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Project 4  Computer Science Intern

Project 4 

Computer Science Intern

Skeleton Code: (Link)

Student A Remaining Slip Days

Student B Remaining Slip Days

Team's Usable Slip Days



















The scene:

You’re a passionate, outgoing Computer Science/Engineering Major at the University of Florida. During your hunt for a Summer Internship, you happened upon a nice, little internship for a paper sales company in Scranton, Pennsylvania. They are looking for someone to create a program to read in files for their employees’ tasks for the day. The receptionist, Pam, generates the text file for you to input, (You can find an example of the format below). Your program must read from this text file and then print output to the console. This is not an interactive program: you run it, and then it gives output.

Your program will be structured with a main class called Employee. That class will have subclasses as follows:





Your main method will be inside a class called TheOffice. That class will also be instantiable, so it will have a constructor. For member variables, it will have a private array of Employee objects.

Note that the input file could have an employee ID more than once because there is only one task per line, but each employee can receive many tasks.

Once you have the array of Employee objects, you will need to sort it by employee name, then you will print them out.


private int IDNumber;

private String name;

private Task[] taskList;


Employee(int IDNumber, String name, Task[] taskList)


getIDNumber -- getter

setIDNumber -- setter

getName -- getter

setName -- setter

getTaskList -- getter

setTaskList -- setter

toString -- Name, ID, and task. Look at the example for the format.

Note after EVERY colon (:) there is a single space after it (this must be included)

Note that there must be NO newline (\n) at the very end of the entire string

Note that the each Task is formatted exactly described in the Task’s toString method

equals -- This will be provided to you and must be included!

Here is an example of Employee toString

Name: Michael Scott

ID: 1

Task List:

Task: Fight Charles Level: 10

Task: Marry Holly Level: 10

Task: Form Michael Scott Paper Company Level: 9

Task: Lead meeting Level: 8

Task: Make Commercial Level: 8


private int RegionNum;

private Employee[] subordinates;

private int minimumTask;


RegionalManager(int IDNumber, String name, Task[] taskList, int RegionNum, Employee[] subordinates, int minimumTask)

RegionalManager(int IDNumber, String name, Task[] taskList, int RegionNum, int minimumTask) -- Note: Does not take an Employee array


getRegionNum -- getter

setRegionNum -- setter

getSubordinates -- getter

setSubordinates - setter

getMinimumTask -- getter

setMininumTask - setter

toString -- Title, Own Employee details (Own name, own, id, ect… Formatted exactly

Employee’s toString method), region number, Minimum task level, and Employees.

Note after EVERY colon (:) there is a single space after it (this must be included)

Note that there must be NO newline (\n) at the very end of the entire string

Note that the each of its Employee is formatted exactly like it’s respective toString method

equals -- This will be provided to you and must be included!

Here is an example of RegionalManager toString (Note, the only employees working for Michael are Dwight and Jim in this example.)

Regional Manager

Name: Michael Scott

ID: 1

Task List:

Task: Fight Charles Level: 10

Task: Marry Holly Level: 10

Task: Form Michael Scott Paper Company Level: 9

Task: Lead meeting Level: 8

Task: Make Commercial Level: 8

Region Number: 10

Minimum Task Level: 8


Assistant Regional Manager

Name: Dwight Kurt Schrute III

ID: 2

Task List:

Task: Help Michael Scott Level: 8

Task: Start Fire Drill Level: 5

Task: Start Gun Safety Presentation Level: 10

Regional Manager: Michael Scott

Minimum Task Level: 5

Sales Associate

Name: James Duncan Halpert

ID: 3

Task List:

Task: Sell paper Level: 3

Task: Say Hi to Pam Level: 10

Regional Manager: Michael Scott

Number of clients: 5

Products to sell:

100x white paper

Sabre Printer

Sabre Copier


private RegionalManager manager;

private int minimumTask; - Note: this cannot be higher than its regional manger


AssistantRegionalManager(int IDNumber, String name, Task[] taskList, RegionalManager manager, int minimumTask)


getManager -- getter

setManager -- setter

getMinimumTask -- getter

setMinimumTask -- setter

toString -- Title, Own Employee details (Own name, own, id, ect… Formatted exactly

Employee’s toString method), Regional Manager they work for, Minimum task level.

Note after EVERY colon (:) there is a single space after it (this must be included)

Note that there must be NO newline (\n) at the very end of the entire string

Note that the each of its Employee is formatted exactly like it’s respective toString method

equals -- This will be provided to you and must be included!

Here is an example of AssistantRegionalManager toString

Assistant Regional Manager

Name: Dwight Kurt Schrute III

ID: 2

Task List:

Task: Help Michael Scott Level: 8

Task: Start Fire Drill Level: 5

Task: Start Gun Safety Presentation Level: 10

Regional Manager: Michael Scott

Minimum Task Level: 5


private int numClients;

private String[] products;

private RegionalManager supervisor;


SalesAssociate(int IDNumber, String name, Task[] taskList, int numClients, String[] products, RegionalManager supervisor)


getNumClients -- getter

setNumClients -- setter

getProducts -- getter

setProducts -- setter

getSupervisor - getter

setSupervisor - setter

toString -- Title, Own Employee details (Own name, own id, ect… Formatted exactly

Employee’s toString method), Regional Manager they work for, number of clients.

Note after EVERY colon (:) there is a single space after it (this must be included)

Note that there must be NO newline (\n) at the very end of the entire string

Note that the each of its Employee is formatted exactly like it’s respective toString method

equals -- This will be provided to you and must be included!

Note: Both Sales Associates and Receptionists have a minimum task level of 1.

Here is an example of SalesAssociate toString

Sales Associate

Name: James Duncan Halpert

ID: 3

Task List:

Task: Sell paper Level: 3

Task: Say Hi to Pam Level: 10

Regional Manager: Michael Scott

Number of clients: 5

Products to sell:

100x white paper

Sabre Printer

Sabre Copier


private AssistantRegionalManager supervisor;

private int maxTaskComplexityLevel;


Receptionist(int IDNumber, String name, Task[] taskList, AssistantRegionalManager supervisor, int maxTaskComplexityLevel)


getSupervisor -- getter

setSupervisor -- setter

getMaxTaskComplexityLevel -- gettter

setMaxTaskComplexityLevel -- setter

toString -- Title, Own Employee details (Own name, own id, ect… Formatted exactly

Employee’s toString method), Assistant Regional Manager they work for, Max task level.

Note after EVERY colon (:) there is a single space after it (this must be included)

Note that there must be NO newline (\n) at the very end of the entire string

Note that the each of its Employee is formatted exactly like it’s respective toString method

equals -- This will be provided to you and must be included!

Note: Both Sales Associates and Receptionists have a minimum task level of 1.

Here is an example of Receptionist toString


Name: Pamela Morgan Beesly

ID: 4

Task List:

Task: Record Threat Level Midnight Level: 5

Task: Make Copies Level: 3

Task: Set up printer Level: 5

Assistant Regional Manager: Dwight Kurt Schrute III

Max Task Level: 5

Note: Task must be Immutable


private String name;

private int level;


Task(String name, int level)


getName -- getter

getLevel -- getter

toString -- Tab, name, Tab, level

Note after EVERY colon (:) there is a single space after it (this must be included)

Note that there must be NO newline (\n) at the very end of the entire string

Note that the each of its Employee is formatted exactly like it’s respective toString method

equals -- This will be provided to you and must be included!

Here is an example of Task toString

Task: Record Threat Level Midnight Level: 5

Note: This Class also has the main class


private Employee[] workers;


TheOffice() -- no args constructor. Must be empty

TheOffice(String fileLoc)

This constructor will take a String that has the file name. You need to open the file and read the contents. (Contents on the .txt file is provided down below). The constructor will initialize the workers array.

Important Note: The .txt file must be placed in the parent class of the src folder. Placing it in the src folder will cause it to throw an exception.

Also note that parts of the constructor have been filled up for you. You will need to code the rest.

Note: If the minimum task level for an assistant regional manager is higher than the minimum task level for its regional manager, then you need to throw a TaskLevelException (taking in the assistant regional manager's minimum task level as a parameter). Also, if a task for a given employee is lower than their minimum task level, then a TaskLevelException must be thrown as well. An example of this can be found in the skeleton code.

Hint: The FILE given in the constructor will have ONE Regional Manager, but can have more than one Assistant Regional Manager. However, ALL the receptionist will work for the FIR ST Assistant Regional Managers read from the file.

Hint: The Regional Manager cannot know all the employees passed (however it will know how many employees are working under him.)


getWorkers -- getter

setWorkers -- setter (Note: we can set an array with more than one regional manager)

toString -- will call the toString method for Regional Managers only. There is a newline between each call. However, note that there must be NO newline (\n) at the very end of the entire string

levelDisplay -- will make and return a string that has employees’ name and their minimum task level. Note that there must be NO newline (\n) at the very end of the entire string. The display is not done inside this method.

main -- Takes a command line argument for the file name without the “.txt” that is needed at the end. Must create a TheOffice object, display it, display by level, sort, then display by level (This is given to you)

Sample output at end of doc.

Note: The entire class is provided to you. Do not edit it!

Note: This is the exception that must be thrown when there is a Task Level Error


private int level;


TaskLevelException(int level){



Contains only a static method sort(Employee []) and returns a reference to the sorted Employee []. It does not matter whether you sort in place (modifying the original) or whether you make a sorted copy. Just make sure to return the sorted one.

The array must be sorted by the name of the employee in ascending alphabetical order.


These are the Files Provided

Here is a link to a sample input text file


The 1st line is how many employees work at the office (including the Regional Manager)

The 2nd line is the Type of employee. The 2nd Line will always be a RegionalManager

The 3rd line is ID

The 4th line is the regional manager name

The 5th line is number Tasks (Let’s call it x)

Under that there will be 2x-number of lines which are the tasks, and the following line will

be the level.


Make Commercial


The next line is Region Number

The next line is the minimum task level

The next line will be the Employee type (excluding Regional Manager). However, an assistant regional manager will be read before you read the first receptionist.(This means in the order of the file, at least one Regional Manager will above all receptionist).

If it is an Assistant Regional Manager:

Next line: ID

Next line: Name of Assistant Regional Manager

Next line: Number of Tasks (let’s call it x)

Next 2x lines(2 lines per task): tasks, and the followed on a new line will be the



Start Fire Drill


Next line: Minimum Task Level

If it is an Sales Associate:

Next line: ID

Next line: Name of Sales Associate

Next line: Number of Tasks (let’s call it x)

Next 2x lines(2 lines per task): tasks, and the followed on a new line will be the



Sell paper


Next line: number of clients

Next line: number of products the Sales Associate has (let’s call it y)

Next y lines: The product

If it is a Receptionist

Next line: ID

Next line: Name of Receptionist

Next line: Number of Tasks (let’s call it x)

Next 2x lines(2 lines per task): tasks, and the followed on a new line will be the



Make Copies


Next line: Maximum Task Level

Sample Output:

Regional Manager

Name: Michael Scott

ID: 1

Task List:

Task: Fight Charles Level: 10

Task: Marry Holly Level: 10

Task: Form Michael Scott Paper Company Level: 9

Task: Lead meeting Level: 8

Task: Make Commercial Level: 8

Region Number: 10

Minimum Task Level: 8


Assistant Regional Manager

Name: Dwight Kurt Schrute III

ID: 2

Task List:

Task: Help Michael Scott Level: 8

Task: Start Fire Drill Level: 5

Task: Start Gun Safety Presentation Level: 10

Regional Manager: Michael Scott

Minimum Task Level: 5

Sales Associate

Name: James Duncan Halpert

ID: 3

Task List:

Task: Sell paper Level: 3

Task: Say Hi to Pam Level: 10

Regional Manager: Michael Scott

Number of clients: 5

Products to sell:

100x white paper

Sabre Printer

Sabre Copier


Name: Pamela Morgan Beesly

ID: 4

Task List:

Task: Record Threat Level Midnight Level: 5

Task: Make Copies Level: 3

Task: Set up printer Level: 5

Assistant Regional Manager: Dwight Kurt Schrute III

Max Task Level: 5

Name: Michael Scott Level: 8

Name: Dwight Kurt Schrute III Level: 5

Name: James Duncan Halpert Level: 1

Name: Pamela Morgan Beesly Level: 1

Name: Dwight Kurt Schrute III Level: 5

Name: James Duncan Halpert Level: 1

Name: Michael Scott Level: 8

Name: Pamela Morgan Beesly Level: 1


More products