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Assignment 1: System Calls

• Points 8

Step 0: Log into MarkUs (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.using your
UTORID and your teach.cs password.
In this assignment, you will achieve the goal of hijacking (intercepting) system calls by writing
and installing a very basic kernel module to the Linux kernel.
Here is what "hijacking (intercepting) a system call" means. You will implement a new system
call named my_syscall, which will allow you to send commands from userspace, to intercept
another pre-existing system call (like read, write, open, etc.). After a system call is intercepted,
the intercepted system call logs a message first before continuing performing what it was
supposed to do.
For example, if we call my_syscall with command REQUEST_SYSCALL_INTERCEPT and
target system call number __NR_mkdir (which is the macro representing the system call
mkdir) as parameters, then, when another process calls mkdir, mkdir would log some
message (e.g., "muhahaha") first, then perform what it was supposed to do (i.e., make a
But wait, that's not the whole story yet. We only want mkdir to log a message when a certain
set of processes (PIDs) are calling mkdir. In other words, we want to monitor a set of PIDs for
the system call mkdir. Therefore, you will need to keep track, for each intercepted system call,
of the list of monitored PIDs. Our new system call will support two additional commands to add/
remove PIDs to/from the list.
When we want to stop hijacking a system call (let's say mkdir but it can be any of the
previously hijacked system calls), we can invoke the interceptor (my_syscall), with a
REQUEST_SYSCALL_RELEASE command as an argument and the system call number that we
want to release. This will stop intercepting the target system call mkdir, and the behaviour of
mkdir should go back to normal like nothing happened.
REPOSITORY! A directory called 'a1' will be created for you automatically when you log into
MarkUs and go on your a1 link. This directory will also be populated with the starter code, so
that after you do a git clone you will see the starter code.
Here is a checklist that should help get you started, and to make sure that you won't forget the
important things:
1. Find your GIT repository on MarkUs (see "Submission"), and make sure you can access
2. Test that you have access to the VM in the teaching labs (instructions below).
3. Download the disk image for the virtual machine here (gzipped) (Links to an external
site.)Links to an external site..
On the host computer (your laptop or a lab computer), use a virtual machine software
(VirtualBox (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. or VMware) to create a
virtual machine using the the disk image you downloaded (instructions to follow below).
4. Read and understand the existing code in the starter code. This is an important step of this
assignment, and you should not start writing your own code before you have a good
understanding of the starter code.
5. Implement the new kernel module by completing source file "interceptor.c". Sections
that need to be completed are marked with the TODO tag). Do NOT modify the header
file "interceptor.h".
6. Make sure to test as you go. You should first make sure that the commands to intercept
and de-intercept work well, before attempting to implement the monitoring commands.
7. Testing and debugging (must be done in the virtual machine):
a. Check out your code inside the virtual machine.
b. Type make to compile your kernel module. Make sure there is no error or
c. Implement the intercept and release commands.
d. Compile the test_intercept.c program using gcc.
e. Test your code using sudo ./test_intercept, and make sure that all tests
f. Implement the monitoring/un-monitoring commands.
g. Compile the test_full.c program using gcc.
h. Test your code using sudo ./test_full, and make sure that all tests pass.
i. Test your code by modifying test_full.c to test different system calls.
8. Submit your code on time. See "Submission" for more details.
9. Congratulations! You now have some great hands-on experience with the Linux kernel!
You can now be proud of having programmed a Linux kernel module. You know what
else are commonly implemented as kernel modules? Device drivers! Although they are
more complex, you now technically have the basis to try to write one. Isn't that cool?
The goal of this assignment is to learn more about system calls and to use synchronization
mechanisms. For this assignment you will be writing a very basic kernel module that intercepts
system calls and monitors processes on demand.
In order to be able to issue our own hijacking commands from userspace, we need a new system
call that takes as parameters the command, the system call number (to be intercepted), and (for
monitoring) a pid.
Instead of adding a new system call, which can be tricky, our new system call my_syscall
will be installed in place of an unused system call in the system call table. We will connect
my_syscall to the entry number MY_CUSTOM_SYSCALL (in effect, entry 0 which is mostly
unused). The new system call my_syscall, defined as follows:
int my_syscall(int cmd, int syscall, int pid);
will serve as an interceptor and will receive the following commands from userspace:
a. REQUEST_SYSCALL_INTERCEPT: intercept the system call syscall
b. REQUEST_SYSCALL_RELEASE: de-intercept the system call syscall
c. REQUEST_START_MONITORING: start monitoring process pid for system call
syscall, i.e., add pid to the syscall's list of monitored PIDs. A special case is that
if pid is 0 then all processes are monitored for syscall, but only root has the
permission to issue this command (see the comments for my_syscall in the starter
code for more details). A system call can only be monitored if it is already intercepted.
d. REQUEST_STOP_MONITORING: stop monitoring process pid for system call
syscall, i.e., remove pid from the syscall's list of monitored PIDs.
Kernel module operation
Your kernel module must, upon initialization, replace the system call table entry for the
MY_CUSTOM_SYSCALL number, with the my_syscall function. When the module is
released, it must restore this system call to its original routine.
As a result, when your kernel module is loaded, any subsequent invocations of the system call
number MY_CUSTOM_SYSCALL from userspace, will issue four types of commands, to
intercept or release a given system call, and to start and stop monitoring a pid for a specific
syscall. You must implement the my_syscall function accordingly.
When an intercept command is issued, the corresponding entry in the system call table will be
replaced with a generic interceptor function (discussed later) and the original system call will be
saved. When a REQUEST_SYSCALL_RELEASE command is issued, the original saved system
call is restored in the system call table in its corresponding position.
Monitoring a process consists of the module logging into userspace some information about the
process and the system call: the system call number, the parameters of the system call, and the
pid of the process.
When a REQUEST_START_MONITORING command comes through our custom system call,
the kernel module must record internally that the pid passed as a parameter should be monitored
for the syscall number (passed as a parameter as well). The monitoring can be done for a specific
pid, or for all pids (in which case the pid parameter for my_syscall will be 0).
Ok, but I still don't understand, what does it mean to monitor a pid? And what does the generic
interceptor function do?
Let's start with the monitoring. We have established that once the user issues a monitoring
command, the kernel module records internally that pid should be monitored whenever it issues
system call number syscall (it will be placed in a monitored list - see details in starter code).
We have also established that the generic interceptor function is what each intercepted system
call will reach. In other words, whenever we reach the generic interceptor, we know that the
system call is being intercepted (otherwise we would not reach this). If the pid of the process
issuing the system call is being monitored, that means that we must print some information to a
log. The log message will simply contain the system call number and the arguments, as well as
the calling process's pid.
We have provided you in the starter code with a log_message macro, which takes care of
sending a message to the system log. You can check the log using the dmesg command.
As you might expect, regardless if a pid is monitored or not, the generic interceptor must
eventually (once it's done logging, if applicable), call the original system call to allow normal
operation of all processes in the system.
Alright, but what if a process exits before the user can issue a system call to stop monitoring it?
Good question! When your kernel module initializes, you should also hijack the exit_group
system call (with number __NR_exit_group), by replacing it in the system call table with your
own custom function my_exit_group. Of course, make sure to save the original exit_group
function, and to restore it when your kernel module is unloaded.
Implementing the my_exit_group function should be simple: all you have to do is to remove
the pid of the exiting process from all kernel module's internal bookkeeping on monitored
processes, then call the original exit_group function.
Error Conditions
You must make sure to check any possible misuse of the commands. In case of a misuse, you
should return a proper error code (e.g., -EINVAL, -EPERM, google "Linux error code" for more
information on error codes). Here is a list of things you should keep in mind:
A. For each of the commands, check that the arguments are valid (-EINVAL):
◦ The syscall number must be valid: not negative, not NR_syscalls-1 (the last
syscall number in the table), and not MY_CUSTOM_SYSCALL itself (for
obvious reasons).
◦ The pid must be valid for the monitoring commands. It cannot be a negative
integer, and it must be an existing pid (except for the case when it's 0, indicating
that we want to start/stop monitoring for all pids).
If a pid belongs to a valid process, then the following call is not NULL:
pid_task(find_vpid(pid), PIDTYPE_PID)
B. Check that the called has the right permissions (-EPERM):
◦ For the first two commands, we must be root (see the current_uid() macro), to be
able to intercept or release system calls.
◦ For the last two commands, the following logic applies:
▪ Is the calling process root? if so, all is good, no doubts about permissions.
▪ If it is not, then check if the pid requested is owned by the calling process
▪ Also, if pid is 0 and the calling process is not root, then access is denied
(monitoring all pids should only be allowed for a superuser, for obvious
C. Check for correct context of commands (-EINVAL):
◦ Cannot de-intercept a system call that has not been intercepted yet.
◦ Cannot start monitoring a system call that has not been intercepted yet.
◦ Cannot stop monitoring for a pid that is not being monitored, or if the system call
has not been intercepted yet.
D. Check for -EBUSY conditions:
◦ If intercepting a system call that is already intercepted.
◦ If monitoring a pid that is already being monitored.
E. If a pid cannot be added to a monitored list, due to no memory being available, an -
ENOMEM error code should be returned. The starter code provides a set of functions that
enable operation with kernel lists.
What if a stop monitoring request comes in for a specific PID (let's call it P), for a syscall that
monitors all PIDs? If we already monitor all PIDs for a syscall, then you might have to think of
a solution to make sure that you can keep monitoring all the PIDs in the system, except for P.
Please keep in mind that some processes that will be monitored may not have even started their
execution. Also, please keep in mind that we might have other stop monitoring requests for the
same syscall. One possibility is to turn the list of monitored pids into a "blacklist" (keeping track
of the pids that are not being monitored).
General information
1. You must use the starter code provided, which gives you detailed instructions on what
you need to implement. Please make sure to implement all the parts indicated using
detailed TODO comments. Please make sure to first attend the tutorial which will help
you write a simple kernel module and show you how to use printk statements for
debugging. See the tutorial notes as well.
2. Your assignment will be tested on a virtual machine on teach.cs (aka teaching labs). You
can access this virtual machine from your teaching labs account, or you can download the
provided virtual machine disk image and install it on your personal computer through a
virtualization solution (for example, free software include VMWare Player, VirtualBox,
3. We strongly recommend that you do NOT use the virtual machine for development, but
rather only for testing and debugging. While working on this assignment, it is quite likely
you will crash the kernel and although you can kill and restart the VM, there will be no
guarantee that your code will still be there (the VM tools on the teaching labs won't
guarantee you safe snapshots). To prevent your hard work from possible data corruption,
either git clone inside the VM and use your repository to commit+push your code
periodically from within the VM, or make sure to at least back up your code periodically
(e.g., by scp-ing it back to your teaching labs account).
Accessing the Virtual Machine on the teaching labs
Guidelines for accessing the VM on the teaching labs can be found in the file:
VirtualMachineInstructions.txt. Please make sure to follow the instructions carefully.
Setup VM On Your Own Machine
Note: Your assignment has to ultimately be tested on a teaching lab machine. However, if you
wish to develop it and test it first on your own machine, using virtualization software (*do not
test your assignment directly on your computer!*), then we will provide some basic instructions
on how to do so. Since VirtualBox is one of the most portable (as well as free) virtualization
software, here(VirtualBox Instructions) and here (Links to an external site.)Links to an external
site. are some basic guidelines on how to install the VM image in VirtualBox on your computer
(of course, many tutorials can be found online as well, so feel free to consult other sources if
something does not work well for your own machine).
Implementation details
1. Since the number of system calls is rather small (~300), and for performance reasons, you
must maintain the system call information in an array. Each array element will contain
information, as described in the mytable struct:
typedef struct {
asmlinkage long (*f)(struct pt_regs);
int intercepted;
int monitored;
int listcount;
struct list_head my_list;
} mytable;
2. You must use a linked list for storing information about the monitored processes; using
an array of fixed size is entirely inadequate (because the search time will be the same as a
linked list, the implementation complexity will be the same, but the size of the array will
limit the number of entries).
3. The system call table is exported by the void* sys_call_table[NR_syscalls], present in
one of the kernel source files from the VM image on the teaching labs. If you wish to
configure your own kernel image and re-compile it, you can modify the source code by
adding the following two lines in the /usr/src/linux-source-2.6.32/arch/
x86/kernel/i386_ksyms_32.c file:
extern void* sys_call_table[];
then recompile the kernel. Again, our virtual machine image already has these changes in
4. Since the 2.6 kernel is preemptive, you must protect access to shared data. You will be
using spinlocks for this purpose. The use of spinlocks is fairly simple and you have been
shown some examples in one of the tutorials.
5. You must use the system call number 0 for MY_CUSTOM_SYSCALL. Do not attempt
to use a different existing system call number, as that may result in the kernel
misbehaving (to say the least). Remember that lots of services running in your OS make
use of these system calls.
6. Logging the system call will be done using the log_message macro, defined in the
interceptor.h header file.
7. Locking must be used to protect access to the primary data structure. Remember that
locks should be held for a minimum number of instructions -- marks will be deducted if
the program holds locks for too long. (On the other hand locks are ineffectual if they are
released too early.)
8. For testing, you can use the provided tester programs. After you compile a test program
(the provided Makefile only compiles your interceptor module, not any tester!),
remember to run the tester using sudo privileges in the VM.
To facilitate your testing, you should first try to implement the commands to intercept
and release system calls. When you are ready to test these, use the
test_intercept.c tester.
Once all tests pass, you can proceed to implementing the monitoring commands. To test
all commands (both related to intercepting and to monitoring), you can use the
test_full.c tester.
Testing your code
To help you test your code, we have provided two testers, which you will also find in your
repositories. To encourage you to test as you go, we are providing you with two testers:
• test_intercept.c - tests if your intercept and de-intercept commands work
correctly. You should first implement these and make sure the tester passes all cases.
• test_full.c - tests if all commands (including intercept, release, and both monitoring
commands) work properly. This is a superset of the first tester, and you should only use
once your code passes the first tester.
The tester loads your module and tests some basic functionality. It is by no means a
comprehensive tool to ensure your code works for every corner case. To ensure that your code
works correctly in all possible scenarios, you should add more test cases by modifying the testers
(see code comments in main). However, please do not submit your own tester files, because they
will not be marked. The tester will also not catch synchronization bugs, except for blatant
deadlocks. It is your responsibility to ensure that your code is not likely to run into
synchonization problems. Finally, when testing, you will likely see the tester crash on various
tests, due to bugs in your module. During your debugging, please feel free to go in each tester,
and comment out some of the system calls being tested, if you wish to debug each test case in
Other Useful Tips
• Again, run tests ONLY in the virtual machine, NOT native computer, unless you hate
your laptop.
• Once more, we strongly recommend that you do NOT use the virtual machine for
development, but rather only for testing and debugging. Since it is quite likely you will
crash the kernel and there will be no guarantee that your code will be intact. To prevent
your hard work from possible data corruption, either git clone inside the VM and
commit+push your code periodically, or make sure to at least back up your code
• Reading and understanding code is as important as (if not more important than) writing
• The comments in the starter code have a lot of information, make sure to read them
• Remember that when we de-intercept a syscall, the original system call must be restored
in the system call table. For that you must properly store the original system call before
replacing it.
• For debugging, learn how to use the printk function, which prints messages to kernel
log. See tutorial notes as well.
• Use dmesg command to check the kernel log.
You will submit the interceptor.c file that contains your implementation, along with the
files required to build your program (including the provided interceptor.h, Makefile,
and Kbuild, which you should not modify). Do not submit executables, or tester files!
For those working in pairs, please make sure to commit to the group repository. Do not leave
this to the last minute, technical trouble with your repository will not get you an extension!

If there is any information you would like give the markers about your program such as anything
that isn't fully implemented or doesn't work fully, please include an INFO.txt file containing the
Finally, whether you work individually or in pairs with a partner, you must submit a
plagiarism.txt file, with the following statement:
"All members of this group reviewed all the code being submitted and have a good
understanding of it. All members of this group declare that no code other than their own has been
submitted. We both acknowledge that not understanding our own work will result in a zero on
this assignment, and that if the code is detected to be plagiarised, severe academic penalties will
be applied when the case is brought forward to the Dean of Arts and Science."
Make sure your code compiles without any errors or warnings.
Code that does not compile will receive zero marks!
Marking scheme
We will be marking based on correctness (90%), and coding style (10%). Make sure to write
legible code, properly indented, and to include comments where appropriate (excessive
comments are just as bad as not providing enough comments). Code structure and clarity will be
marked strictly!
More details on the marking scheme:
• Correctness - init/exit module: 5% (correct functionality of init/exit_module)
• Correctness - exit_group: 5%
• Correctness - interceptor: 5%
• Correctness - my_syscall: marks for each operation are divided between functionality and
checking of validity of arguments
◦ syscall_intercept 15%
◦ syscall_release 15%
◦ start_monitoring 15%
◦ stop_monitoring 20% (5% for implementing a blacklist to handle the case when
all pids are being monitored for a system call, and you want to remove a pid from
that set.)
• Synchronization: 10% (Correct use of synchronization primitives. Even if code does not
deadlock or cause race conditions during testing, if the code looks like it has the potential
to do so, marks will be deducted accordingly.)
• Code style and organization: 10% - code design/organization (modularity, code
readability, reasonable variable names, avoid code duplication, appropriate comments
where necessary, proper indentation and spacing, etc.)
• Negative deductions (please be careful about these!):
◦ Code does not compile -100% for *any* mistake, for example: missing source file
necessary for building your code (including Kbuild, Makefile, provided source
files, etc.), typos, any compilation error, etc. (If it is a straightforward fix like a
missing file, then you may request a remark with a 20% penalty.)
◦ No plagiarism.txt file: -100% (we will assume that your code is
plagiarised, if this file is missing)
◦ Compiler Warnings: -10%
◦ Extra output (other than the function that logs messages): -10%
◦ Code placed in subdirectories: -20% (only place your code directly under your A1

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