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lab 09- the lastK starter code

The LastK ADT
The following abstract data type will be used in the next homework.
Note: It doesn't use a mapping data structure.
A LastK data structure is a collection that only keeps the last k items added, where k is a
parameter specified when initializing a new instance. It should support the following operations.
__init__(self, k) - Initialize a new LastK data structure to store the last k items.
add(self, item) - add item to the collection. If there are already k items in the collection,
then the oldest one will be evicted.
__getitem__(self, i) - returns the item with index i in the sorted list of the last k items
added. For example, if we added 1,2,3,4,5 in order to a LastK object C and k = 4 , then C[
0] = 2 , C[1] = 3 , C[2] = 4 , and C[3] = 5 . If the index is negative or is greater than or
equal to the number of items in the collection, then __getitem__ should raise an
IndexError .
first(self) - returns the oldest item in the collection. Raise an IndexError if the collection
is empty.
last(self) - returns the newest item in the collection. Raise an IndexError if the collection
is empty.
clear - resets back to an empty collection.
__len__ - return the number of items currently stored. This should be a number from 0 to k.
What to do
Implement a class called LastK that implements the LastK ADT. Put it in a file called .
The goal is to implement add and __getitem__ in time and space. The best way to
implement this is with a so-called circular list. Just keep a single list of length k , keep track of
which index is the start, and use modular arithmetic to "wrap" the indices back around to the
beginning of the list. This way, when it is full, new entries overwrite the one that is no longer needed
O(1) O(k)

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