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Operator Overload Exercise

Please submit the following C++ programs in a zipped folder on Canvas:
Operator Overload Exercise (50 pts)
• Class File (15 pts) – Fraction.h
• Specification File (20 pts) – FractImp.cpp
• Driver Program (15 pts) – FractDriver.cpp
Operator Overload Exercise
Write a program that performs basic math operations on fractions. In particular, your program should
create objects that represents fractions and overload the +, -, * and / operators so that they compute the
results of the fractions correctly.
To make things interesting, you will enter and display fractions by using overloaded << and
operators! (Don’t worry, this part has been done for you. Additional details on overloading and <<
operators will be added to next week’s slides.)
You will need:
1. A class that contains:
1. Two private data members:
1. numerator
2. denominator
2. The following prototypes:
1. A constructor
2. A mutator
3. Operator prototypes for +, - * and /
4. Operator prototypes for << and (included)
2. An implementation file that contains the function definitions for:
1. The constructor, which should take no parameters but initializes numerator and denominator to 0
and 1 respectively.
2. A mutator function that can update the members with information provided by the user.
3. Operator functions for +, -, *, /
4. Operator functions for << and (included)
3. A driver program that tests the class and operator overloads. Your driver should:
1. Create two Fraction objects
2. Accept input (and display output) in fractions form
Sample output is shown below:
Sample Output 1:
Enter the first fraction in the form a / b: 1 / 4
Enter the second fraction in the form a / b: 2 / 5
Fraction 1 = 1 / 4
Fraction 2 = 2 / 5
1 / 4 + 2 / 5 = 13 / 20
1 / 4 - 2 / 5 = -3 / 20
1 / 4 * 2 / 5 = 2 / 20
(1 / 4) / (2 / 5) = 5 / 8
Sample Output 2:
(Note the addition and subtraction result when the denominator is common):
Enter the first fraction in the form a / b: 1 / 10
Enter the second fraction in the form a / b: 2 / 10
Fraction 1 = 1 / 10
Fraction 2 = 2 / 10
1 / 10 + 2 / 10 = 3 / 10
1 / 10 - 2 / 10 = -1 / 10
1 / 10 * 2 / 10 = 2 / 100
(1 / 10) / (2 / 10) = 10 / 20
Extra Credit (10 pts)
Note that the sample output above does not simplify the fractions. Write a private member function that
simplifies the fractions after performing the operations. A sample output (with the function) is shown
Enter the first fraction in the form a / b: 1 / 4
Enter the second fraction in the form a / b: 2 / 5
Fraction 1 = 1 / 4
Fraction 2 = 2 / 5
1 / 4 + 2 / 5 = 13 / 20
1 / 4 - 2 / 5 = -3 / 20
1 / 4 * 2 / 5 = 1 / 10
(1 / 4) / (2 / 5) = 5 / 8
(Hint: look at the simplify function in the FeetInches example to see how it is implemented. Of course the
logic for this function definition will be much different than in the example.)
Overloaded and << Functions
Include these prototypes in your class file:
friend ostream& operator<< (ostream&, const Fraction&);
friend istream& operator (istream&, Fraction&);
Include these functions in your implementation file:
//overload the operator <<
ostream& operator << (ostream& os, const Fraction& fraction)
//note that we print out a / as it is simply easier to do so!
os << fraction.numerator << " / " << fraction.denominator;
return os;
//overload the operator
istream& operator (istream& is, Fraction& fraction)
char ch;

is fraction.numerator; //get the numerator
is ch; //read and discard the '/'
is fraction.denominator; //get the denominator

return is;

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