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Assignment 8: Program that estimates the performance characteristics of an x86 processor

Assignment 8

Finish the implementation of a program that estimates the performance
characteristics of an x86 processor.

For each type of operation we need to estimate the following:

- latency: how long does it take for the result of the operation to be
ready for use
- rate: how many operations are performed per time unit

The results are reported in nano-seconds and in processor cycles

The instructions to be measured are:

- integer add instructions
- integer multiply instructions
- integer divide instructions
- load instructions

We also need to measure independent add operations:

- 32 bit integer add operations
- 8 bit integer add operations

We also need to measure dependent jumps:

- unconditional jumps
- taken conditional jumps
- untaken conditional jumps

We also need to measure

For each operation we need to measure two extremes:

- independent: minimal dependency between sequential instructions
- dependent: each instruction depends on the one before it

To compile:

- make

To run:

- make run


- main.c - the main program
- cstuff.c - put any C code you need here
- sstuff.c - put any assemble code you need here


- You need to run the things you're measuring in a tight loop
- Don't let other instructions pollute your measurements. For example, if
you want to measure the "add" instruction, you don't want to mix it
with lots of "mov" and "branch" instructions
- Processors can and do run multiple instructions per cycle.
- A dog chasing its tail is not always a bad idea

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