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Project #3T: Test your project

Project #3T
Please read this entire prompt! == Create a test == For the upcoming project 3H, you will test your project against a large number of tests. Where will the large number of tests come from? You all! For this assignment, you are each responsible for writing one test. Your test will make use of the filters, sources, and sinks from the previous assignments. The test can either produce a valid image or try to cause an exception. Have a good time with this: make a cool output picture or think of a clever way in which the image production pipeline could fail. There is a collection of images posted to the course website that you can use as inputs. You'll notice that the test does not take the image filename as a command line argument. The filename for any image inputs should be hardcoded as: "../images/image_name.pnm" Finally, there will be a small prize for the best stress test. Spend a little time thinking and try to make a good one! == Where to start == You can find a template for your test, called "stress_test_template.C", posted on the course website. You should rename this template to "stress_test.C" and fill it in. Only add/modify code in the designated area. There are two sample tests posted to the course website. The sample tests are boring! You can do better! == What to turn in == Turn in a tarball containing a directory which holds a single file. The name of the directory must be your account name on ix-dev. The name of the file must be "stress_test.C". The name of the tar file should be "proj_3T.tar". Make sure that your test actually runs and it does what you think it should do. You can run your test by swapping it in for the main file in project 3G. If your test doesn't compile, you won't receive credit for this assignment.
Also, turn in the output of your test, either “my_exception” or “my_checksum”. So, the contents of the tar file, proj_3T.tar, are: <Your_ix-dev-accountname/stress_test.C <Your ix-dev-accountname/my_exception or <Your_ix-dev-accountname/stress_test.C <Your ix-dev-accountname/my_checksum Example: My account name on ix-dev is hank. I would submit proj_3T.tar. % tar xvf proj_3T.tar % ls * hank/stress_test.C hank/my_checksum (My test produced an image, so I got a checksum file.)

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