/* Programming Assignment 2: Exercise A
* In this first set of exercises, you will study a simple program that
* starts three processes, each of which prints characters at certain rates.
* This program will form the basis for experimenting with scheduling
* policies, the main subject for this programming assignment.
* The procedure SlowPrintf (n, format, ...) is similar to Printf, but
* takes a "delay" parameter that specifies how much delay there should
* be between the printing of EACH character. The system is calibrated
* so that n=7 produces a delay of roughly 1 sec per character. An increase
* in n by 1 unit represents an increase in delay by roughly a factor of 2
* (so n=8 produces a 2 sec delay, and n = 5 produces a 250 msec delay).
* Run the program below. Notice the speed at which the printing occurs.
* Also notice the order in which the processes execute. The current
* scheduler (which you will modify in other exercises) simply selects
* processes in the order they appear in the process table.
* Exercises
* 1. Modify the delay parameters so that process 1 prints with delay 8
* (more than process 2), and process 3 prints with delay 6 (less than
* process 2). Notice the speed and order of execution.
* 2. Try other delay values and take note of speeds and orders of execution.
* What are the smallest and largest values, and what are their effects?
* 3. Now repeat steps 1 and 2, but this time MEASURE your program using
* the Gettime () system call, which returns the current system time
* in milliseconds. To compute the elapsed time, record the current time
* immediately before the activity you want to measure (e.g., SlowPrintf)
* and immediately after, and then take the difference of the former from
* the latter:
* int t1, t2;
* t1 = Gettime ();
* SlowPrintf (7, "How long does this take?");
* t2 = Gettime ();
* Printf ("Elapsed time = %d msecs\n", t2 - t1);
* Do the times you measure correspond to the observations you made in
* steps 1 and 2? What is the resolution of Gettime () (i.e., what
* is the smallest unit of change)? Note that this is different from
* Gettime ()'s return value units, which are milliseconds.
#include <stdio.h
#include "aux.h"
#include "umix.h"
void Main ()
if (Fork () == 0) {
SlowPrintf (7, "2222222222"); /* process 2 */
Exit ();
if (Fork () == 0) {
SlowPrintf (7, "3333333333"); /* process 3 */
Exit ();
SlowPrintf (7, "1111111111"); /* process 1 */
Exit ();
/* Programming Assignment 2: Exercise B
* In this second set of exercises, you will learn about what mechanisms
* are available to you to modify the kernel's scheduler. Study the file
* mykernel2.c. It contains a rudimentary process table data structure,
* "proctab[]", and a set of procedures THAT ARE CALLED BY OTHER PARTS OF
* THE KERNEL (the source of which you don't have or require access to).
* Your ability to modify the scheduler is via these procedures, and what
* you choose to put in them. You may also modify proctab, or create any
* data structures you wish. The only constraint is that you not
* change the interfaces to these procedures, as the rest of the kernel
* depends on them. Also, your system must support up to MAXPROCS active
* processes at any single point in time. In fact, more than MAXPROCS
* processes may be created (which you must allow), but for any created
* beyond MAXPROCS, there will have been that same number that have exited
* the system (i.e., so that only MAXPROCS processes are active at any
* single point in time).
* Let's look at the procedures:
* InitSched () is called at system start-up time. Here, the process table
* is initialized (all the entries are marked invalid). It also calls
* SetTimer, which will be discussed in Exercise C. Anything that you want
* done before the system settles into its normal operation should be placed
* in this procedure.
* StartingProc (int p) is called by the kernel when process p starts up.
* Thus, whenever Fork is called by a process, which causes entry into the
* kernel, StartingProc will be called from within the kernel with p, which
* is the pid (process identifier) of the process being created. Notice
* how a free entry is found in the process table, and the pid is recorded.
* EndingProc (int p) is called by kernel when process p is ending.
* Thus, whenever a process calls Exit (implicitly if there is no explicit
* call), which causes entry into the kernel, EndingProc will be called from
* within the kernel with the pid of the exiting process. Notice how the
* process table is updated.
* SchedProc () is called by the kernel when it needs a decision for which
* process to run next. It determines which scheduling policy is in effect
* by calling the kernel function GetSchedPolicy, which will return one
* (these constants are defined in umix.h). The scheduling policy can be
* changed by calling the kernel function SetSchedPolicy which is called for
* the first time in InitSched, which currently sets the policy to ARBITRARY.
* SchedProc should return a pid, or 0 if there are no processes to run.
* This is where you implement the various scheduling policies (in conjunction
* with HandleTimerIntr). The current code for SchedProc implements ARBITRARY,
* which simply finds the first valid entry in the process table, and returns
* it (and the kernel will run the corresponding process).
* HandleTimerIntr () will be discussed in the Exercise C, and should not be
* modified in this part.
* There are also procedures that are part of the kernel (but not in
* mykernel2.c), which you may call from within the above procedures:
* DoSched () will cause the kernel to make a scheduling decision at the next
* opportune time (at which point SchedProc will be called to determine which
* process to select). Elaborating on this further, when you write your code
* for the above procedures (StartingProc, EndingProc, ...), there may be a
* point where you would like to force the kernel into making a scheduling
* decision regarding who should run next. This is where you should call
* DoSched, which tells the kernel to call SchedProc at the next opportune
* time, i.e., as soon as the kernel determines it can do so. Why at the
* next opportune time? Because other code, including the remaining code of
* the procedure you are writing, may need to execute before the kernel is
* ready to select a process to run.
* SetTimer (int t) and GetTimer () will be discussed in Exercise C.
* Finally, your system must support up to MAXPROCS (a constant defined in
* sys.h) active processes at any single point in time. In fact, more than
* MAXPROCS processes may be created during the lifetime of the system (which
* you must allow), but for any number created beyond MAXPROCS, there will
* have been that same number (or more) that have exited the system (i.e.,
* so that only MAXPROCS processes are active AT ANY SINGLE POINT IN TIME).
* Exercises
* 1. Implement the FIFO scheduling policy, First In First Out. This means
* the order in which processes run (to completion) is the same as the order
* in which they are created. For the program below, the current scheduler
* will print: 1111111111222222222244444444443333333333 (why this order?)
* Under FIFO, it should print: 1111111111222222222233333333334444444444
* (why this order?).
* 2. Implement the LIFO scheduling policy, Last In First Out. This means
* that as soon as a process is created, it should run to completion before
* any existing process. Under the LIFO scheduling policy, the program
* below should print: 4444444444222222222233333333331111111111 (why
* this order, and not 4444444444333333333322222222221111111111?).
#include <stdio.h
#include "aux.h"
#include "umix.h"
void Main ()
if (Fork () == 0) {
if (Fork () == 0) {
SlowPrintf (7, "4444444444"); /* process 4 */
Exit ();
SlowPrintf (7, "2222222222"); /* process 2 */
Exit ();
if (Fork () == 0) {
SlowPrintf (7, "3333333333"); /* process 3 */
Exit ();
SlowPrintf (7, "1111111111"); /* process 1 */
Exit ();
/* Programming Assignment 2: Exercise C
* In this third and final set of exercises, you will experiment with
* preemptive scheduling. We now return to the file mykernel2.c, and study
* the procedures that were briefly mentioned but not discussed in detail
* in Exercise B.
* HandleTimerIntr () is called by the kernel whenever a timer interrupt
* occurs. The system has an interval timer that can be set to interrupt
* after a specified time. This is done by calling SetTimer. Notice that
* the first thing that HandleTimerIntr does is to reset the timer to go off
* again in the future (otherwise no more timer interrupts would occur).
* Depending on the policy (something for you to think about), it may
* then call DoSched, which informs the kernel to make a scheduling
* decision at the next opportune time, at which point the kernel will
* generate a call to SchedProc to select the next process to run, and
* then switch to that process.
* MyRequestCPUrate (int pid, int m, int n) is called by the kernel whenever
* a process identified by pid calls RequestCPUrate (int m, int n), which is
* a system call that allows a process to request that it should be scheduled
* to run m out of every n quantums. For example, if a process wants to run
* at 50% of the CPU's execution rate, it can call RequestCPUrate (1, 2),
* asking that it run 1 out of every 2 quantums. When a process calls
* RequestCPUrate (m, n), the kernel is entered, and the kernel calls your
* MyRequestCPUrate (pid, m, n), giving you the opportunity to implement
* how proportional share is to be achieved.
* MyRequestCPUrate (pid, m, n) should return 0 if successful, and -1 if it
* fails. MyRequestCPUrate (pid, m, n) should fail if either m or n are
* invalid (m < 1, or n < 1, or m n). It should also fail if a process
* calls RequestCPUrate (m, n) such that it would result in over-allocating
* the CPU. Over-allocation occurs if the sum of the rates requested by
* processes exceeds 100%. You may assume m/n will be no smaller than 1%
* (we will not test smaller ratios), and so it is OK for MyRequestCPUrate
* to fail for smaller ratios. If the call fails (for whatever reason),
* MyRequestCPUrate should have NO EFFECT, as if the call were never made;
* thus, it should not affect the scheduling of other processes, nor the
* calling process. (The example below illustrates what happens when a
* request fails.) Note that when a process exits, its portion of the CPU
* is released and is available to other processes. A process may change
* its allocation by again calling RequestCPUrate (m, n) with different
* values for m and n.
* IMPORTANT: If the sum of the requested rates does not equal 100%, then
* the remaining fraction should be allocated to processes that have not
* made rate requests (or ones that made only failing rate requests). This
* is important, as a process needs some CPU time just to be able to execute
* to be able to actually call RequestCPUrate (m, n). A good policy for
* allocating the unrequested portion is to spread it evenly amongst processes
* that still have not made (or have only made failed) rate requests.
* Here's an example that should help clarify the above points, including
* what to do with unrequested CPU time and what happens when requests fail.
* Consider the following sequence of 5 processes A, B, C, D, E, F entering
* the system and some making CPU requests:
* - A enters the system: A is able to use 100% of the CPU since there
* are no other processes
* - B enters the system: B shares the CPU with A; both get an equal
* amount, 50% each
* - B requests 40%: since there is at least 40% unrequested (in fact,
* there is 100% unrequested), B gets 40%; A now gets the remaining 60%
* - C enters the system: it shares the unrequested 60% with A (both
* get 30%)
* - C requests 50%: since there is at least 50% unrequested (in fact,
* there is 60% unrequested), C gets 50%; A now gets the remaining 10%
* - D enters the system: it shares the unrequested 10% with A (both
* get 5%)
* - D requests 20%: the request fails, and so D is treated as if it
* never made the request; A and D continue to share 10% (both get 5%)
* - D requests 10%: since there is at least 10% unrequested (in fact,
* there is exactly 10% unrequested), D gets 10%; A now gets the
* remaining 0%, i.e., it does not get any CPU time
* - E enters the system: it shares the unrequested 0% with A (both
* get zero CPU time, i.e., neither can run)
* - D exits, freeing up 10%, which A and E now share (A and E both
* get 5%)
* - A exits, and so E gets the remaining 10%
* - E exits, and now there are only processes B (which is getting 40%)
* and C (which is getting 50%). These processes have no expectation
* of additional CPU time, so the remaining 10% may be allocated any
* way you want: it can be allocated evenly, proportionally, randomly,
* and even not at all! As long as a process gets (at least) what it
* requested, the kernel considers it satisfied.
* SetTimer (int t) will cause the timer to interrupt after t timer ticks.
* A timer tick is a system-dependent time interval (and is 10 msecs in the
* current implementation). Once the timer is set, it begins counting down.
* When it reaches 0, a timer interrupt is generated (and the kernel will
* automatically call HandleTimerIntr). The timer is then stopped until a
* call to SetTimer is made. Thus, to cause a new interrupt to go off in the
* future, the timer must be reset by calling SetTimer.
* GetTimer () will return the current value of the timer.
* Exercises
* 1. Set the TIMERINTERVAL to 1, and run the program below using the three
* existing scheduling policies: ARBITRARY, FIFO, and LIFO. What is the
* effect on the outputs, and why?
* 2. Implement the ROUNDROBIN scheduling policy. This means that each
* process should get a turn whenever a scheduling decision is made. For
* ROUNDROBIN to be effective, the timer interrupt period must be made small
* enough. Set the TIMERINTERVAL to 1 (the smallest possible value). You
* should then see that the outputs of the processes will be interleaved,
* as in: 1234123412341234123412341234123412341234 (not necessarily perfectly
* ordered as shown. Why? Hint: Distinguish between a fixed amount of time
* and the execution of enough instructions to print out a character).
* 3. Try larger values for TIMERINTERVAL, such as 10 and 100. What is the
* effect on the interleaving of the output, and why?
* 4. Implement the PROPORTIONAL scheduling policy. This allows processes to
* call RequestCPUrate (m, n) to receive a fraction of CPU time equal to m/n;
* specifically, within n consecutive quantums, m should be allocated to that
* process. For example, consider the four processes in the program below,
* where process 1 requests 40% of the CPU by calling RequestCPUrate (4, 10),
* process 2 requests 30% of the CPU by calling RequestCPUrate (3, 10),
* process 3 requests 20% of the CPU by calling RequestCPUrate (2, 10), and
* process 4 requests 10% of the CPU by calling RequestCPUrate (1, 10). With
* TIMERINTERVAL set to 1, this should produce an interleaving of the
* processes' outputs where ratio of characters printed by processes 1, 2, 3,
* and 4, are 4 to 3 to 2 to 1, respectively. A sample output is as follows:
* 121312412312131241231213124123121312412312132423232423343343343444444444
* Your solution should work with any number of processes (up to MAXPROCS)
* that have each called RequestCPUrate (m, n). You should allow any process
* to call RequestCPUrate (m, n) multiple times, which would change its share.
* RequestCPUrate should fail if m < 1, or n < 1, or m n, or if m/n would
* cause the overall CPU allocation to exceed 100%. In that case, the call
* should have no effect (as if it were never called). For any process that
* does not call RequestCPUrate, that process should get any left-over cycles
* (unless 100% were requested, then it would get none).
* A good solution will have the following properties:
* 1. After a process successfully calls RequestCPUrate (m, n), that process
* should utilize m/n of the CPU over the time period measured from when the
* call is made to when the process exits (or when a new successful call is
* made, at which point a new period of measurement begins; if the call is
* not successful, then the prevous request remains in force).
* 2. 100 ticks will be used as the maximum allowable time over which the
* target m/n CPU utilization must be achieved, and you may limit both
* m and n to values within the range 1 to 100 (with m < n). Furthermore,
* you will be allowed a 10% slack in how close you come to m/n from the
* low end, meaning that your solution will be considered correct if the
* actual utilization of each process is at least 90% of its requested m/n.
* So, for example, if a process requests and is allocated 50%, it is
* acceptable for the measured utilization to be as low as 45% (and there
* is no limit as to how much above 50% it gets, especially considering
* that it may also receive free CPU time not requested by any process).
* The reason for this specification is that since time is allocated and
* measured in discrete units of ticks, it takes some minimal amount of
* time before the target CPU utilization can be achieved. For example,
* if m = 2 and n = 7, at least 7 ticks must pass before a process can
* possibly utilize precisely 2/7 of the CPU by being allocated two out
* of seven ticks.
* 3. Unused CPU time should be equally distributed to any remaining processes
* that have not requested CPU time.
* 4. You should avoid the repeated use of floating point operations, which
* can be expensive if done every tick. Using approximations for your
* calculations based on using mostly integer operations is recommended.
* (However, a working solution that uses floating point operations is
* better than a non-working solution that avoids them, so get something
* working first, and then optimize it.)
* You must turn in your version of mykernel2.c, with all the scheduling
* policies implemented. You should set TIMERINTERVAL to 1, which should
* work with ALL of your policies.
#include <stdio.h
#include "aux.h"
#include "umix.h"
void Main ()
if (Fork () == 0) {
if (Fork () == 0) {
/* Process 4 */
RequestCPUrate (1, 10);
SlowPrintf (7, "444444444444444444");
Exit ();
/* Process 2 */
RequestCPUrate (3, 10);
SlowPrintf (7, "222222222222222222");
Exit ();
if (Fork () == 0) {
/* Process 3 */
RequestCPUrate (2, 10);
SlowPrintf (7, "333333333333333333");
Exit ();
/* Process 1 */
RequestCPUrate (4, 10);
SlowPrintf (7, "111111111111111111");
Exit ();