Assignment5: FunWithBinaryTrees
Upon completion of this assignment, you need to be able to: • Implement a binary tree using a reference based structure. • Become more familiar with the use of generics in Java. • Implement iterators that traverse a binary tree in pre, in, and post order. • Implement a binary search tree that extends a regular binary tree. • Continue to apply good programming practice in – designing programs, – proper documentation, – testing and debugging problems with code.
References: • CSC115 Java coding conventions. • Textbook Chapter 11 Sections 11.1, 11.2 and 11.3. Introduction
In this course, we create data structures that are containers for items as a means to store, insert, retrieve and remove these items. Each of the ADTs we’ve studied have been linear (linear) data structures, in that they store items one after the other. In this assignment, we implement a basic binary tree that stores and allows access to any object in a non-linear ADT. Extending the basic binary tree, we also create a binary tree that stores data types, taking advantage of their natural ordering.
Traversing a linear data structure is intuitive; we start at one end and continue through the line one item at a time. A binary tree, however, has four different traversals: three that are easily implemented using recursion, and another (level order) that is implemented using a queue.Inthisassignment,youwillimplementthethreerecursivetraversalsbycompleting a linear data structure that stores the ordered items, and uses an Iterator object to serve the items. To illustrate the uses of the basic binary tree, we dust off the arithmetic expression from Assignment 3 and discover that converting infix to postfix is as easy as returning a postorder iterator. To illustrate the uses of a binary search tree, we insert items and note that an inorder iterator provides us with a sorted list of items.
(1) Create a fresh directory to contain this assignment: CSC115/assn5 is a recommended name. Download this pdf file and the .java files to this directory. (2) Download and extract the javafiles.zip and docs.zip in the same directory. A docsdirectorywillbecreatedtostorethespecificationsforthepublicclasses.Allthe documentlinksinthisdocumentareaccessibleiftheyarestoredinthe docs directory local to this pdf file. A light blue text segment indicates a link. (3) The following files are complete: • TreeNode.java • InvalidExpressionException.java • TreeException.java • DrawableBTree.java • Tools.java • Expression.java (4) The following files are partially done and need to be completed: • BinaryTree.java • BinaryTreeIterator.java • BinarySearchTree.java
Hint This assignment may seem complicated on your first read-through. There are a lot of concepts, and many of them are set in the assignment to guide you through the process of creating programs that are modular and interact well with other programs. Please take our advice and go through this assignment in steps. These steps have been set out with the intention of helping you develop understanding incrementally as you progress from onesteptoanother.Asabonus,wehopeyounotetheintricaciesoftheprovidedcodeand use these to develop your own personal style of programming.
The completed java classes are used to support and test the Binary trees. You must not changethese; however,itishighlyrecommendthatyouexamineandunderstandthem. • InvalidExpressionException and TreeException need no explanations. • TreeNode isa package-protected classandthereforehasnospecificationdocument. Thetextbookhasadescriptionofa TreeNode thatcontainsareferencetobothaleftand rightchild.Theauthors’implementationappearslesscomplicated,however,allpathsin theirtreesareone-way.TheTreeNodeinthisassignmentalsocontainsareferencetothe parent node,which may or may not be used. Using a parent data field requires some extra linking statements during insert and remove, but it allows two-way directional access. You may choose whatever you like: if you choose not to use the parent data field, then just ignore it in the tree implementations. • Expression is a slightly modified ArithExpression from Assignment 3. You may use this class as the tester for the BinaryTree class once it is working. The tokenize method is unchanged, except that the infix tokens are stored in an array. To access the postfixexpression,theinfixexpressionisinsertedintotheBinaryTreeandifeverything worksasexpected,thepostfixexpressioniscreatedbythepostfixtraversalofthebinary tree. You do not need to do anything except run this class. • ToolsisexactlythesameasinAssignment3.ItactsasahelperclassfortheExpression class. • DrawableBTree is provided as a means to render the BinaryTrees. The rendering statements are already done in the Expression class so you can test the BinaryTree class visually. Once you start inserting a few items into the BinarySearchTree, simply add the following two lines to the main method to render the tree:
DrawableBTree<classname dbt = new DrawableBTree<classname(theTree); dbt.showFrame();
where classname is the actual type of items stored and theTree is the variable name of the BinarySearchTree object. The second statement causes a frame to become visible on the desktop. You can resize theframeasdesiredandthetreewillexpandtofittheframe.Whiletheframeisvisible, the Java Virtual Machine is still running, and will quit when you close the frame.
Thefollowingsectionsdescribetheclassesthatyoumustcomplete,intheorderyoucreate them.
The BinaryTree class is a basic binary tree that contains generic elements. Implement the methods as instructed, following the specifications. Most of the methods follow the descriptions from the textbook, where the authors provide details on the implementation. The only added method is the public height method, which calls a private height method: you must use recursion to implement this.∗
The textbook discusses the BinaryTreeIterator interface in detail. An Iterator object allows any number of users to traverse a data structure at one time (think about it as a personal bookmark for a book that is shared). Follow the tips in this partially completed class to create the iterator object. Note that in the BinaryTree, each iterator method returns a newly created iterator object.
The BinarySearchTree class extends BinaryTree in that it stores only those items that have a natural ordering. The reason for this is that the BinarySearchTree imposes an ordering on its items. In Java, every class that has a natural ordering implements
∗One can never get enough recursion practice.
Comparable. In other words, the item class must have a compareTo method that determines which of two items come earlier in an ordered list. Java generics allows us to specify that every item in the BinarySearchTree implements Comparable by requiring that E extends Comparable<E† BinarySearchTree inherits every non-public data field and method from BinaryTree, excepttheconstructors.Wedonotwant BinarySearchTree toinheritthepublicmethods that allow a user to add whole left or right subtrees, so we must override these methods with new statements that prevent a user from implementing the BinaryTree version of these methods. We demonstrate how to do this with one of the methods; you are to implement the second one. Mostmethodsaredescribedinthetextbook.Severalmethodsareeasilyimplementedusing recursion, such as retrieve and insert. Although the authors use recursion for each of the remove cases, you do not have to if you prefer to take advantage of the parent data field in the TreeNode class.
Submit the folloing completed files to the Assignment folder on conneX. • BinaryTree.java • BinaryTreeIterator.java • BinarySearchTree.java Please make sure you have submitted the required file(s) and conneX has sent you a confirmation email. Do not send [.class] (the byte code) files. Also, make sure you submit your assignment, not just save a draft. Draft copies are not made available to the instructors, so they are not collected with the other submissions. We can find your draft submission,, but only if we know that it’s there.
Marks are allocated for the following: • Proper programming style is demnstrated, as per the coding conventions on CSC115 conneX Resources. All ”NOTE TO STUDENT” comments must be removed from the code. • Source code that follows the specifications and instructions. • Source code that takes full advantage of inheritance. • Good modularity: well-defined helper methods in BinarySearchTree. (Helper methods are not expected in BinaryTree in this assignment.) • Internal testing: BinaryTree does not need internal testing. The Expression class can be run to test the basics. BinarySearchTree must test all its methods, as well as the appropriate public methods it inherits from BinaryTree. You do not need to test the attach left and right tree methods. • You will receive no marks for any Java files that do not compile.