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In-kernel, page mapping, unmapping, and fault handling_Assgmt 10

Assignment 10:

Practice your memory management skills by implementing a simple, in-kernel,
page mapping, unmapping, and fault handling.

Your assignment if to finish the implementation of the vmm API defined in

- void pageFault -- called when a page-fault occurs. Should
allocate a new frame, fill it with zero,
then map it to the faulting va
- void vmm_map(va, pa) -- map the given virtual address to the given
physical address (both page aligned)
- uint32_t vmm_frame() -- allocate an available physical memory frame
and return its PA
- void vmm_unmap(va) -- unmap the given va
- int vmm_dirty(va) -- return 1 if the page containing the va is
dirty, 0 otherwise
- int vmm_accessed(va) -- return 1 if the page containing the va is
accessed, 0 otherwise
- uint32_t vmm_pa(va) -- return the PA to which the VA is mapped,
0xffffffff if it's not mapped

You will be developing part of an operating system kernel and as a result,
the programming environment will be strange and unfamiliar.

* User-level code doesn't have direct access to the MMU
* Your code has to run in supervisor state
* You can't do that on a shared machine and, even if you could, debugging
is very hard
* We use an emulator (qemu), which is a user-level program that emulates
* We also have to build the code in a special way because it will be
running as the operating system kernel
* You could will not have the benefit of an operating system because it
is the operating system so simple things like: printf, malloc, etc, are
not available to you

You don't have to understand most of those intricate details (you'll learn
them all in 439) and you can focus your attention on two files:

* kernel/vmm.c where you need to add the missing mode (marked by MISSING())
* kernel/kernel.c where the tests are run

Here are some functions that might be useful:

* sayHex: print a string and a hex value
* putHex: print a hex value
* putStr: print a string
* getPD(): return a pointer to the PD (page-directory)
* vmm_dump(): dump the contents of the MMU (the PD and any valid PT)

Simplifying assumptions

- we always run in supervisor mode

- the machine has 2M of physical memory

- the kernel uses physical memory in the range 0 to 1M, the rest is available
for allocation

- all mappings are RW

- all allocated frames are zero-filled

- a page fault is resolved by allocating a zero-filled frame, mapping it to
the faulted VA and retrying the faulted instruction

- kernel/kernel.c contains the kernel entry point and the testing
code (leave it alone)

- you're free to add, remove, or modify other files

To compile:


To look at the output:

make run

To run test:

make test

To make the output less noisy:

make -s test

To run by hand

qemu -nographic --serial mon:stdio -hdc kernel/kernel.img

To attach with gdb

It's a good idea to change the -O3 to -O0 in common.mak if you want to debug
with gdb

qemu -S -s -nographic --serial mon:stdio -hdc kernel/kernel.img

then in another window

gdb kernel/kernel
(gdb) target remote localhost:1234
(gdb) # define breakpoint, etc
(gdb) cont


test.ok -- expected output
test.out -- your output
kernel/vmm.c -- the only file you're allowed to change
kernel/kernel.c -- the kernel entry and the test cases
kernel/mbr.S -- the bootstrap code (the code that runs when the machine
kernel/* -- the rest of the kernel code
e0.tcl -- test script

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