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Assignment 2: A Greedy algorithm

BBM204 Software Practicum II 
Programming Assignment 2
Topics: Dynamic Programming, Greedy Programming
Programming Language: Java (OpenJDK 11)
A Greedy algorithm is an algorithmic paradigm that builds up a solution piece by piece, always
choosing the next piece that offers the most obvious and immediate benefit. So the problems
where choosing locally optimal also leads to a global solution are best fit for Greedy.
Dynamic programming is mainly an optimization over plain recursion. Wherever we see a recursive solution that has repeated calls for the same inputs, we can optimize it using Dynamic
Programming. The idea is to simply store the results of sub-problems so that we do not have to
re-compute them when needed later.
In this experiment, you will explore and utilise a dynamic programming approach along with a
greedy approach on similar problems with the intention of reducing the computational complexity
compared to brute-force approach.
In the wake of a natural disaster, scheduling relief tasks is essential. Volunteers and resources
often rush to the affected area, but without proper coordination, the relief effort can quickly
BBM204 Software Practicum II Spring 2023
Programming Assignment 2
become disorganized and ineffective. By scheduling tasks, organizers can ensure that volunteers
and resources are used efficiently, assigning individuals with specific skills to the most suitable
tasks and directing supplies to where they are most needed.
Scheduling relief tasks also ensures that support is sustained over time, as a surge of volunteers
in the immediate aftermath may dwindle later on. This sustained effort is necessary for communities to receive consistent and necessary aid. Additionally, scheduling tasks provides structure
and purpose to volunteers who may feel overwhelmed upon arriving in the disaster zone, allowing
them to be more confident and productive in their relief efforts. Ultimately, scheduling relief
tasks is critical in maximizing the impact of the relief effort and providing effective and sustainable support to the affected communities.
In this assignment, as Hacettepe BBM and AIN students, you are supposed to help schedule
relief efforts by using dynamic programming and greedy programming approaches. Assume that
a list of tasks will be given to a team of volunteers. Some tasks will overlap and it will not
be possible to finish all the tasks from the list. Therefore, the team needs a planner that will
optimize the task schedule for maximum benefit.
Send Excavator
- starts at 09:00
- should take 3 hrs to finish
- importance score is 3
Distribute warm meal
- starts at 10:00
- should take 5 hrs to finish
- importance score is 6
Pack humanitarian aid
- starts at 12:00
- should take 1 hr to finish
Problem Definition
A Must-Use Starter Code Template
You must use this starter code. Do not change any Class or Method names or
signatures, otherwise you will not pass the automatic Tur2Bo Grader tests. Usage
of any external libraries other than the given one is forbidden and will result in
failing the Tur2Bo Grader tests.
Step 1: Reading the Input File
Given a list of tasks as a json file (you are encouraged to parse it using the gson library) you
will have to fill an array with Task objects. You are required to get the file name as the first
BBM204 Software Practicum II Spring 2023
Programming Assignment 2
program argument. A sample input json is illustrated in the figure below:
"name": "Send the excavator",
"start": "09:00",
"duration": 3,
"importance": 30,
"urgent": false
"name": "Organize school for children",
"start": "17:00",
"duration": 1,
"importance": 6,
"urgent": false
"name": "Distribute warm meal",
"start": "10:00",
"duration": 5,
"importance": 61,
"urgent": true
"name": "Pack humanitarian aid",
"start": "12:00",
"duration": 1,
"importance": 45,
"urgent": false
"name": "Check if all tents have a heater",
"start": "16:00",
"duration": 1,
"importance": 12,
"urgent": false
"name": "Register missing persons",
"start": "16:00",
"duration": 1,
"importance": 6,
"urgent": false
Step 2: Sorting the Array
You are expected to sort the array you have filled in increasing order of the finish times using
Arrays.sort() method. You should implement a method in the Task class named getFinishTime(),
which returns the finish time of the task as a string (in the same format as the start time). After
implementing getFinishTime(), you should implement the compareTo() method of Comparable
interface in the Task class, which uses getFinishTime().
BBM204 Software Practicum II Spring 2023
Programming Assignment 2
Step 3: Calculating Weights
Weight of each task should be calculated using the formula below:
weight =
importance × (urgent ? 2000 : 1)
The weight of a task should be acquirable within your program using getWeight() method of the
Task class.
Step 4: Finding Compatible Tasks
To tackle this problem, you must fill a compatibility array such that compatibility[i] holds the
index of the first compatible task before the task i. Compatibility between two tasks a and b
can be defined as follows; task a is said to be compatible with task b if the finish time of task a,
namely fa, is less than or equal to the start time of the task b, namely sb.
Considering the sample input given in Fig. 1, the value of compatibility[4] should be 2, as it is
the first task compatible with task 4. Since the array is already sorted by the finish time, you
should use the binary search algorithm to find compatible tasks for each task.
Figure 1: compatibility[i] values w.r.t. i values
Step 5: Calculating the Total Maximum Weight Value
Independently of the optimization approach taken (dynamic or greedy), there are only a few
cases to be considered while implementing the solution.
Case 1: task i is in the solution
Case 2: task i is not in the solution
Considering the first case, if task i is in the solution, then the weight of task i must be combined
with the result of the recursive call for the first compatible task before i.
Considering the second case, if task i is not in the solution, then the procedure should check the
task before i.
On each recursive call, the procedure should find the maximum of those two cases. To calculate
the maximum weight that can be acquired for all jobs, the procedure should calculate all maximum values for all N tasks in the array. To calculate the maximum value for task i, it is required
BBM204 Software Practicum II Spring 2023
Programming Assignment 2
that the maximum values for i − 1 and compatibility[i] are known, which creates overlapping
To exploit this property of the problem, you are required to create and fill a double array
maxWeight, which will store the maximum values for each task i such that i = 0, i = 1, ..., i =
N − 1.
Sample Printed Output
Your program should output every recursive call like the sample given below:
Calculating max array
Called max(5)
Called max(4)
Called max(2)
Called max(-1)
Called max(1)
Called max(0)
Called max(-1)
Called max(-1)
Called max(0)
Called max(-1)
Called max(-1)
Called max(3)
Called max(2)
Called max(2)
Called max(4)
Step 6: Finding a Dynamic Programming Solution
The objective of this part of the assignment is to schedule tasks such that the total
weight of the scheduled tasks is maximized. After properly filling the maxWeight array,
another pass is required to find a solution. You should fill the given instance variable named
planDynamic that is defined as an array of Tasks. There are, again, a few cases to consider while
implementing this part.
Case 1: It is better to include task i in the solution
Case 2: It is worse to include task i in the solution
Considering the first case, i should be added to the planDynamic, and another recursive call is
required for inspecting the task compatibility[i]. You should use the max array to determine if
it is better to include task i or not.
Considering the second case, another recursive call is required for inspecting the task i − 1.
Sample Printed Output
Your program should output every recursive call and then the created plan to the console like
the sample given below:
BBM204 Software Practicum II Spring 2023
Programming Assignment 2
Calculating the dynamic solution
Called findSolutionDynamic(5)
Called findSolutionDynamic(4)
Called findSolutionDynamic(3)
Called findSolutionDynamic(2)
Dynamic Schedule
At 10:00, Distribute warm meal.
At 16:00, Check if all tents have a heater.
At 17:00, Organize school for children.
Step 7: Greedy Implementation
In this part, the objective is slightly changed. You are expected to schedule tasks
such that the maximum number of tasks gets done. For this part, assume that no weights
are present for any of the tasks. Using your previously developed structure and correctly sorted
array of tasks, you are expected to implement a greedy algorithm to tackle this modified version
of the problem.
The algorithm should work in the following way: After sorting as explained in Step 2, for each
task i starting from 1 as the first task should always get selected, you should check if the
task is compatible with the most recently selected task, and if it is compatible, then you are
required to simply add the task to another solution array called planGreedy.
Sample Printed Output
Your program should output every addition:
Greedy Schedule
At 09:00, Send the excavator.
At 12:00, Pack humanitarian aid.
At 16:00, Check if all tents have a heater.
At 17:00, Organize school for children.
Important Notes
• Brute force solutions for dynamic and greedy programming parts will not be
accepted and will be graded with 0.
• Do not miss the submission deadline: 20.04.2023, 23:59.
• Save all your work until the assignment is graded.
• The assignment solution you submit must be your original, individual work. Duplicate or
similar assignments are both going to be considered as cheating.
• You can ask your questions via Piazza (
bbm204), and you are supposed to be aware of everything discussed on Piazza.
BBM204 Software Practicum II Spring 2023
Programming Assignment 2
• You should run your code using the commands below:
javac -cp *.jar *.java -d .
java -cp .:* Main io/input/input6.json
Windows Powershell
javac -cp *.jar *.java -d .
java -cp '.;*' Main io/input/input6.json
Windows CMD
javac -cp *.jar *.java -d .
java -cp .;* Main io/input/input6.json
• The assignment must conform to the given coding template.
• You must test your code via Tur2Bo Grader comingsoon (does not count as submission!).
• To acquire full points, your code should pass one or more unit tests for each step.
• You will submit your work via with the file hierarchy given below:
b<studentID>.zip <FILE> <FILE> <FILE>
*.java <FILE> (optional)
• The name of the main class that contains the main method should be You
must use this starter code. Do not change any Class or Method names or
signatures, otherwise you will not pass the autograding tests.
• This file hierarchy must be zipped before submitted (not .rar, only .zip files are supported).
• Usage of any external libraries other than gson library is forbidden.
• Do not use any packages. Only use the default package. Usage of a package
will likely result in a grade of ZERO.
• Do not submit any .jar or .class files.
Grading Policy
Grading will be strictly performed using autograder. Requests for manual grading
will not be accepted!
• Submission: 1%
• Output tests: 9%
• Unit tests: 90% (18% each)
BBM204 Software Practicum II Spring 2023
Programming Assignment 2
Unit Tests
The methods given in the starter code below should be implemented to pass our unit tests:
1. CalculateCompatibilityTest: This test checks if the array compatibility is filled with
appropriate values. Planner.calculateCompatibility() should be implemented correctly.
2. CalculateMaxTest: This test checks if the array maxWeight is filled with appropriate
values. Planner.calculateMaxWeight() should be implemented correctly.
3. PlanDynamicTest: This test checks if the returned schedule from Planner.planDynamic()
is correct and the array planDynamic is filled with appropriate values.
4. PlanGreedyTest: This test checks if the returned schedule from Planner.planGreedy() is
correct and the array planGreedy is filled with appropriate values.
5. CompareToTest: This test checks if Task.compareTo() returns the correct comparison
value so that Task objects are sorted by their finish times in increasing order.
Output Tests
6. ConsoleOutputTest: This test checks if the printed console output matches the expected
console output.

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