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Test API and Fix Bugs-Assignment 2 Solution

Lab Assignment 2 (Bonus Assignment)

For this lab assignment, you will correct and improve your solutions to Lab Assignment 1. All points earned from this assignment will be considered bonus points. You will test your API and fix any bugs. If you lost any points on the first assignment, you will be able to recouperate the lost points by fixing the erroneous methods (you will receive your Assignment 1 grade by Wednesday). Therefore, you have the opportunity to earn perfect score on Asssignment 1. In addition to fixing any bugs, you will be to earn additional bonus points by improving the style of your code. This involves modifying your code so that it adheres with the [Google Java Style Guide]( You should also change the names of your variables so that they are more descriptive.

In this Lab Assignment you will learn to:
1. Use the debugger
2. Create and run Unit tests
3. Write cleaner code

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