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Project #4B Memory error

Project #4B 
Worth 4% of your grade Please read this entire prompt! Assignment: Make your 3E project run memory error and leak free Tasks: 1) start with your 3E source code. (Don’t use 3F, since it has exceptions and that makes things hard.) 2) run valgrind on your 3E program (you may need to use ix-dev to do this … esp. since Mac+valgrind doesn’t always work well) 3) look at memory errors and memory leaks 4) fix errors and leaks … repeat until valgrind declares your program leak free and memory error free Submit: 1) a screenshot of the valgrind output (see mine below) 2) your source code
Notes: 1) if I had memory errors, they would have occurred after “Command: proj3F” and before “HEAP SUMMARY”. None there, so I’m OK. a. Don’t forget to use your 3E code …

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