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3104 Problem Set 3

CSCI 3104
Problem Set 3 (110 points)

1. (10 points) For parts (1a) and (1b), justify your answers in terms of deterministic
QuickSort, and for part (1c), refer to Randomized QuickSort. In both cases, refer to
the versions of the algorithms given in lecture (you can refer to the moodle lecture
(a) What is the asymptotic running time of QuickSort when every element of the
input A is identical, i.e., for 1 ≤ i, j ≤ n, A[i] = A[j]?
(b) Let the input array A = [9, 7, 5, 11, 12, 2, 14, 3, 10, 6]. What is the number of times
a comparison is made to the element with value 3?
(c) How many calls are made to random-int in (i) the worst case and (ii) the best
case? Give your answers in asymptotic notation.
CSCI 3104
Problem Set 3 (110 points)
Instructor Buxton
Spring 2019, CU-Boulder
2. (20 points) Solve the following recurrence relations using any of the following methods:
unrolling, substitution, or recurrence tree (include tree diagram). For each case, show
your work.
(a) T(n) = T(n − 2) + C if n 1, and T(n) = C otherwise
(b) T(n) = 3T(n − 1) + 1 if n 1, and T(1) = 3
(c) T(n) = T(n − 1) + 2n
if n 1, and T(1) = 2
(d) T(n) = T(

n) + 1 if n ≥ 2 , and T(n) = 0 otherwise
CSCI 3104
Problem Set 3 (110 points)
Instructor Buxton
Spring 2019, CU-Boulder
3. (20 points) Use the Master Theorem to solve the following recurrence relations. For
each recurrence, either give the asympotic solution using the Master Theorem (state
which case), or else state the Master Theorem doesn’t apply.
(a) T(n) = T(
) + 2
(b) T(n) = 3T(
) + nlgn
(c) T(n) = 8T(
) + 2n
(d) T(n) = T(
) + T(
) + n
(e) T(n) = 100T(
42 ) + lg n
CSCI 3104
Problem Set 3 (110 points)
Instructor Buxton
Spring 2019, CU-Boulder
4. (30 points) Professor Trelawney has acquired n enchanted crystal balls, of dubious
origin and dubious reliability. Trelawney needs your help to identify which crystal balls
are accurate and which are inaccurate. She has constructed a strange contraption that
fits over two crystal balls at a time to perform a test. When the contraption is activated,
each crystal ball glows one of two colors depending on whether the other crystal ball is
accurate or not. An accurate crystal ball always glows correctly according to whether
the other crystal ball is accurate or not, but the glow of an inaccurate crystal ball
glows the opposite color of what the other crystal ball is (i.e. If the other crystal ball
is accurate, it will glow red. If the other crystal ball is inaccurate it will glow green).
You quickly notice that there are two possible test outcomes:
crystal ball i glows crystal ball j glows
red red =⇒ at least one is inaccurate
green green =⇒ both are accurate, or both inaccurate
(a) Prove that if n/2 or more crystal balls are inaccurate, Professor Trelawney cannot
necessarily determine which crystal balls are tainted using any strategy based on
this kind of pairwise test.
(b) Consider the problem of finding a single good crystal ball from among the n
crystal balls, and suppose Professor Trelawney knows that more than n/2 of the
crystal balls are accurate, but not which ones. Prove that bn/2c pairwise tests
are sufficient to reduce the problem to one of nearly half the size.
(c) Now, under the same assumptions as part (4b), prove that all of the accurate crystal balls can be identified with Θ(n) pairwise tests. Give and solve the recurrence
that describes the number of tests.
CSCI 3104
Problem Set 3 (110 points)
Instructor Buxton
Spring 2019, CU-Boulder
5. (10 points) Harry needs your help breaking into a dwarven lock box. The lock box
projects an array A consisting of n integers A[1], A[2], . . . , A[n] and has you enter in a
two-dimensional n×n array B – to open the box – in which B[i, j] (for i < j) contains
the sum of array elements A[i] through A[j], i.e., B[i, j] = A[i] + A[i + 1] + · · · + A[j].
(The value of array element B[i, j] is left unspecified whenever i ≥ j, so it doesn’t
matter what the output is for these values.)
Harry suggests the following simple algorithm to solve this problem:
dwarvenLockBox(A) {
for i = 1 to n {
for j = i+1 to n {
s = sum(A[i..j]) // look very closely here
B[i,j] = s
(a) For some function g that you should choose, give a bound of the form Ω(g(n))
on the running time of this algorithm on an input of size n (i.e., a bound on the
number of operations performed by the algorithm).
(b) For this same function g, show that the running time of the algorithm on an input
of size n is also O(g(n)). (This shows an asymptotically tight bound of Θ(g(n))
on the running time.)
CSCI 3104
Problem Set 3 (110 points)
Instructor Buxton
Spring 2019, CU-Boulder
6. (20 points) Consider the following strategy for choosing a pivot element for the Partition
subroutine of QuickSort, applied to an array A.
• Let n be the number of elements of the array A.
• If n ≤ 24, perform an Insertion Sort of A and return.
• Otherwise:
– Choose 2bn
(1/2)c elements at random from n; let S be the new list with the
chosen elements.
– Sort the list S using Insertion Sort and use the median m of S as a pivot
– Partition using m as a pivot.
– Carry out QuickSort recursively on the two parts.
(a) How much time does it take to sort S and find its median? Give a Θ bound.
(b) If the element m obtained as the median of S is used as the pivot, what can we
say about the sizes of the two partitions of the array A?
(c) Write a recurrence relation for the worst case running time of QuickSort with this
pivoting strategy.

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