Priority Queues
In this lab, you will tweak the priority queue code in a way that the priority of items are defined via a key
function. Also, you implement methods to merge two priority queues and verfiy if your data structure
satisfies the definition of priority queues.
The Priority Queue ADT
A PriorityQueue contains a list of objects with priorities and maintains this list in a heap order. You can
think of a heap as a tree that is arranged so that objects with smaller priorities are above objects of
larger priorities. So, the object with the minimum priority is at the root or equivalently at index 0 of the
The priority of items in a PriorityQueue is determined through a key function. A key function takes an
object and returns a comparable object. For example, in the following code, k is a key function.
L = [(3, 2, 10), (4, 6, 1), (7, 1, 10), (5, 5, 5)]
k = lambda x: 1/x[1]
for item in L:
if k(item) < 0.5:
(4, 6, 1)
(5, 5, 5)
A PriorityQueue has the following ADT.
__init__(self, entries=None, key=lambda x: x) - Takes a list of objects and a key function and
stores them internally. It also creates a priority queue on the entries using the key function.
insert(self, item) - Inserts an item into the priority queue.
_parent(self, i) - Takes the index of an item and returns the index of its parent.
_children(self, i) - Takes the index of an item and returns the indices of its children.
findtop(self) - Returns the root of the priority queue.
removetop(self) - Removes the root of the priority queue and returns it.
_swap(self, a, b) - Takes two indices and swaps their corresponding items.
_upheap(self, i) - Takes an index and shifts the item at that index upward until it finds the right
place for that item.
_downheap(self, i) - Takes the index of an item and shifts that item downward until it finds the right
place for that item.
__len__(self) - Returns the length of the priority queue.
_heapify(self) - Rearranges the items in PriorityQueue so that they become in a heap order.
update(self, other) - Receives other as another PriorityQueue and updates the current
PriorityQueue with the items in other .
_isheap(self) - Returns True if the items in PriorityQueue are in a heap order and False
What to do
Implement _upheap(self, i) , _downheap(self, i) , update(self, other) , and _isheap(self) methods
of PriorityQueue class in file. Here the goal is implementing _upheap(self, i) and
_downheap(self, i) in O(log n) time and update(self, other) and _isheap(self) in O(n) time.