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Course Project: Understanding paths to Software Performance in the Future

With the challenges that computers are facing due to Moore’s Law scaling, computer
architecture is pursuing two major directions to continue performance increase. In this
project, you will explore the impact these trends have on software design, effort, and what
will be required to achieve good performance (and energy efficiency in the future).
The Programs:
You are being given two programs, matrix-matrix multiply, and a sorting program. They are
available in the file. They will be used as two exemplars for the much
more complex large-scale computing problems we will face in the future. You should select
one of the two options below, and at the end of the course, we will share results and discuss
the prospects for software performance in the future (and the effort required to achieve it).
Option A: Accelerating Programs on a single core (and thread)
Your objective is to make the two programs run as fast as possible on a single thread of a
single core. You will report performance relative to a baseline of simple compilation of the
supplied source code. You may use the CSIL linux machines for this work, or any x86
machine of your choosing, but be sure to make all of your measurements on the same
machine, and document the hardware configuration, compiler switches, and program
modifications made, along with the performance of course.
You may try any of the following things:
• Compilation with different compilers
• Compilation with different optimization switches (but make sure not to use the
switches that make use of multiple threads)
• Looking at the assembly code (“-S”)
• Rewriting the program for greater efficiency, including use of SSE intrinsics
• Rewriting with a different algorithm or data structures
• Rewriting for data locality
Option B: Accelerating Programs on a multi-core processor
Your objective is to make the two programs run as fast as possible on a multi-thread, multicore system. You will report performance relative to a baseline simple compilation of the
supplied source code. You may use the CSIL linux machines for this work, or any x86
machine of your choosing, but be sure to make all of your measurements on the same
machine, and document the hardware configuration, compiler switches, and program
modifications made, along with the performance of course.
• Compilation with different compilers
• Compilation with different optimization switches (yes, you can use the ones for
automatic parallelization using threads)
• Rewriting the program for greater efficiency, including using OpenMP commandsCMSC 22200 Chien, Autumn 2013 2
• Rewriting with a different algorithm or data structures
• Rewriting for data locality
In this case, you should take data for 1, 2, 3, 4, .... threads up to the maximum number of
threads the machine supports.
Overall Comments
You may choose whatever size inputs you would like for the programs, and measure
relative to a run of the unoptimized program on the same input.
You should design your experiments to focus on measurement of the “work part” of the
program. Either the sort of matrixmult, not the setup or checks.
As a little background information, the CSIL machines have the following C compilers (that
we found): gcc, g++, CLANG. All of these compilers support both SSE and OpenMP. See their
“man” pages, but also the following links for more information:
What you should turn in:
We expect a writeup of 5-10 pages (including graphs and tables!) answering the questions
below. In addition, you should submit the final version of your code for each of the two
1. Which option you chose
2. A description of the sequence of steps you tried, and the performance achieved for
each step (be clear, and choose your test sizes appropriately). Code snippets in the
text as helpful.
3. Corresponding source code for the significant versions (versions and names, we’ll
setup a way to submit this)
4. What an explanation of W

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