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Project 2: Kernel Interception

Project 2: Kernel Interception
Loadable Kernel Modules (LKMs) allow you to change the operation of the base operating system arbitrarily.
As noted in Project 0, LKMs are not able to add system calls, but they are able to change existing system
calls. This process is known as a system call “interception.” In this project, we will perform two types of
system call interceptions: a straightforward monitoring approach and a more creative reinterpretation of an
existing system call.
Part 1: On-Access Anti-Virus Scanner
Goal: As a warm-up, we’ll make some simple alterations to existing system calls. Every time a regular user
opens or closes a file, we will print this information to the system log. However, we do not want this to
happen for non-user actions (such as those by the root user, known service user accounts, etc.). Accordingly,
we need to intercept and modify the existing system calls for open and close to add kprint statements
for regular users. In the syslog, the open messages should look like Jan 6 18:24:52 dalek kernel: [
105.033521] User 1000 is opening file: /etc/motd, while the close messages may look like Jan 6
18:24:53 dalek kernel: [ 108.511234] User 1000 is closing file descriptor: 2. We will also
look at every read call to determine if the file contains the string VIRUS. If it does, we’ll write a warning to the
system log: Jan 6 18:24:52 dalek kernel: [ 105.033521] User 1000 read from file descriptor
2, but that read contained malicious code!. Hopefully, the user will be appropriately terrified by this
While it is up to you to intercept open, close and read, we will provide an example of intercepting
one of the system calls we made in Project 0 to give you an idea of the mechanisms available to you. The
following is a full example module that does an interception. After this code listing, we provide commentary
on how it works.
#include <linux/kernel.h
#include <linux/module.h
#include <linux/syscalls.h
unsigned long **sys_call_table;
asmlinkage long (*ref_sys_cs3013_syscall1)(void);
asmlinkage long new_sys_cs3013_syscall1(void) {
printk(KERN_INFO "\"’Hello world?!’ More like ’Goodbye, world!’ EXTERMINATE!\" -- Dalek");
return 0;
static unsigned long **find_sys_call_table(void) {
unsigned long int offset = PAGE_OFFSET;
unsigned long **sct;
while (offset < ULLONG_MAX) {
sct = (unsigned long **)offset;
1if (sct[__NR_close] == (unsigned long *) sys_close) {
printk(KERN_INFO "Interceptor: Found syscall table at address: 0x%02lX",
(unsigned long) sct);
return sct;
offset += sizeof(void *);
return NULL;
static void disable_page_protection(void) {
Control Register 0 (cr0) governs how the CPU operates.
Bit #16, if set, prevents the CPU from writing to memory marked as
read only. Well, our system call table meets that description.
But, we can simply turn off this bit in cr0 to allow us to make
changes. We read in the current value of the register (32 or 64
bits wide), and AND that with a value where all bits are 0 except
the 16th bit (using a negation operation), causing the write_cr0
value to have the 16th bit cleared (with all other bits staying
the same. We will thus be able to write to the protected memory.
It’s good to be the kernel!
write_cr0 (read_cr0 () & (~ 0x10000));
static void enable_page_protection(void) {
See the above description for cr0. Here, we use an OR to set the
16th bit to re-enable write protection on the CPU.
write_cr0 (read_cr0 () | 0x10000);
static int __init interceptor_start(void) {
/* Find the system call table */
if(!(sys_call_table = find_sys_call_table())) {
/* Well, that didn’t work.
Cancel the module loading step. */
return -1;
/* Store a copy of all the existing functions */
ref_sys_cs3013_syscall1 = (void *)sys_call_table[__NR_cs3013_syscall1];
/* Replace the existing system calls */
sys_call_table[__NR_cs3013_syscall1] = (unsigned long *)new_sys_cs3013_syscall1;
/* And indicate the load was successful */
printk(KERN_INFO "Loaded interceptor!");
return 0;
static void __exit interceptor_end(void) {
/* If we don’t know what the syscall table is, don’t bother. */
/* Revert all system calls to what they were before we began. */
sys_call_table[__NR_cs3013_syscall1] = (unsigned long *)ref_sys_cs3013_syscall1;
printk(KERN_INFO "Unloaded interceptor!");
Understanding the Example
While a useful example, many parts may not be clear yet. Let’s talk about the code in pieces:
unsigned long **sys_call_table;
asmlinkage long (*ref_sys_cs3013_syscall1)(void);
The first line hints that we are going to need to find the system call table in memory (using some cute
pointer tricks). We are going to use find sys call table to find this value, and then change some of the
existing system call pointers to new functions in the interceptor start function.
The second line is going to be a variable that holds the pointer to the existing cs3013 syscall1 function.
We are going to intercept this call and replace it, but when we unload the module (in interceptor end), we
will want to restore the original. This variable will let us keep tabs on the original so we can safely restore
the old system state. You will want to be certain to do this right when intercepting open, close,
and read; otherwise, a reboot will likely be in your future.
Now, let’s consider our first function:
asmlinkage long new_sys_cs3013_syscall1(void) {
printk(KERN_INFO "\"’Hello world?!’ More like ’Goodbye, world!’ EXTERMINATE!\" -- Dalek");
return 0;
This represents what we are replacing our original system call. While our cs3013 syscall1 previously
cheerfully shouted “Hello, world!”, our injected system call will be slightly more menacing. At least it will
be easy for us to tell them apart. The beginning portion, asmlinkage long will be consistent for all the
system calls you’ll want to intercept.
3The find sys call table function is not something you will need to modify, but it will be exceedingly
useful. In the latest versions of Linux, the kernel developers stopped exporting the symbol to tell you where
the system call table is. However, some system calls have to be exported, in particular, sys close. So,
the find sys call table function scans memory looking for the pointer that matches the pointer to the
sys close system call. Since it knows that NR close is index into the system call table (since system calls
are numbered consecutively), it can find the memory address of the beginning of the system call table. Nifty,
The disable page protection and enable page protection are functions that invoke a routine that
will disable the protection for read-only memory on the processor, allowing us to overwrite the system call
table, even though that would normally be forbidden. You are welcome to reuse these functions. To use them,
you basically want to disable the protections before a system call table modification and then immediately
re-enable the protections. If you forget to re-enable the protection, misbehaved processes will suddenly be
able to modify pages that should be protected. This can cause memory issues that are very hard to debug.
You’ve been warned.
The interceptor start function finds the system call table, saves the address of the existing cs3013 syscall1
in a pointer, disables the paging protections, replaces the cs3013 syscall1’s entry in the page table with a
pointer to our new function, then reenables the page protections and prints a note to the kernel system log.
The interceptor end function essentially reverts the changes of the interceptor start function. It
uses the saved pointer value for the old cs3013 syscall1 and puts that back in the system call table in the
right array location.
When you go to add your interceptors for the sys open, sys close, and sys read calls, you will need
to place them in the same place as the interceptors for cs3013 syscall1 function. You’ll then write your
own version of these system calls (equivalent to our new sys cs3013 syscall1 function). Make sure you
replicate the parameters of the sys open, sys close, and sys read calls.
Helpful Hints:
• Test out the new cs3013 syscall1 before writing your own code to make sure you understand how
to do injections properly. Remember that you can insert modules with sudo insmod module.ko and
remove them with sudo rmmod module.ko. Keep the cs3013 syscall1 interception around as an
example for Part 2. Since it can be a pain to copy/paste from PDF documents, we have shared the
original code at
• When intercepting sys open, sys close, and sys read, you can invoke the old versions of these calls
by using the reference pointers you saved to restore the system calls. As a reference, the instructor’s
code for new sys open function was 4 lines of code. Do not make this step harder than it needs to be!
• The current uid() function will return the account number of the currently running user. In Ubuntu,
regular user accounts start at UID 1000.
• This may sound obvious, but to test that the monitoring code is tracking users properly, you will need
to open/close files as a regular user and not as root or via sudo (since that changes the UID).
Part 2: Process Genealogy
We are going to extend the Linux kernel to allow us to learn more about processes. We’re going to learn
about a targeted process’s ancestors, siblings, and children.
In this phase of the project, we will create a new executable named procAncestry. The procAncestry
command will take one parameter: the process ID (PID) to examine. The procAncestry command will go
through all the processes running on the system and find the targeted PID. Once it does, it will traverse
the process’s children and siblings, noting the PIDs for each. Once that’s done, it will begin climbing the
process tree ancestry, beginning with the target process’s parent, followed by it’s grandparent, and so on
until it reaches a parentless node (likely init).
You will need to create code, both in the kernel and in user space, to implement this executable. You will
add the kernel code using a Loadable Kernel Module (LKM) to intercept two of the system calls created in
Project 0. In particular, you will intercept cs3013 syscall2 to implement the procAncestry functionality.
Note that in Project 0, this system call did not take any parameters. But, with our interception, we can
redefine the function to take pointers as parameters. Naturally, this will break your testcall code from
Project 0. This shows you both the power of LKMs and shows you why kernel developers usually do not
redefine system calls. After all, how many wait system call variants are there?
The function prototype for your system call will be long cs3013 syscall2(unsigned short *target pid,
struct ancestry *response);, where *target pid is a pointer to an unsigned short and response is a
pointer to an ancestor struct, as defined below. Both of these variables must have their memory allocated in
user space before invoking the system call, otherwise an error will be returned. The system call returns zero
if successful or an error indication if not successful. The system call will read the target pid variable and
will search for the process associated with that process ID. The kernel must print a message about the target
process, the siblings, children, and ancestors in the system log, indicating what relationship the process has
to the targeted process.
struct ancestry {
pid_t ancestors[10];
pid_t siblings[100];
pid_t children[100];
Here are some things you should know:
• Almost all of the information you need can be found in the structure called task struct, defined in
include/linux/sched.h in the kernel source tree. Study this structure carefully!
Some of the information is obtained by following pointers or doubly-linked lists from task struct –
for example, parent, child or sibling processes. If a process has no children or siblings, these lists will
be empty. You need to use the linked list macros described in Chapter 6 of Linux Kernel Development,
3rd edition, and linux/list.h to access them.
• The kernel file include/asm/current.h defines an inline macro called current that returns the address
of the task struct of the current process. This gives you a place to start your iteration.
• Every system call must check the validity of the arguments passed by the caller. In particular, kernel
code must never, ever blindly follow pointers provided by a user space program. Fortunately, the
Linux kernel provides two functions that check the validity and also transfer information between
kernel and user space. These functions are copy from user and copy to user, and they are defined
in include/asm-generic/uaccess.h. You will need to use both. See pp. 76-77 in Linux Kernel
Development, 3rd edition.
For example, suppose you have accumulated information in a kernel data structure called kinfo, then
you can use copy to user as follows:
/* copy data from kinfo to area in user space pointed to by
’’info’’, a pointer supplied by caller */
if (copy_to_user(info, &kinfo, sizeof kinfo)
return EFAULT;
where EFAULT is a error code defined in include/asm/errno.h.
The copy to user function returns zero if the info argument provided by the caller is valid and the
copy is successful, but it returns the number of bytes that failed to copy in case of an error.
5• You do not need to worry about page faults in the user space or about blocking and/or pre-emption
by another process. Your system call operates in process context, which is essentially an extension of
the user-space process. It has access to both kernel and user data, and it is capable of taking page
faults, being pre-empted, or going to sleep without affecting the kernel or other processes.
• You need to intercept the cs3013 syscall2 system call, as you did for cs3013 syscall1 in Part 1 of
this project.
Hint: Start out your cs3013 syscall2 system call with getting just a few pieces of information, so as
to make sure that you can return it to the caller. After you get this part working, add the functionality to
access the task structs of the parent, child, and siblings. Remember that the children and siblings are in
linked lists that need to be accessed using the Linux kernel list macros described in Chapter 6 of the Love
Testing your System Calls
Write a user-space test program that calls cs3013 syscall2 patterned after the one you wrote for testing
your cs3013 syscall1 call in Part 1.
For debugging your system call, use the printk() function that you used in Part 1. You may see this
information in the /var/log/syslog file or using the dmesg command. Note that dmesg outputs these
printk messages immediately while the syslog daemon uses buffering.
Checkpoint Contributions
Students must submit work that demonstrates substantial progress towards completing the project on the
checkpoint date. Substantial progress is judged at the discretion of the grader to allow students flexibility
in prioritizing their efforts. However, as an example, any assignment in which Part 1 is completed will
receive full credit towards the checkpoint. Projects that fail to submit a checkpoint demonstrating
significant progress will incur a 10% penalty during final project grading.
Deliverables and Grading
When submitting your project, please include the following:
• The source code for the kernel module used for Phase 1 and Phase 2. Include header files, if needed.
• The user-land source code to test Phase 1 and Phase 2. For Phase 1, include the test calls to
cs3013 syscall1. For Phase 2, include the source code for the executables to invoke cs3013 syscall2
and the test program that you used to confirm proper user switching.
• The Makefiles for the LKM and for the user-land testing code.
• The /var/log/syslog file for Phase 1 and Phase 2. For Phase 1, the log should include output of all
the notifications you have of user activity. For Phase 2, you should see the required messages about
the process IDs as they are being checked.
Please compress all the files together as a single .zip archive for submission. As with all projects, please
only standard zip files for compression; .rar, .7z, and other custom file formats will not be accepted.
The project programming is only a portion of the project. Students should use the following checklist in
turning in their projects to avoid forgetting any deliverables:
61. Sign up for a project partner or have one assigned (URL:
2. Submit the project code and documentation via InstructAssist (URL:
3. Complete your Partner Evaluation (URL:, and
4. Schedule your Project Demonstration (URL:, which may
be posted slightly after the submission deadline.
A grading rubric has been provided at the end of this specification to give you a guide for how the project
will be graded. No points can be earned for a task that has a prerequisite unless that prerequisite is working
well enough to support the dependent task. Students will receive a scanned markup of this rubric as part of
their project grading feedback.
Groups must schedule an appointment to demonstrate their project to the teaching assistants. Groups
that fail to demonstrate their project will not receive credit for the project. If a group member fails to attend
his or her scheduled demonstration time slot, he or she will receive a 10 point reduction on his or her project
During the demonstrations, the TAs will be evaluating the contributions of group members. We will use
this evaluation, along with partner evaluations, to determine contributions. If contributions are not equal,
under-contributing students may be penalized.
7Project 2 – Kernel Modifications – Grading Sheet/Rubric
Grader: Student Name:
Date/Time: Student Name:
Team ID: Student Name:
Checkpoint?: Project Score:
Earned Weight Task ID Description
_____ 5% 1 Part 1 – Correct interception of cs3013_syscall1.
_____ 10% 2 Part 1 – Correct interception/modification of open/close system calls.
_____ 5% 3 Part 1 – Open/close log output for regular users only. Prerequisite: Task 2.
_____ 5% 4 Part 1 – Correct user-side program for testing. Prerequisite: Task 1.
_____ 25% 5 Part 2 – Correct kernel-side implementation of cs3013_syscall2 for userkernel communication. Prerequisite: Tasks 1-4.
_____ 20% 6 Part 2 – Correct kernel-side implementation of list-functions (children,
sibling traversals) for cs3013_syscall2. Prerequisite: Task 5.
_____ 15% 7 Part 2 – Correct process ID tracking/printing to syslog. Prerequisite: Task
_____ 15% 8 Part 2 – Correct user-side applications, test program, and exhaustive test
results showing correct results. Prerequisite: Task 7.
Grader Notes:

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