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Algorithms Problem Set 9

1. (20 pts) Given a directed graph G = (V,E) with capacity c(u,v) 0 for each edge (u,v)
E and demand r(v) at each vertex v V, a routing of flow is a function f such (......)
that i.e., the total incoming flow minus the total outgoing flow at vertex v is equal to
r(v). Notice that the demand r(v) can take positive value, negative value, or zero.
(a) Show how to find a routing or determine that one does not exist by reducing to a
maximum flow problem.

b) Suppose that additionally there is a lower bound l(u, v) 0 at each edge (u, v), and we are
looking for a routing f satisfying f(u, v) l(u, v) for all (u, v) E. Show how to find such a routing or
determine that one does not exist by reducing to a maximum flow problem.

2. (20 pts extra credit) Even though in this class we focus on those greedy algorithms
that generate optimal solutions, in general a greedy algorithm may not give an optimal
solution. So, we are interested in those greedy algorithms that generate a good
enough solution, i.e., not too far from the optimal solution. Let us consider one such
problem as follows.
Given subsets S1,S2, ,Sn of a set S of points and an integer m, a maximum mcover is
a collection of m of the subsets that covers the maximum number of points of S.
Finding a maximum mcover is a computationally hard problem. Give a greedy
algorithm that achieves approximation ratio 11/e; i.e., let y be the maximum number of
points that can be covered by m subsets and x be the number of points that are
covered by the m subsets generated by your algorithm, then give a greedy algorithm
such that x (1 1/e)y.

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