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Homework 1 Functional programming

Q1. [15 points]
Given a sequence of real numbers x1,x2,...,xn and another sequence of positive real numbers w1,w2,...,wn called weights the weighted mean is defined by the following formula µ =Pi=n i=1 xi ∗wi Pi=n i=1 wi . Write an F# program (function) called w_mean that takes a list of weights as its first argument and returns a function that takes a list of reals (of the same length as the list of weights) and computes the weighted mean. You can assume that the length of the list of weights is the same as the length of the list of numbers and that all the weights are strictly positive. To deal with error situations use the construct failwith. On the web page we have written a little of the code to start you off. The phrase “real number” is, of course, from mathematics. In F# they are implemented as a type called float.
You should have auxiliary functions called: (i) sumlist which computes the sum of a list of floats, (ii) pairlists which takes two lists of floats the same length and produces a list of matched pairs, (iii) w_mean which computes the weighted mean as described above.
val sumlist : l:float list - float val pairlists : ’a list * ’b list - (’a * ’b) list val w_mean : weights:float list - data:float list - float
Q2. [12 points]
Implement in F# a function that tests whether an element is a member of a given list. Here is the type I want.
val memberof : ’a * ’a list - bool when ’a : equality
Here are examples of the function in action.
memberof 1 [1;2;3];; error FS0003: This value is not a function and cannot be applied
memberof (1,[1;2;3]);; val it : bool = true memberof (1, []);; val it : bool = false memberof (1,[2;3;4]);; val it : bool = false
Implement a function remove that takes an element and a list and removes all copies of the element from the list. If the element is not in the list the function should return the same list. Do not use memberof to implement remove. The type should be as follows:
val remove : ’a * ’a list - ’a list when ’a : equality remove (2, [1;3;2;4]);; val it : int list = [1; 3; 4]
Q3. [13 points]
Write an F# function findMax that finds the largest value of a list of elements of a comparion type.
val findMax : l:’a list - ’a when ’a : comparison let testList = [1;17;3;6;1;8;3;11;6;5;9];; val testList : int list = [1; 17; 3; 6; 1; 8; 3; 11; 6; 5; 9] findMax testList;; val it : int = 17
This is not well defined when the list is empty. We wrote a basic handler for you.
Q4. [20 points]
Write an F# function that implements selection sort and removes duplicates. In this sort the largest element is chosen and put in front and the rest of the list is recursively sorted after the
largest element is removed from the rest of the list. The result will be in descending order. In the example below the duplicates have been removed.
val selsort : l:’a list - ’a list when ’a : comparison selsort ([1..2..25]@[1..5..21]);; val it : int list = [25; 23; 21; 19; 17; 16; 15; 13; 11; 9; 7; 6; 5; 3; 1]
Q5. [15 points]
Write a function common that takes a pair of lists and forms a new list containing a unique copy of each element that occurs in both lists. Here is the type and an example.
val common : ’a list * ’a list - ’a list when ’a : equality
common ([3;4;5;7;2],[1;3;5;7;9;1]);; val it : int list = [3; 5; 7]
It does not matter if the final list is sorted or not. The input lists are not necessarily sorted.
Q6. [25 points]
The mergesort algorithm is a recursive algorithm for sorting lists which runs in time O(nlogn). The items in the list must have an order relation defined on them, otherwise sorting does not make sense of course.
The idea is as follows: the given list l is split into two equal (if the length of l is odd then one of the “halves” is one item longer than the other) lists l1 and l2. These lists are sorted recursively and then the results are merged back to give a single sorted list. Code this in F#. Your algorithm can use < as a comparison operator. Your code must have a function split that produces a pair of lists, a function merge that merges sorted lists and a function mergesort that implements the overall algorithm.
val split : l:’a list - ’a list * ’a list val merge : ’a list * ’a list - ’a list when ’a : comparison val mergesort : l:’a list - ’a list when ’a : comparison
mergesort [15 .. -2 .. 1];; val it : int list = [1; 3; 5; 7; 9; 11; 13; 15] split [15 .. -2 .. 1];; val it : int list * int list = ([15; 11; 7; 3], [13; 9; 5; 1])
Q7. [0 points] This question is for your spiritual growth only. Do not think it will give you extra credit or help you learn the material better. It will however stretch your brain in other directions. Do not attempt it if you have not yet finished the required homework. Do not submit a solution; please talk to me if you have solved it. Do not worry about it if you don’t understand the question.
How many comparisons are required to find the largest member of a list of n elements? How many are required to find the largest and the smallest. Here “required” means that in the worst case you will have to do that many comparisons. Can you find the smallest and the largest with fewer than 2n−3 comparisons? Note that we are interested in exact counts; not just in O(·) estimates.

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