0. Overview:
In this assignment, you will develop a program to handle university degree auditing and course
management. That is, after taking a set of courses, a student would like to know if she/he has met
the graduation requirements for a particular degree (or what the student is missing to meet those
requirements). The requirements include required courses, total credit hours, minimum GPA, etc.
As a college student, can you see the value of such a tool in the real world?
To build any software system, one must be equipped with the following: a firm grasp of the
problem to be solved, the ability to divide the problem into smaller problems, devising related
algorithms to solve the smaller problems, and combining their solutions, the ability to translate
the high level design into a computer program in a particular programming language (in our case
C++), and the ability to debug and test the program.
Upon the completion of project five, we have a program to “manage” a course work of a student.
The user may interactively use the program. The program is able to both store and retrieve a
student’s course work by saving to and loading from a file, respectively. For a degree audit, a
student’s course record is just one of two pieces needed for a complete system. The other part is
a set of degree requirements for a particular degree program. Project six has all the
functionalities of project five, plus the additional task of creating the degree requirement file for
your personal degree program. To gain some basic experience of developing classes in C++, we
shall develop a simple class, which combines the five attributes of a course (course taken) into a
single object. Project six is an extension of project five. Here we have another chance to fix bugs
of previous project. You should fix the bugs of project five first if any.
1.1 Understanding and representing degree requirements:
Degree requirements in general consist of University Core, Major Core, College Core, Total hour
requirements, GPA requirements, and so on. To reduce the implementation effort and simplify
the complexity of the project, we shall only consider the University Core requirements in our
degree audit for this project and in project seven. Nonetheless, the representation should work in
We shall break down the University Core into sub categories such as English, Math, etc., based
on the Undergraduate Catalog. Hence, each requirement may have two attributes, mainly for
human understanding. They are called requirement group (such as University Core, BSCS Core,
BSCE Core, and BACS Core) and requirement subgroup (such as English within the
University Core or Required CSCE courses within in BSCS). In addition, each requirement must
have a total credit hours needed for that requirement and a list of courses that can be used to forearning the credit hours. We will use a text file to store the requirements. In project seven, our
program will read in the requirements and store them in other data structures (classes or arrays).
The text file consists of a sequence of requirements separated by a blank line. The first line of a
requirement is the requirement group, the second the requirement subgroup, the third is credit
hours needed for the requirement, and then each pair of lines that follow contains the course
number and credit hours of a course that may be used to satisfy the requirement. The number of
pairs depends on the number of courses that may be used. (Since we do not know how many, a
blank line signals the end). The following is an incomplete requirement file that contains two
The following is the content of the requirement file with two requirements shown:
University Core
ENGL 1013
ENGL 1023
University Core
Fine Arts
ARCH 1003
ARHS 1003
COMM 1003
DANC 1003
ENGL 2023
HUMN 2114H
LARC 1003
MLIT 1003
MLIT 1013
THTR 1003
THTR 1013
One of your tasks for this homework is to set up a degree requirement file for your major. If your
major is undecided or if you are in the graduate program or non degree seeking, then you mayuse Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (BSCS) as your major. You may use the current
year catalog or the handbook provided by your department for that information.1.2 The “Course” class:
Upon the completion of project five, we have a program to “manage” a student course work
record. A student course work is basically a list of courses taken by a student. For each course
taken, we have the course name, when it was taken, course number, grade earned, and credit
hours for the course. We currently use 5 parallel arrays to store the five pieces of information
related to a course taken.
You now have the ability to create a user-defined type, or a class, to solve this problem. This will
allow us to better group those pieces of information together. You will write a class named
“Course” that has one member for each related piece of information (e.g. course name, course
semester, course number, course grade, and credit hours). You will then convert your existing
program so that it uses a single array of Courses instead of five parallel arrays containing the
same information.
1. Problem Statement:
One goal of this assignment is to give students a chance to understand the requirements of their
major and put the requirements into a requirement file. Remember that if we are not able to
understand a problem, then no matter how good we are as programmers or software engineers,
we will not be able to solve the problem. The other goal of this programming assignment is to
give students experience with class (a user define type), text file processing, writing and using
functions, array data structures, if statements, and loops. A secondary goal is to give students a
chance to modify an existing program to make it more useful. To meet these goals, students will
be required to improve their previous course and course management program to make the
program more modular, flexible and robust. Students will be required to implement the Course
class EXACTLY as specified in the design section.
Enhanced features and tasks: The primary feature is to implement the Course class and make
an array of Courses that holds the same information as the five parallel arrays used in project
five. We will need to modify the project five source code to achieve that goal while maintaining
the same functionality. The second task is to create and turn in your degree requirement file (see
0.1 above).
Students are allowed to use any “built-in” functions related to files and any combination of user
defined classes, functions, array data structures, if statements, and loops that they need to
complete this assignment. You are not required or allowed to look ahead to more advanced C++
features like pointers or vectors to perform this task. Students must develop all the classes or
functions specified and may introduce additional classes or functions if they prefer (you have
more freedom in your program design than before).2. Design:
Prefix your major to “requirements.txt” as the file name for the requirement file. For example, if
your major is BSCS, the file name is “BSCSrequirements.txt” See 0.1 above for a description of
when your requirement file should be turned in, as well as the content and format of this text file.
The format of the requirement file has been designed for us. However, you might to want to
think about how to hold the information inside your program. How many variables do we need?
What are their types? Should we use array or class? The particular design decisions we make
depend on how we want to use the information. We must answer these questions in project seven.
We have made the design of Course class for you as follows.
class Course
Course(); // default constructor
void get(string& name, string& time, string& number,
char& g, int& h) const;
void set(string name, string time, string number,
char g, int h);
void print() const;
string courseName;
string courseTime;
string courseNumber;
char grade;
int hours;
This is a very simple class that five private members that we are all very familiar with by now. It
has four public member functions (methods): a default constructor, a get, a set and a print.The default constructor should initialize the five members as
Programming foundations I
Fall 2015
CSCE 2004
The get function allows the user to retrieve all five pieces of information of the object at the
same time by using reference variables as arguments. (Note that this isn’t a particularly good
software engineering practice, since we do not have the ability to retrieve the value of a
particular variable, but it does simplify the code a bit.)
The set function allows the user to assign all five attributes to the object at the same time. (Again,
you would normally see a separate set function for each member, but then we would need 5
functions instead of 1.)
The print function outputs the values of the five members one per line to the screen.
We need to think about where we should insert some code in our main program so that our array
of classes maintains the same information as the five parallel arrays. To demonstrate the
correctness, you should write the information to another file called “checking.txt” at the
termination of the program.
3. Implementation:
First, correct any errors from hw5. Then, develop one feature or function at a time and leave all
other code the same and test it thoroughly before we move to the next feature or function.
We would suggest that you create a different file for implementing and testing the Course class.
Since you do not have to implement all member functions at once, to avoid overwhelming
compilation errors, you should implement one member function at a time and test each in
isolation. A possible order could be to implement first the default constructor, then print, set, and
finally get. Add an array of Courses once you are confident that the Course class is working and
test it. After that, copy the code related the Course declaration and implementation to be
beginning of project five code and the code becomes your project six code.
Add code to use the array of Courses so that it maintains the same information as that of the five
parallel arrays. Leave the five parallel arrays, as well as all the code manipulating them, in your
code so the program is always working and running.
Since you are starting with your previous program, you already have something that compiles
and runs. Since you must add new features and maintain the current behavior of the program, it
is important to make these changes incrementally one function at a time, writing comments,
adding code, compiling, and debugging. This way, you always have a program that "does
something" even if it is not complete.4. Testing:
Test your program to check that it operates correctly for all of the requirements listed above.
Also check for the error handling capabilities of the code. Try your program with several input
values [2-3 executions of your program], and save your testing output in text files for inclusion
in your project report. You can include the testing at the bottom of your report. Be careful about
edge cases (e.g. division by zero, a file cannot be opened, etc.).
5. Documentation:
When you have completed your C++ program, write a short report (less than one page long not
counting program testing output) describing what the objectives were, what you did, and the
status of the program. Does it work properly for all test cases? Are there any known problems?