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Project 1: Glassfish

Project 1
Experiment with the hello1 tutorial project. This tutorial is found in your glassfish installation [glassfish_home]\docs\javaee-tutorial\examples\web\jsf. The [glassfish_home] is the folder where you installed glassfish following the JavaEE7 Environment Setup document found in the Week1 content.
Study the code available and make the following enhancements:
1. Modify the Duke Image and replace it with an Image you supply. 2. Add an additional text field to the Web Form. 3. Based on the new web form, modify the file as needed to support appropriate responses. 4. Document your changes by providing a word (or PDF) file that describes all of the changes you made along with screen capture demonstrating the successful compilation and running on your platform. 5. Include Lessons Learned in your document along with a list of issues you ran into while setting up environment and how you resolve these issues.
Submission requirements Deliverables include all hello1 project files and a single word (or PDF) document. You should zip the hello1 project directory in its entirety for submission. The word (or PDF) document should clearly describe the changes you made to the hello1 project, include screen captures showing the successful compiling and running of your new hello1 project, a title page with your name and project number, IDE name and version, operating system, and instructions describing how to set up and run your hello1 project.
Each screen capture should be properly labeled, clearly indicating what the screen capture represents.
Submit your files to the Project 1 assignment area no later than the due date listed in your LEO classroom. You should include your name and P1 in your word (or PDF) file submitted (e.g. firstnamelastnameP1.docx or firstnamelastnameP1.pdf)
Grading Rubric:
The following grading rubric will be used to determine your grade:
Attribute Meets Does not meet Modifies image 20 points
Modifies the Duke Image and replaces it with an Image you supply.
0 points
Does not modify the Duke Image or replace it with an Image you supply. Enhanced web form 20 points 0 points
Adds an additional text field to the Web Form.
Does not add an additional text field to the Web Form.
Modifies file 30 points
Based on the new web form, modifies the file as needed to support appropriate responses.
0 points Based on the new web form, Does not modify the file as needed to support appropriate responses.
Documentation and project submission
30 points
Deliverables include a single word (or PDF) document (documentation file).
Documentation describes all of the changes made to the hello1 project.
Documentation provides screen capture demonstrating the successful compilation and running on your platform.
Include Lessons Learned in your document along with a list of issues you ran into while setting up environment and how you resolve these issues.
Documentation includes title page with your name and project number, IDE name and version, operating system and instructions how to set up and run your hello1 project.
Project submission includes all hello1 project files.
Each screen capture is properly labeled, or clearly indicates what the screen capture represents.
0 points
Deliverables do not include a single word (or PDF) document (documentation file).
Does not describe all of the changes made to the hello1 project.
Does not provide screen capture demonstrating the successful compilation and running on your platform.
Document does not include Lessons Learned or a list of issues you ran into while setting up environment and how you resolve these issues.
Documentation does not include title page with your name and project number, IDE name and version, operating system, instructions how to set up and run your hello1 project.
Does not include all hello1 project files.
Each screen capture is not properly labeled, or clearly indicate what the screen capture represents

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