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Homework 3 Clustering

100 pts total
1 Hierarchical Clustering [20 pts]
Consider the following set of singleton clusters:
ff6g; f8g; f10g; f20g; f26g; f30g; f32g; f33gg
Recall that in performing Hierarchical Agglomerative Clustering (HAC),
there are three linkages that are typically used in calculating inter-cluster
distance: single linkage, complete linkage, and average linkage. Assume that
in merging clusters ties are broken by merging the two clusters that result
in the smallest sum for the points in the cluster. So, for instance, if we have
the three clusters f1g, f2g, and f3g, the first two would be merged first since
they result in a sum of 3, whereas merging the last two would result in a sum
of 5.
a) Starting with the eight singleton clusters in the dataset above, perform
HAC until you are left with one cluster. For full credit, show each step
in the clustering process. Do this with:
(i) Single linkage
(ii) Complete linkage
(iii) Average linkage
b) For your clustering using single linkage, also draw the resulting binary
c) Suppose we wanted to know what the best number of final clusters would
be. Briefly describe one way you might determine this. Hint: Consider
how you would first determine how \good" each clustering is.
22 k Nearest Neighbor [10 pts]
Consider the data in Table 1, where the first three columns represent features,
and the last column represents a classification label.
Weight (lbs) Height (in) Shoe Size Age
90 52 7 10
130 69 9.5 20
50 45 6 10
63 51.5 6.5 10
145 70 11 20
160 69.5 10 20
Table 1: Weight, Height, Shoe Size, Age
a) Using classification-based k-NN with k = 3, predict the label for the
instances [100, 50, 7, ?] and [120, 90, 9, ?]. Use Euclidean distance for a
distance metric. In the event of a tie (i.e., two neighbors are equidistant
from the instance in question and only one can be used), use the neighbor
that appears first in the table. Show all work for credit.
b) Repeat part (a), but use regression-based k-NN.
33 Implementation of k Means [70 pts]
In this question, you will be building a k-means clustering algorithm with
Euclidean distance. We are providing a skeleton code \" for you
at the course Web page. Please download, unzip this file, and open the file You will see the code in Fig 1.
Figure 1:
Your contribution is the implementation of this cluster method. It
accepts an array of initial centroids, an array of instances, and a threshold
for stopping the iterations of the algorithm. It must return an object of type
KMeansResult, as shown in Fig 2. It is defined in We
will use this object to verify the correctness of your clustering algorithm.
Figure 2:
The centroids is an array of the final coordinate of your centroids. The
distortionIterations will return an array of each successive distortion
your algorithm records on each iteration, where distortion is as we discussed
in class (see the lecture slides). This allows us to know both how many iterations your algorithm required and how well it clustered the data set before
converging. When the difference between successive distortions, recorded on
each iteration, is less than the threshold argument, your program should
stop iterating and return an instance of KMeansResult that provides us with
the appropriate arrays.
43.1 More about KMeans.cluster()
Since KMeans.cluster() is the core part of this question, we will give a more
detailed explanation of its prototype.
3.1.1 Parameters
You are required to pass three arguments to the method cluster. Their
detailed meanings are given as follows:
• double[][] centroids
A two-dimensional array of the initial position of the centroids. Each
row corresponds to a centroid and each column to a feature dimension.
• double[][] instances
The data set you will be clustering. Each row corresponds to an instance, and this array will have the same \width as the centroids array.
• double threshold
The threshold used to determine when to stop iterations. More specially, if at iteration i the relative change in distortion between successive iterations is less than the threshold, i.e.,
j distortion distortion (i)−distortion (i−1) (i−1)j < threshold, then your algorithm should terminate and return its results.
3.1.2 Results
You are required to return a variable with the type KMeansResult. The
detailed meanings of its each field are given as follows:
• double[][] centroids
The position of the final centroids after your clustering is complete.
• double[] distortionIterations
An array of the distortions your algorithm records on successive iterations.
• int[] clusterAssignment
An array of the index of the centroid assigned to each row of the instances method argument. That is, the integers in this array will point
5to a row in the returned double[][] centroids array. So, for example, if we wished to know the coordinate, in the feature space, of the
centroid assigned to the first instance, we would call
centroids[clusterAssignment[0]]. Remember that all Java arrays
are 0-based.
3.1.3 Implementation details
In each iteration, you should first reallocate the clusters for each instance,
then update the coordinates of centroids by averaging all instances in their
corresponding clusters. It is possible that, in some iteration after reallocation,
there is a centroid c which does not match to any instances. In this case,
we call the centroid of this cluster an orphaned centroid. This is a problem,
because you would have no instances assigned to the centroid to average
over to determine the centroids new location. To solve this, we specify you
to implement the following behaviors in this scenario:
1. Search among all the instances for the instance x whose distance is
farthest from its assigned centroid.
2. Choose x’s position as the position of c, the orphaned centroid.
3. Reallocate again the cluster assignments for all x.
4. Check if there is still a orphaned centroid. If so repeat step 1 to 4 until
all orphaned centroids have been removed.
Once you have removed all possible orphaned centroids, you should update the centroids coordinates by averaging over all the instances assigned
to it. After that, you are also required to calculate the distortion of an iteration, and store it into the array distortionIterations. Notice that we
dont know the number of iterations before hand, so you may need to use
a variable-length array like Vector or ArrayList first, and write the result
into distortionIterations after all iterations.
Moreover, it is also possible that the minimum or maximum distance may
correspond to multiple candidates. For example, there may be more than one
cluster centroid with the same minimum distance to an instance, or several
instances with the same maximum distance to their corresponding centroids.
In this case, always choose the one with smaller ID, either instance ID, cluster
ID, etc.
6Finally, your program should be able to deal with different numbers of
centroids, instances, as well as the feature dimensions, and work correctly
no matter what the size of the double[][] centroids and double[][]
instances arrays. So do not hard-code any array lengths. The .length
member allows you to determine the length of the array. You can determine
the number of instances with instances.length and the number of feature
dimensions with instances[i].length, where i is an integer array index.
3.2 How to test
We will test your program on multiple test cases. Your code should be able
to handle test set of size 10,000, although we may also test it with smaller
test sets. We will also vary centroid initialization, number of clusters, as well
as threshold value, to test your programs correctness comprehensively.
The format of test command will like this:
java HW3 data file init centroid file threshold output flag,
where data file contains the features of all instances, init centroid file
gives the initial positions of a certain number of centroids, and threshold
has same meaning as mentioned. The output flag is an integer argument,
controlling what the program outputs:
1. 1 - The array of centroids
2. 2 - The array of assignments
3. 3 - The array of distortions
In order to facilitate your debugging, we will provide you a sample input
and output files. They are words0.txt and initCentroids0.txt for the
input, and output0 1.txt, output0 2.txt, output0 3.txt for the output,
as seen in the zip file. Here is an example command:
java HW3 words0.txt initCentroids0.txt 1e-4 3
You are NOT responsible for any file input or console output. We have
written the class HW3 for you, which will load the data and pass it to the
method you are implementing.
7As part of our testing process, we will call javac *.java and then call
the main method of HW3 with parameters of our choosing.
3.3 Deliverables
1. Hand in (to Moodle) your modified version of the code
skeleton with your implementation of the k-means clustering algorithm.
2. Hand in (also to Moodle) one PDF of your written solutions and (optionally) any comments about your k-means program.

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