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Assignment 0 Java Threads

Week 1: Programming Assignment 0

In this (intentionally simple) initial assignment, you will use Java
Threads to test several implementations of the Java BlockingQueue
interface. The goal is to learn how to (1) create, (2) start, (3)
interrupt, and (4) wait for the completion of multiple Java Threads.
The test program also illustrates some problems that can occur if Java
Threads concurrently access an object that isn't synchronized

In the "src/edu/vuum/mocca" folder in this directory you'll find the class, which contains the skeleton Java code
that you'll implement by completing the "TODO - You fill in here"
comments to provide a working solution. DO NOT CHANGE THE OVERALL
STRUCTURE OF THE SKELETON - just fill in the "TODO - You fill in here"

In particular, you'll need to do the following:

. Implement the "TODO" portions of the testQueue() method so that two
Java Threads are created and started to run the producerRunnable and
consumerRunnable objects.

. After giving the Threads a chance to run for a short while (which is
done for you via the Thread.sleep() method) you'll interrupt both of
them so they will shutdown.

. After interrupting the Threads you'll wait for both Threads to exit
before continuing with the test (which is also done for you).

All the information needed to write this code is described in these

Section 1: Module 2: Part 1: Overview of Java Threads (Part 1)
Section 1: Module 2: Part 2: Overview of Java Threads (Part 2)
Section 1: Module 2: Part 3: Motivating Java Synchronization and Scheduling Mechanisms

Make sure to watch these videos and read all the supplied Java code
carefully prior to starting the assignment. These videos are
available at

We'll also discuss this assignment specification (and later its
solution) in the POSA MOOC "Virtual Office Hours", which are described
in item #38 at the POSA MOOC FAQ available from

The file uses JUnit to run the tests. We
do this to automate the testing process and leverage the integration
of JUnit with Eclipse, as described here:

When you first open the project in Eclipse, you might see compile
errors if JUnit is not included in your build path. To fix these
errors, open, hover over "org.junit," and
click "Fix project setup." Make sure "Add JUnit 4 library to the
build path" is selected and then click "OK." At this point, the
compile errors should disappear!

To run the JUnit tests in Eclipse, right-click on and go to "Run As JUnit Test". The JUnit
view will pop up in Eclipse and run the tests contained therein. All
tests should pass. The ArrayBlockingQueue will pass because your
testQueue method runs successfully. The tests for BuggyBlockingQueue
(which is an intentionally flawed class), should "pass" if some error
occurs while running testQueue (these errors are expected). As long
as these JUnit tests both "pass" successfully your program will be be
consider "correct" for the purposes of assessing this assignment.

If the tests run and "pass," you should see check-marks next to each
of the tests in the JUnit view. As the tests run, you will also find
output being printed to the console. This text is for informational
purposes only and have no bearing on whether your program is

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