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 Assignment 5 Goodness of Fit tests

Assignment 5
The purpose of this assignment is to use the software R to perform Goodness of Fit tests and test for independence in two way tables. The code for this assignment is posted both as a text file called RCodeAssignment5.txt and an R file called RCodeAssignment5R.R which are posted in the Assignment 5 folder in the Assignments folder under Content on Learn.
Problem 1: Run the following R code.
################################################################################### # run this code only once library(MASS) ###################################################################################
################################################################################### # Problem 1: Testing the Multinomial Model with Equal Probabilities id<-20456458 set.seed(id) k<-sample(5:9,1) # randomly choose number of categories for Multinomial data p<-sample(1:9,k,replace=TRUE) p<-p/sum(p) # choose random probabilities which must sum to one y<-rmultinom(1,150,p) # generate random data e<- rep(150/k, k) # calculate expected frequencies assuming equal probabilities for each category # print table of observed and expected frequencies cat("Table of Observed and Expected Frequencies ") print(data.frame("Category" = rbind(y[,1],e), row.names = c("Observed", "Expected")),digits=4) # observed values of likelihood ratio test statistic and Goodness of Fit test statistic # and corresponding p-values df<-k-1 # degrees of freedom for the Chi-squared distribution lambda<-2*sum(y*log(y/e)) pvalue<-1-pchisq(lambda,df) cat("Observed value of likelihood ratio statistic = ", lambda) cat("with p-value = ",pvalue, "and degrees of freedom = ",df) pearson<-sum(((y-e)^2)/e) pvalue<-1-pchisq(pearson,df) cat("Observed value of Goodness of Fit statistic = ", pearson) cat("with p-value = ", pvalue, "and degrees of freedom = ",df) ###################################################################################
Verify that you obtain the following output:
Category.1 Category.2 Category.3 Category.4 Category.5 Observed 8 23 43 63 13 Expected 30 30 30 30 30
Observed value of likelihood ratio statistic = 69.33145 with p-value = 3.141931e-14 and degrees of freedom = 4
Observed value of Goodness of Fit statistic = 69.33333 with p-value = 3.141931e-14 and degrees of freedom = 4
Problem 2: Run the following R code.
################################################################################### # Problem 2: Testing the Goodness of Fit of a Poisson Model set.seed(id) model<-sample(c(1:4),1) cat("Model = ", model) # Data are randomly generated from one of four different models all with mean 4 # Model=1: Poisson(4) distribution # Model=2: Negative Binomial(3,3/7) # Model=3: G(4,1) distribution and discretized # Model=4: Gamma(3,4/3) distribution and discretized if (model==1) { y<-rpois(150,4) # 150 observations from Poisson(4) } else if (model==2) { y<-rnbinom(150,3,3/7) # 150 observations from NB(3,3/7) } else if (model==3) { y<-round( rnorm(150,4,1)) # 150 observations from G(4,1) rounded y[y<0]<-0 # convert any negative observations to 0 } else if (model==4) { y<-round(rgamma(150,3,3/4)) # 150 observations from Gamma(3,4/3) rounded } ymin<-min(y) ymax<-max(y) # determine categories and frequencies for the data data<-table(c(y, ymin:ymax))-1 # Done to ensure all categories are accounted for f<-as.numeric(data) # frequencies cat<-as.numeric(names(data)) # determine the maximum likelihood estimate of theta which is the sample mean calculated # from the frequency table
thetahat<-sum(cat*f)/150 # determine the expected frequencies e<-dpois(cat,thetahat)*150 #expected frequencies for Poisson data #frequency for ymin must be sum for y<=ymin e[1]<-ppois(ymin,thetahat)*150 ncat<-length(e) # frequency for ymax must be sum of frequencies for y=ymax e[ncat]<- ppois(ymax- 1,thetahat, lower = F)*150 # Table of Observed and expected frequencies data<-rbind("y" = ymin:ymax, "observed" = f, "expected" = e) # print table of observed and expected frequencies cat("Table of Observed and Expected Frequencies ") print(data,digits=4) # Expected frequencies must all be at least 5 to apply tests. Collapse categories if necessary. nbins<-ncol(data) while(data[3, nbins] < 5){ data[2:3, nbins - 1]<-data[2:3, nbins - 1] + data[2:3, nbins] data<-data[, -nbins] nbins<-nbins - 1 } nbins<-1 while(data[3, nbins] < 5){ data[2:3, nbins + 1]<-data[2:3, nbins + 1] + data[2:3, nbins] data<-data[, -nbins] } cat("Table of Observed and Expected Frequencies ") # print table of observed and expected frequencies print(data,digits=4) # observed values of likelihood ratio test statistic and Goodness of Fit test statistic # and corresponding p-values df = ncol(data)-2 # degress of freedom for the Chi-squared distribution f<-data[2,] e<-data[3,] lambda<-2*sum(f*log(f/e)) pvalue<-1-pchisq(lambda,df) cat("Observed value of likelihood ratio statistic = ", lambda) cat("with p-value = ",pvalue, "and degrees of freedom = ",df) pearson<-sum(((f-e)^2)/e) pvalue<-1-pchisq(pearson,df) cat("Observed value of Goodness of Fit statistic = ", pearson) cat("with p-value = ", pvalue, "and degrees of freedom = ",df) ###################################################################################
Verify that you obtain the following output: Model = 1
Table of Observed and Expected Frequencies [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8] [,9] [,10] y 0.000 1.00 2.00 3.0 4.0 5.00 6.00 7.000 8.000 9.000 observed 3.000 8.00 20.00 35.0 28.0 28.00 15.00 6.000 4.000 3.000 expected 2.822 11.21 22.27 29.5 29.3 23.29 15.42 8.753 4.347 3.087
Table of Observed and Expected Frequencies
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8] y 1.00 2.00 3.0 4.0 5.00 6.00 7.000 8.000 observed 11.00 20.00 35.0 28.0 28.00 15.00 6.000 7.000 expected 14.03 22.27 29.5 29.3 23.29 15.42 8.753 7.434
Observed value of likelihood ratio statistic = 3.882476 with p-value = 0.6925769 and degrees of freedom = 6
Observed value of Goodness of Fit statistic = 3.82811 with p-value = 0.6999245 and degrees of freedom = 6
Problem 3: Run the following R code.
################################################################################### # Problem 3: Testing for Independence in Two Way Tables set.seed(id) # generate data for a two way table by first simulating bivariate data # from the Bivariate Normal distribution and then discretize the data # Random uniform between -0.75 and 0.75 corrCoef<-runif(1, -0.75, 0.75) sigma<-max(id %% 10, 1) # Last digit of UWID using modulo, minimum value of 1. mu1<-max(id %% 100 - id %% 10, 20) # (Second last digit*10) is extracted here, minimum value of 20 mu2<-max(id %% 1000 - id %% 100, 30) # (Third last digit*100) is extracted here, minimum value of 30 VarCovar<-cbind(c(sigma^2, corrCoef*sigma^2), c(corrCoef*sigma^2, sigma^2)) # Simulate data from a bivariate Normal n<-sample(c(100:200),1) # n = sample size cat("Number of observations = ",n) data2<-mvrnorm(n, mu = c(mu1, mu2), Sigma = VarCovar) # Create smoker/non-smoker variable by mapping 1 to smoker and 2 to non-smoker
data3 = data3[, 1]<-ifelse(data3[,1] < median(data3[,1]), 1, 2) data3[, 1]<-c("Smoker", "Non-smoker") [data3[,1]] # Create tall/avg/short height variable by mapping 1 to tall, 2 to average and 3 to short data3[, 2]<-floor((rank(data3[, 2])-0.1)/nrow(data3)*3) + 1 data3[, 2]<-c("Tall", "Average", "Short")[data3[, 2]] data3[, 1]<-factor(data3[, 1]) data3[, 2]<-factor(data3[, 2]) colnames(data3)<-c("Smoker Indicator", "Height Indicator") f<-table(data3) cat("Table of Observed Frequencies:") f r<-margin.table(f,1) # row totals c<-margin.table(f,2) # column totals e<-outer(r,c)/sum(f) # matrix of expected frequencies cat("Table of Expected Frequencies:") print(e,digits=4) lambda<-2*sum(f*log(f/e)) # observed value of likelihood ratio statistic df<-(length(r)-1)*(length(c)-1) # degrees of freedom pvalue<-1-pchisq(lambda,df) cat("Observed value of likelihood ratio statistic = ", lambda) cat("with p-value = ",pvalue, "and degrees of freedom = ",df) pearson<-sum(((f-e)^2)/e) pvalue<-1-pchisq(pearson,df) cat("Observed value of Goodness of Fit statistic = ", pearson) cat("with p-value = ", pvalue, "and degrees of freedom = ",df) ###################################################################################
Verify that you obtain the following output:
Number of observations = 109
Table of Observed Frequencies:
Height Indicator Smoker Indicator Average Short Tall Non-smoker 23 6 26 Smoker 13 31 10
Table of Expected Frequencies:
Height Indicator Smoker Indicator Average Short Tall Non-smoker 18.17 18.67 18.17 Smoker 17.83 18.33 17.83
Observed value of likelihood ratio statistic = 28.66472 with p-value = 5.963973e-07 and degrees of freedom = 2
Observed value of Goodness of Fit statistic = 26.77386 with p-value = 1.535077e-06 and degrees of freedom = 2
Run the R code above again except modify the line "id<-20456458" in Problem 1 by replacing the number 20456458 with your UWaterloo ID number. Download the Assignment 5 Template which is posted as a Word document on Learn. Fill in the required information and plots based on the output for the data generated using your ID number. Your assignment must follow the template exactly. See Assignment 5 Example posted on Learn. Create a .pdf file for the answer to EACH problem.

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