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Homework 2- a simple message box system

BBM 465: Information Security Laboratory
Information Security Lab.
Homework 2
Subject: Hashing
Language: Java
You are expected to develop a simple message box system. The system will store and protect
messages left by visitors. Visitors will leave a password-protected message to a registered
user. Messages have a receiver (authorized user) and it is protected with a password. To view
a message already left on the system the user must satisfy these conditions, 1) the message
sent to the user, (in other words, authorized by the message owner) 2) the user must know
the password given to the message.
Figure 1: Use case and class diagram
Fall 2022
BBM 465: Information Security Laboratory
Implementation Details
Messages stored in the system have 4 properties; message id, content, receiver (authorized
user), and password.
ˆ Each message has a unique message id.
ˆ Each message has a password and authorized user (username). The password will not
be stored as raw. It must be in hashed form.
ˆ Each message has a content.
The system has registered users. And each user has a unique username and password.
ˆ Each user has a unique username.
ˆ User passwords must be stored in hashed form.
Accessing/Creating Message
- A user can access a message if s/he knows the password of the message and is authorized
by the sender(visitor) of the message.
- While creating a message, the visitor must provide a unique message id for the message
(it should be validated by the system) and declare an authorized user (receiver). Only the
authorized user can view the message.
Visitors: Visitors are anyone who has access to the program. They are not registered and
they do not have any information stored on the program. They can only create a message for
a user.
Users: Users are registered to the system to receive/view messages. A user has a unique
username. The password of the user must be stored in hashed form. Users can view a message
if s/he is authorized to view the message and knows the password of the message.
Use Cases
Leave a Message: A visitor can leave a message to the system by filling in the corresponding fields on the UI. The visitor has to provide a unique message id to the message.
And this condition has to be checked by the system. If the message id is not validated the
visitor shouldn’t be able to create the message. The visitor has to select a receiver for the
message. The receiver has to be a registered user. The created message will be accessible by
this receiver later. And the visitor set a password for the message.
Fall 2022
BBM 465: Information Security Laboratory
View a Message: Only a user can view the message. To view a message, the user has to
know the message id and the message password. Also, the user must be authorized by the
message (see ”Leave a Message”).
For the MessageBox program, the requirements are listed below:
ˆ The program must store at least two data files locally. You must store registered message
ids, content, and hashed password and authorized username in data file/s.
ˆ You must store registered usernames and their hashed passwords in data file/s.
ˆ Datafiles must be encrypted to provide security. Keys for the encryption algorithm
must be hard-coded in the code.
ˆ Users can access messages by entering an id and password. If the user is authorized,
s/he can see the content of the message.
ˆ The program has 3 main functionalities; Access, Register, and View. In the access
page, you must perform validation to give access to the user to read the message. In
the register page, you must validate the id for messages. IDs have to be unique. In the
message page, you should display the message.
ˆ Unique fields (message id and username) must be checked by the system. The system
shouldn’t allow users with the same username or messages with the same message-id.
ˆ Encrypted database files should be placed in the same directory as the program.
Graphical User Interface
The program must have a graphical user interface (GUI) using JAVA Swing. There are 4
must view for the program. These are; Home, Access, Register, and Message Views.
Home Page
The home page is the main page of the program. There should be at least two buttons to
direct a user to the access page to view a message and the register page to leave a message
to the system.
Access View
This page includes a form to get the credentials from the user. There should be fields for
messages; message id and password, username, and user password. The page should include
a ”View” button. If the given credentials are correct and the user has authorization, s/he
should view the message.
Fall 2022
BBM 465: Information Security Laboratory
Figure 2: Home page view
Message View Page
After the access page, if the user is successfully directed to the message page, s/he should
view the message on the Message View page. The message should be on the frame, and there
should be a button to return.
Message Register View
To create new messages, you must create a message register view that includes a registration
form. This form should include corresponding fields for message content, message id, and
password. Also should include the authorized username. On the form page, there should be
at least two buttons, one for sending the form to create a new message, and the other one to
return to the home page.
1. You must use Java Swing for the GUI.
2. Data files must be encrypted. Use DES algorithm for encryption.
3. You can use crypto API. For encryption/decryption you can use your codes from the
previous homework.
4. You can use MD5 or SHA-256 as hashing algorithm.
5. You must submit the homework in groups of two.
6. You should prepare a report that describes your approach to the problem with the
details of your implementation. You must write down all group members’ names and
ids. Reports will be graded too.
Fall 2022
BBM 465: Information Security Laboratory
Figure 3: Access Page View
Fall 2022
BBM 465: Information Security Laboratory
Figure 4: Message Page View
Fall 2022
BBM 465: Information Security Laboratory
Figure 5: Message Register View
Fall 2022
BBM 465: Information Security Laboratory
7. You can ask your questions about the homework via Piazza. (
8. T.A. as himself has the right to partially change this document. However, the modifications will be announced in the Piazza system. In case, it is your obligation to check
the Piazza course page periodically.
9. You must compile and test your code on Eclipse Platform for Windows before submission.
10. You will submit your work via the submission system.
The submission format is given below:
→ <group>
→ src /*.java
→ src /*.data
→ report.pdf

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