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Assignment 6: IRC based botnet

Assignment 6

Weight: 16% of your final grade.

In this assignment you are going to write an IRC based botnet. You are going to write both the
controller program and the bot program. The purpose of the controller is to issue commands to many
bots. The purpose of the bots is to accept commands from the controller and execute them. Both the
controller and the bots are going to communicate with each other only through an IRC server.
The bot program
Your bot must be able to connect to an IRC server specified on the command line. It should accept a
command line similar to this:
$ ./bot <hostname <port <channel <secret-phrase
The <hostname specifies the IRC server’s hostname, <port specifies the port and <channel
specifies which IRC channel the bot will join. The <secret-phrase specifies some secret text that the
IRC bot will listen for. This secret will be used as a very basic mechanism to prevent unauthorized
users to control the bot program. The bots should accept commands from a controller only after it
proves the knowledge of this secret phrase.
The bot programs should be resilient. If the connection to the IRC server is terminated, or the bot is
kicked, the bot should enter a loop in which it attempts to reconnect to the IRC server with a 5 second
timeout. Similar behavior needs to be implemented during the initial connection – if the connection
fails, the bot should attempt to connect in a loop with a 5 second timeout.
The bots will need to be able to perform a number of different functions:
 listen on the channel and detect a secret phrase from the controller
 execute commands sent by an authenticated controller to the channel
 commands will include: performing a simple network attack, migration to a different IRC
server and shutting down
 report status of command execution to the controller via private messages
When you write your bot program, you should design the communication in such a way that it should
be possible to control the bots by using a standard IRC client. This will make it much easier to debug
your bots, even before writing the controller program. You do not have to implement any encryption
for this assignment.
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The controller program
The controller program will connect to an IRC server, in a manner similar to the bot. The command
line arguments for the controller should be identical to the bot’s command line arguments, eg:
$ ./conbot <hostname <port <channel <secret-phrase
Once the controller connects to the IRC server, it will prompt the user to enter a command. When the
user enters the command, the controller will execute an action appropriate for the command. If the
action involves communicating with the bots, the controller should allow some small amount of time
for the bots to reply with the status. You can experiment to determine what would be a good timeout
value for this, but do not make it longer than 5 seconds. During this time the controller should collect
the responses from the bots, and afterwards calculate and display some useful aggregate statistic, such
as total successful vs unsuccessful attacks. Once the controller is ready to accept a new command, it
should prompt the user to do so.
The commands the controller needs to support are enumerated below.
Command: status
This command will make the controller send a message to the bots that will result in the bots
identifying themselves to the controller. The controller will then print out the list of bots (their nicks),
and their total number.
Command: attack <host-name <port
The controller will instruct the bots to attack the given <host-name at the given <port number.
Every bot will connect to the given host/port and send a message containing two entries: a counter and
the nick of the bot. On the next attack the counter should be increased by 1. After the attack is
complete, the bots must send diagnostic messages back to the controller about the attack, i.e. success
vs. failure. The controller will collect the responses from the bots, and then display them to the user
on standard output. The controller will also display the total number of successful and unsuccessful
Command: move <host-name <port <channel
This command will instruct all bots to disconnect from the current IRC server and connect to a new
IRC server as specified through the arguments. The controller should display how many bots were
moved as a result of this command. The controller remains connected to the same IRC server.
Command: quit
The controller will disconnect from the IRC and then terminate. The bots are unaffected.
Command: shutdown
This command will shut down the botnet. All bots should terminate. The controller will remain
running, and connected to the IRC server. The controller will report the nicks of the bots that were
disconnected, as well as their total number.
Example controller session
$ conbot 6667 chancpsc526 violetsareblue
Controller is running. Connected with nick: conbot663
command status
Found 3 bots: bot1, bot2, bot3.
command attack 8899
bot2: attack successful
bot1: attack successful
bot3: attack successful
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Total: 3 successful, 0 unsuccessful
command attack blah.blah.blah 8899
bot2: attack failed, no such hostname
bot1: attack failed, no such hostname
bot3: attack failed, no such hostname
Total: 0 successful, 3 unsuccessful
command shutdown
bot3: shutting down
bot2: shutting down
bot1: shutting down
Total: 3 bots shut down
command shutdown
Total: 0 bots shut down
command status
Found 0 bots.
command attack 8899
Total: 0 successfu, 0 unsuccessful
command quit
The controller should issue its commands to the bots by posting public messages to the channel. This
will make it easier for you to debug your bots by using a standard IRC client. However, the bots must
communicate their responses to the controller only using private messages. This means that a random
user that joins the bot channel will not see any replies from the bots, although they would see the
commands issued by the controller (including the secret phrase).
Related information
A publicly accessible IRC server will be available for your testing. Information will be posted on the
assignment page. However, you may decide to run your own IRC server for testing as well. Here is a
link to a simple IRC server written in python:
To test your attacks, you can use netcat with the ‘-k’ option. This will make netcat accept multiple
$ nc -k -l 8963
You should implement the IRC communication from scratch. There are many resources available on
the web related to the IRC protocol. However, you may use an existing library to help you with the
IRC protocol for a 30% penalty, for example:
IRC clients
You may want to install an IRC client to test your botnet. There are many clients available. Below are
some of the more popular open source clients:
HexChat desktop client with a GUI
Kiwi IRC web-based client
Yaaic Android
Irssi command line client
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Additional notes
 You may implement your program in Python, C or C++.
 Your program must run on the Linux machines in the labs (MS).
 You may not call external programs.
 You may be required to demo your assignments individually.
 During the demo you will be asked to demonstrate your familiarity with all of the code. If you
do decide to work on the assignment in a group, both of you should understand the code
You must submit your source code and a readme.pdf to D2L. Please use ZIP or TAR archives. If
you decide to work in a group, each group member needs to submit the assignment. The readme.pdf
file must include:
 your name, ID and tutorial section;
 name of your group partner if applicable;
 and a section that describes how to compile and run your code.
You must submit the above to D2L to receive any marks for this assignment.
Fully functioning bot program 60 marks
- not handling nick collisions efficiently -10 penalty
- not able to perform all functionality through the use of a generic IRC
chat client
-10 penalty
- accepting commands from unauthenticated controller -10 penalty
- not automatically reconnecting after disconnect -10 penalty
- not responding to status request -10 penalty
- not able to attack and send counter / nick in the attack message -20 penalty
- unable to be moved to another IRC server -10 penalty
- unable to shut down -10 penalty
- not reporting useful feedback after every command -5 penalty/command
- not reporting feedback via private messages -15 penalty
- using an IRC library instead of manual implementation -15 penalty
Fully functioning controller program (requires functioning bots!) 40 marks
- missing support for a command -5 penalty/command
- not reporting feedback from bots after a command -5 penalty/command
- missing aggregated feedback from bots -5 penalty/command
- using an IRC library instead of manual implementation -15 penalty
Ugly/undocumented source code -50 penalty
Please format and document your source code.
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