name = String data Employee = Emp { name :: Name, phone :: String }
we could now use the Applicative instance for Parser to make an employee parser from name and phone parsers. That is, if
parseName :: Parser Name parsePhone :: Parser String
Emp <$ parseName <* parsePhone :: Parser Employee is a parser which first reads a name from the input, then a phone number, and returns them combined into an Employee record. Of course, this assumes that the name and phone number are right next to each other in the input, with no intervening separators. We’ll see later how to make parsers that can throw away extra stuff that doesn’t directly correspond to information you want to parse.
Exercise 3 We can also test your Applicative instance using other simple applications of functions to multiple parsers. You should implement each of the following exercises using the Applicative interface to put together simpler parsers into more complex ones. Do not implement them using the low-level definition of a Parser! In other words, pretend that you do not have access to the Parser constructor or even know how the Parser type is defined.
• Create a parser
abParser :: Parser (Char, Char)
which expects to see the characters ’a’ and ’b’ and returns them as a pair. That is,
*AParser runParser abParser "abcdef" Just ((’a’,’b’),"cdef") *AParser runParser abParser "aebcdf" Nothing
• Now create a parser
abParser_ :: Parser ()
which acts in the same way as abParser but returns () instead of the characters ’a’ and ’b’.
cis 194: homework 10 4
*AParser runParser abParser_ "abcdef" Just ((),"cdef") *AParser runParser abParser_ "aebcdf" Nothing
• Create a parser intPair which reads two integer values separated by a space and returns the integer values in a list. You should use the provided posInt to parse the integer values.
*Parser runParser intPair "12 34" Just ([12,34],"")
Exercise 4 Applicative by itself can be used to make parsers for simple, fixed formats. But for any format involving choice (e.g. “...after the colon there can be a number or a word or parentheses...”) Applicative is not quite enough. To handle choice we turn to the Alternative class, defined (essentially) as follows:
class Applicative f = Alternative f where empty :: f a (<|) :: f a - f a - f a
(<|) is intended to represent choice: that is, f1 <| f2 represents a choice between f1 and f2. empty should be the identity element for (<|), and often represents failure. Write an Alternative instance for Parser:
• empty represents the parser which always fails.
• p1 <| p2 represents the parser which first tries running p1. If p1 succeeds then p2 is ignored and the result of p1 is returned. Otherwise, if p1 fails, then p2 is tried instead.
Hint: there is already an Alternative instance for Maybe which you may find useful.
Exercise 5 Implement a parser
intOrUppercase :: Parser ()
which parses either an integer value or an uppercase character, and fails otherwise.
cis 194: homework 10 5
*Parser runParser intOrUppercase "342abcd" Just ((), "abcd") *Parser runParser intOrUppercase "XYZ" Just ((), "YZ") *Parser runParser intOrUppercase "foo" Nothing
Next week, we will use your parsing framework to build a more sophisticated parser for a small programming language!

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