0. Overview:
In this assignment, you will develop a program to handle university degree auditing and course
management. That is, after taking a set of courses, a student would like to know if she/he has met
the graduation requirements for a particular degree (or what the student is missing to meet those
requirements). The requirements include required courses, total credit hours, minimum GPA, etc.
As a college student, can you see the value of such a tool in the real world?
To build any software system, one must be equipped with the following: a firm grasp of the
problem to be solved, the ability to divide the problem into smaller problems, devising related
algorithms to solve the smaller problems and combining their solutions, the ability to translate
the high level design into a computer program in a particular programming language (in our case
C++), and the ability to debug and test the program.
All of our projects in this course are related to this core problem. So before you begin, you may
want to review your own degree requirements to make sure you really understand them. If we are
not able to understand a problem, then no matter how good we are as programmers or software
engineers, we will not be able to solve that problem.
We currently have an interactive program to “manage” the coursework of a student. The program
is also able to retrieve and store a student’s course work from and to a file, respectively. We also
practiced using C++ classes, a user defined type. Instead of or in addition to using five parallel
arrays, we used a single array of Course objects to hold the same information. We also
developed a way to represent the degree requirements in a file. Project seven has all the
functionalities of project six, plus the additional features of reading the requirement file into a
data structure and performing a simple degree audit for the University Core requirements.
Project seven is an extension of project six, and some data structures (classes or arrays) could be
introduced and adjusted as you see fit. You also have another chance to fix any bugs from the
previous project.
1.1 A basic algorithm for degree audit:
To perform a degree audit, we will first need to create a new course list that contains only the
distinct courses with grades between A to D from the current list of courses taken (our old five
parallel arrays or our new array of Course objects). Note that if a student repeats the same course
twice (for example a social sciences elective), only one of these two can be used. Hence, we
want the list to be distinct. Also courses with grades F, W, or I cannot be used to meet any
course requirement, so we will not add them to the list of distinct classes. When we create this
distinct list and the same class has been taken multiple times, we want to save the one with the
higher grade. To save time, we’ll call the distinct list “L” from now on.Once we have L, we can perform the actual degree audit. Conceptually, we will have two lists.
One list contains the various requirements (e.g. 8 hours of math courses) for a single requirement
group, and the other is the list of distinct classes (L). Furthermore, each requirement will have its
own list of classes that can be used to satisfy the requirement. (E.g MATH 2004 and MATH
2014 might both satisfy the math requirement above.) For each requirement, we will need to
search the entire list of distinct classes (L) to determine whether or not that requirement has been
met. To do so, we maintain an accumulator. When a class is found that meets the requirements,
we add that class’s hours to the accumulator. If, after we have gone through all of the classes, the
value of the accumulator is ≥ the hours specified by the requirement, the requirement has been
satisfied. If all of the requirements in the group have been satisfied, we claim the degree audit is
Note that within a group, each course can be used only once. For example, PLSC 2003 can
either be used for social sciences electives or U.S. history exclusively. However, a course might
be used to meet multiple requirements in different requirement groups. For example, PHIL 3103
meets humanities of the University Core as well as BACS, BSCS, BSCmpE majors Ethics Core.
So in general, once we finish with one requirement group, we will repeat the search of each
course in L again for each different requirement group. However, you are not required to audit
other requirement groups beyond the University Core for this project.
You will use the above algorithm to perform the degree audit for the University Core. Note that
it is possible for the algorithm to give an incorrect audit result if all social sciences electives are
from the same department, or if no lab courses are taken for the natural sciences. Do you see
why? It’s okay for now. To make the program more robust, we would have to refine our
requirement modeling and our requirement file so that rules such as “social sciences electives
must be taken from at least two departments” can be represented and captured in the requirement
file. We will ignore that problem for now. It will be left to the “food for thought” section.
1.2 Each requirement as a class:
In the requirement file, each blank line separates one requirement from another requirement.
Each requirement has a group label and a subgroup label, the hours required, and a list of
courses and their credit hours that can be used to meet the requirement (please review the
HW6 document). To better support the above algorithm, we will introduce a requirement class
(e.g. Requirement) that contains all the above information and some additional members to
keep track of the courses matched, hours earned, and whether the requirement is met or not.
We may also introduce useful member functions to support the algorithm described above. One
way to design such a class is to have parallel arrays as members of the class for the list of
courses. Another way is to introduce an additional class, and then to store an array of that class.
You are free to select a design that makes sense to you.
1. Problem Statement:
One goal of this assignment is to give students a chance to synthesize what they have learned in
the entire semester by finishing the semester long “degree audit” project. In so doing, studentswill gain experience with designing and using their own classes, text file processing, writing and
using functions, using and introducing array data structures and various variables of built-in
types and the string type, and using if statements and loops. A secondary goal is to give students
a chance to modify an existing program to make it more useful. To meet these goals, students
will be required to improve their previous course management and degree requirement program
to make the program more modular, flexible and robust. Students will be required to introduce a
suitable class or user defined type to represent a single requirement and suitable arrays or
classes to hold all the requirements in a requirement group (such as the University Core).
Students will also be required to implement a degree audit for the University Core
Requirements using the algorithm provided (section 0.1). Students have the freedom in designing
new data structures or functions and modify existing data structures and functions as they see fix.
Students should document their design and modification in their report.
Enhanced features: Using the information from the degree requirement file and the list of
courses, the program performs degree audit for the University Core Requirements and outputs
the audit outcome.
Extra credit will be given if the program performs a degree audit beyond the University
Core Requirements. Your code will have to support multiple requirement sets in order to
accomplish this goal.
Students are allowed to use any “built-in” functions related to files and any combination of user
defined classes, functions, arrays, data structures, if statements, and loops (while loops or for
loops). You are NOT required or allowed to look ahead to more advanced C++ features like
pointers or vectors to perform this task. Students are free to develop all the classes or functions
as they see fit (you have more freedom in your program design than before).
2. Design:
Your first design task is to create a class for one requirement (e.g. Requirement). This class
must have at least the following information stored in its members: requirement group,
requirement subgroup, hours needed for this requirement, and a list of courses (each course
has an associated course name and credit hour). You may want to introduce additional variables
or members to indicate the number of courses in the list and to “remember” those courses used to
meet the requirement. You may also wish to maintain useful information such as the number of
credit hours earned, and so on. In addition to members, you must decide which member
functions (or methods) are necessary and their purposes should be, what their arguments and
types are, and what their return values should be in order to support the degree audit algorithm.
Since each requirement group (such as the University Core) has several subgroups or
requirements, we must maintain all subgroups in data structures to perform degree audit. Your
next task is to decide where and how to store all the requirements (subgroups) of a given group
such as the University Core.
Once the data structures are designed, you should decide on the logic needed to process the
requirements file and use that information to initialize the data structures. You will need to useblank lines to determine where a requirement and the requirement group line (first line of each
requirement) begins. Note that in the requirement file, different groups of requirements may be
Finally, you have to decide when to perform degree audit and how to present the degree audit
results to the user.
You may, if you want, adjust the behavior of the hw6 program to make it “better” according to
your taste. If you do, please make sure that you document your rationale and the adjustment in
your report.
3. Implementation:
First correct any errors from HW6 to make sure the program maintains the correct information in
the main course list. Then develop and test the data structures or classes for one requirement.
After that, develop the program to initialize the requirement data structures from the requirement
After making sure the list of courses are correct and the requirement data structures have the
right information, you will implement the degree audit algorithm and output the audit results (as
a way of debugging as well).
These are some implementation suggestions (you may choose to follow this advice or you may
try something else completely. It’s up to you.)
● You could add an option to your menu for performing the degree audit. It would ask
which requirements file should be read, open the file, process the file contents, do the
audit, and then finally inform the user of the results.
● The problem is significantly easier if you break it up into related functions. For example,
you might write a function to create the list of distinct classes (L from above), a different
function to perform the audit for a single Requirement, and a third function to process all
of the requirements in the group. If you choose to pursue the extra credit opportunity, you
could have another function to process each of the requirement groups.
Since you are starting with your previous program, you should already have something that
compiles and runs. Since you must add new features and maintain the current behavior of the
program, it is important to make these changes incrementally one action or function at a time,
writing comments, adding code, compiling, and debugging. This way, you always have a
program that "does something" even if it is not complete.
4. Testing:
Test your program to check that it operates correctly for all of the requirements listed above.
Also check for the error handling capabilities of the code. Try your program with several input
values [2-3 executions of your program], and save your testing output in text files for inclusion
in your project report. You can include the testing at the bottom of your report.5. Documentation:
When you have completed your C++ program, write a report (no page limit) describing what the
objectives were, what you did, and the status of the program. Does it work properly for all test
cases? Are there any known problems?