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Homework 3 Solutions

1. Let G and F be PRGs. Prove that F ◦G (where ◦ is function composition) is also
a PRG. Follow the proof structure provided in the note which is sent by email.
2. Let G and F be PRGs. Is (F; G) a PRG? Note that (F; G)(s) is (F (s); G(s)).
Please justify your answer.
3. Let G be a pseudorandom generator and define G0(s) to be the output of G
truncated to n bits (where jsj = n). Prove that the function Fk(x) = G0(k) ⊕ x is
not pseudorandom.
4. (Exercise 3.14) Prove that if F is a length-preserving pseudorandom function,
then G(s) def = Fs(1)kFs(2)k : : : kFs(‘) is a pseudorandom generator with expansion
factor ‘ · n.

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