Starting from:


A collaborative exercise to learn Python

# A collaborative exercise to learn Python and Git

## Objective

Build a city! The city will be printed out to the terminal (use python's `print()` function for this) and will have the following components:

- School
- Library
- Roads
- Hospital
- Power Plant
- Mall
- Tree
- Lake

Everyone will be responsible for coding at least one component of the city. Each component is a member of a quarter. The quarters of the city are the following:

- Education
- Leisure
- Infrastructure

Once you have coded your component open a Pull Request against this repository. You may receive additional implementation requests in the review of your PR.

We will then merge the PRs and print our city!

## Running the code

    $ python3

## Helpful Resources

- [Getting Started with Python](
- [Getting Started with Git](

### Step by step checklist

- [ ] [Fork]( this repository
- [ ] [Clone]( **your fork** locally
- [ ] [Add a remote]( called `upstream` pointing to this repo (`` or ``)
- [ ] [Create]( and checkout a branch named after the component you are working on
- [ ] Implement your component by editing the relevant file(s)
- [ ] [Add]( and [Commit]( your changes
- [ ] [Push]( these changes to your fork on github
- [ ] [Create a Pull Request]( against this repository.

### Addressing Feedback

Once you have created a PR, we will review it and submit feedback. This feedback must be addressed in order for the PR to be merged. In order to address feedback:

- [ ] Locally edit the relevant files on the same branch that you used to create your PR
- [ ] [Add]( your changes
- [ ] [Amend your commit](
- [ ] [Force Push]( these changes to your fork on github
- [ ] These changes should now be reflected in the PR

**Lab will be considered complete once you have pushed your changes to your local PR and created a pull request!**

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