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Project 1 – Jackson Pollock Art

 Jackson Pollock was an American painter who lived from 1912 to 1956 and was known for his unique style of "drip painting" in the so called abstract expressionist movement. In 1945 Pollock married Lee Krasner and the couple bought a house on Long Island that had a barn in back. It was there, using house paint, that Pollock developed his style. In 2006, one of his paintings sold for $140 million.
For this project you will write a WPF program that will create an artwork similar in style to that of Jackson Pollock. Figure 1 shows three such works of "art". You can find many more examples online.
Figure 1 Samples of artwork by Jackson Pollock
Minimum Requirements: 1. Provide a file menu that allows the user to save a work of art or restore a previously save work of art. Your file menu should also have an exit option to quite the program. 2. Provide a color menu to allow the use to choose the colors to be used in the painting. At a minimum you should allow the use to choose from a set of 8 different colors. 3. Provide appropriate means to allow the user to draw or redraw the screen. If a user draws a work of art and does a redraw she will get a new "painting" in the same colors. 4. Each painting will be drawn using a pseudo random number generator. Provide a mechanism to allow the user to set the initial seed for the generator. For a given set of
May 12, 2016
colors and a given starting seed your program should generate the same painting on a redraw. If no random seed is provided the seed should be chosen by default from the system clock.
Extras: 1. Allow the user to set up to 64 colors by choosing RGB values. 2. Include an About box that gives the author, date, etc. 3. Provide a list of instructions and help information. 4. Pollock's art has a number of swirls and lines. Allow the user to control the approximate ratio of swirls to lines. Turn in the following electronically to your instructor 1. A Word document titled EE356P1XXX.docx (where xxx is your three initials) which contains: • Cover Sheet – The cover sheet should include your name, course number, project number, project title, and date handed in. • A short description of your project. Include an overview and any special features that you added that are not in the specifications. 2. A complete code file that can be executed. Your code file must have well documented source code. Compress these two items into a zip file should have the title where XXX are your three initials and email them to your instructor.

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