System Verilog code
Step 1: Create a combinational RTL model for a 4-bit expandable carry lookahead adder
(CLA). You do not need to create or use gate-level modules for full or half adders.
A combinational RTL model uses only continuous assignment (assign) statements or
always_comb procedural block with or without gate delays.
Use these gate delays in your model:
● AND gate 2ns
● OR gate 2ns
● XOR gate 3ns
Step 2: Simulate your 4-bit CLA module with the testbench we provided. Save a transcript
of your successful simulation results.
Step 3: Create an expandable 8-bit adder using the 4-bit CLA module you created and
Step 4: Simulate your 8-bit CLA adder. Save a transcript of your successful simulation
Your design modules MUST be declared as follows to be instantiated correctly in the
module CLA4Bit(ain, bin, cin, sum, cout);
input [3:0] ain, bin;
input cin;
output logic [3:0] sum;
output logic cout;
module CLA8Bit(ain, bin, cin, sum, cout);
input [7:0] ain, bin;
input cin;
output logic [7:0] sum;
output logic cout;
Refer to the schematic below for a 4-bit CLA. FA is a full adder without the carryout logic:
Refer below equations for the carry out logic:
Cout = A⋅B + A⋅Cin + B⋅Cin =
Cout = A⋅B + Cin ⋅ (A+ B) =
Cout = G + Cin ⋅ P
Gn = An.Bn and Pn = An + Bn
G (carry generate) is dependent upon current stage's ability to generate a carry.
P (carry propagate) is dependent upon current (and prior) stages’ ability to propagate a
A carry is generated at a stage i if it is generated by stage i’s inputs (Ai, Bi) or by any prior
stage and propagated by every succeeding stage.
CO1 = G0 + CI0.P0
=> CO1 = G0
CO2 = G1 + CI1.P1
=> CO2 = G1 + CO1.P1
=> CO2 = G1 + G0.P1
CO3 = G2 + CI2.P2
=> CO3 = G2 + CO2.P2
=> CO3 = G2 +(G1 + G0.P1).P2
=> CO3 = G2 +G1.P2 + G0.P1.P2
And so on...
And the equation for Sum output will be as follows:
S = A ^ B ^ CIN;
(Hint: For the sum output, you need to figure out the logic for CIN using the schematic, it
is not straight forward, unlike inputs A and B which can be used as is!)
How to use the test bench provided?
Part 1: Testing your 4 bit CLA design module.
1. Create a top module as shown below and add this module to your CLA4Bit module
and save this single file as CLA4Top.sv:
module CLA4Top;
parameter nBITS = 4;
logic [nBITS - 1 : 0] ain, bin, sum;
logic cin, cout;
// instantiate your 4 bit CLA design module here
// instantiate the test bench module as follows
test #(4) TB(.*);
2. Add CLA4Top.sv and test.sv to your project in QuestaSim.
3. Simulate the CLA4Top.sv file
4. Save the transcript.
Part 2: Testing your 8 bit CLA design module.
1. Create a top module as shown below and add this module to your CLA8Bit module
and save this single file as CLA8Top.sv:
module CLA8Top;
parameter nBITS = 8;
logic [nBITS - 1 : 0] ain, bin, sum;
logic cin, cout;
// instantiate your 8 bit CLA design module here
// instantiate the test bench module as follows
test #(8) TB(.*);
2. Add CLA8Top.sv and test.sv to your project in QuestaSim.
3. Simulate the CLA8Top.sv file
4. Save the transcript.
You are encouraged to do further readings on the working of a CLA and ask questions if
things are unclear.
Submit your System Verilog code for both design modules with the transcript via D2L in
a zipped file named as <yourname>_HW1.zip with names as follows:
CLA4Top.sv your 4-bit CLA design module
CLA8Top.sv your 8-bit CLA design module
transcripts for both simulations
NOTE: If you do not follow these instructions for declaring, naming and submitting your
modules to D2L, you will have points deducted even if your answers are correct.