Starting from:


ASSIGNMENT 3  A social network such as Facebook

BBM103: Introduction to Programming Laboratory I 
A social network such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc. is a network which is a set of objects (nodes)
with interconnections (edges). Here, nodes refer to individuals or things within the network and edges
refer to relations/interactions between individuals or things. Fig.1. shows a sample social network
Figure 1: Visualization of social network graph
The 3rd assignment is based on this scenario: Suppose that you work for a software company. A new
job which is developing a social media platform such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc. is taken by
your company. In order to develop a social media platform, you are expected to use a social network
described above. Your project manager expects you to manage and investigate the
BBM103: Introduction to Programming Laboratory I (Fall 2021) 19.11.2021
relation/interaction among the nodes in this social network by using functions, File(I/O), lists, tuples,
sets and dictionaries.
At the beginning phase of this part, the file named “smn.txt” which will be shared on piazza should be
read by your implementation. By using the content of “smn.txt”, you should create a social network
graph. Fig.2. shows the content of “smn.txt”, which consists of adjacency list.
Figure 2: The content of smn.txt
Fig.3. shows the visualization of social network graph your implementation will create.
Figure 3: The visualization of social network graph expected
After you construct the social network graph, the file named “commands.txt” should be read by your
implementation. The details of commands are given in Table 1.
BBM103: Introduction to Programming Laboratory I (Fall 2021) 19.11.2021
 Table 1. Commands
ANU Add New User
DEU Delete Existing User
ANF Add New Friend
DEF Delete Existing Friend
CF Give the Number of Existing User
FPF Find Possible Friends
SF Suggest Friend to Existing User
Your implementation should perform various functionalities over social network for each command given
in Table 1. Each of these functionalities is introduced in detail below:
1) Add New User: This function should take one parameter which indicates a new user (new node).
In this function, new user name is given to a node and it is added into the social network.
Command type should be as follows:
ANU < new_user >
There is one restriction:
• When a node is newly created,
o the new user is not allowed to give an existing name in the social network.
i.e., Your implementation should give a message “ERROR: Wrong input type! for
'ANU’! -- This user already exists!!”, if the user’s name given exists. Otherwise,
your implementation should add the user to the social network and give a
message “User <username> has been added to the social network successfully”.
SAMPLE for Add New User function: When we use the command ANU<“Sandy”>, the
visualization of social network graph will be like:
Figure 4: The visualization of social network graph expected after ANU
BBM103: Introduction to Programming Laboratory I (Fall 2021) 19.11.2021
2) Delete Existing User: This function should take one parameter which indicates an existing user
(existing node). In this function, the user taken as parameter and his/her all relations should be
Command type should be as follows:
DEU < username >
There is one restriction:
• A node which does not exist in the social media network is strictly forbidden to delete.
i.e., Your implementation should give a message
“ERROR: Wrong input type! for 'DEU'!--There is no user named <username>!!”,
if the user’s name given does not exist. Otherwise, your implementation should delete
the user from the social network and give a message “User <username> and his/her all
relations have been deleted successfully”.
SAMPLE for Delete Existing User function: When we use the command DEU<“Andy”>, Andy and
his relations will be deleted. The visualization of social network graph will be like:
Figure 5: The visualization of social network graph expected after DEU
3) SAMPLE for Add New Friend function: This function should take two parameters: first parameter
indicates an existing user (existing node) which should be source node and second parameter
indicates an existing user (existing node) which should be target node. In this function, a new
relation between two nodes is created.
Command type should be as follows:
ANF < source_user > < target_user >
There are two criteria for performing this function:
• Both nodes taken as parameters must exist in social network.
BBM103: Introduction to Programming Laboratory I (Fall 2021) 19.11.2021
i.e., Your implementation should give either a message “ERROR: Wrong input type! for
'ANF'! -- No user named <username> found!!” if one the users given as parameters does
not exist in social network or “ERROR: Wrong input type! for 'ANF'! -- No user named
<username> and <username> found!” if both the users given as parameters do not exist
in social network.
• A relation between those nodes must not be created before in social media network.
i.e., Your implementation should give either a message “ERROR: A relation between
<username> and <username> already exists!!”.
If the two conditions mentioned above are met, your implementation should add new relation
between two nodes and give a message “Relation between <username> and <username> has
been added successfully”.
SAMPLE: When we use the command ANF<“Otello”, “Sandy”>, a relation between Otello and
Sandy will be established. The visualization of social network graph will be like:
Figure 6: The visualization of social network graph expected after ANF
4) Delete Existing Friend: This function should take two parameters: first parameter indicates an
existing user (existing node) which should be source node and second parameter indicates an
existing user (existing node) which should be target node. In this function, the relation between
two nodes is deleted.
Command type should be as follows:
DEF < source_user > < target_user >
There are two criteria for performing this function:
• Both nodes taken as parameters must exist in social media network.
i.e., Your implementation should give either a message
BBM103: Introduction to Programming Laboratory I (Fall 2021) 19.11.2021
“ERROR: Wrong input type! for 'DEF'! -- No user named <username< found>!” if one the
users given as parameters does not exist in social network or
“ERROR: Wrong input type! for 'DEF'! -- No user named <username> and <username>
found!” f both the users given as parameters do not exist in social network.
• A relation between two nodes must exist in social media network.
i.e., Your implementation should give a message “ERROR: No relation between
<username> and <username> found!!”.
If the two conditions mentioned above are met, your implementation should delete the relation
between two nodes and give a message “Relation between <username> and <username> has
been deleted successfully”.
SAMPLE for Delete Existing Friend function: When we use the command DEF<“Betty”, “Dacey”>,
a relation between Otello and Sandy will be established. The visualization of social network graph
will be like:
Figure 7: The visualization of social network graph expected after DEF
5) Count Friend: This function should take one parameter which indicates an existing user (existing
node). This function gives the number of friends of the given user.
Command type should be as follows:
CF < username >
Within the scope of this function, you must avoid to input a non-existing node name. i.e., Your
implementation should give a message “ERROR: Wrong input type! for 'CF'! -- No user named
<username> found!”. Otherwise, it counts the number of friends of the user and gives a message
“User <username> has <friendcount> friends”.
SAMPLE for Count function: When we use the command CF<“Tom”>, we will get an output like:
User ‘Tom’ has 5 friends
6) Find Possible Friends: This function should take two parameters: first parameter indicates an
existing user (existing node) and second parameter indicates maximum distance. Maximum
BBM103: Introduction to Programming Laboratory I (Fall 2021) 19.11.2021
distance must be between 1 (included) and 3 (included). (i.e., 1<=maximum_distance<=3) Within
the scope of this function, you are expected to find possible friends for each user.
Command type should be as follows:
FPF < username, maximum_distance >
For example, possible friends of “Camila” can be the users shown in list given below when we
choose the maximum distance as 2.
{‘Andy’, ‘Betty’, ‘Dacey’, ‘George’, ‘Haley’, ’Ian’, ‘Ken’, ’Lou’, ‘Mary’, ‘Nadia’, ’Otello’, ’Paul’, ‘Ryan, ‘Tom’}
Your program should give a message “ERROR: Wrong input type! for 'FPF'! -- No user named
<username> found!” if the user given as parameter as a non-existing user. Otherwise, it performs
its functionality and gives “User <username> has <count> possible friends when maximum
distance is <maximum_distance>” and “These possible friends: <possible_friend_list>”
SAMPLE for Find Possible Friends function: When we use the command FPF<“Camila”,2>, we will
get an output like:
User 'Camila' have 17 possible friends when maximum distance is 2
These possible friends: {‘Betty’, ‘Dacey’, 'Emily', 'John', ‘George’, ‘Hailey’, 'Frida', ’Ian’, ‘Ken’, ’Lou’, ‘Mary’,
‘Nadia’, ’Otello’, ’Paul’, ‘Ryan’, ‘Sandy’, ‘Tom’}
NOTE: The possible friends for the user given as parameter should be listed in ascending order.
7) Suggest Friend: In the last function, you are expected to determine Mutuality Degree (MD) which
is a threshold identifying the one as suggested friend for a user (for example node “x”). Also, you
are expected to list the possible friends of this user. For example, when we attempt to analyze
friendship status for an existing user to suggest friends for him (for example: for node name
“Camila” when MD=3. As seen in Fig. 8, ’C’ has 3 friends {“Emily”, “Otello”, “Ryan”} and each of
them has 5 {“Camila”, “Ian”, “John”, ’Lou”’, Paul”}, 6 {“Camila”, “George”, “Mary”, “Paul, “Sandy”,”
Tom”}, and 9 {“Betty”, “Camila, “Dacey”, “Frida”, “Hailey”, “Ken”, “Lou”, “Nadia”, “Paul”} friends,
respectively. When considering to the friend lists of Camila ’s friends, it can be noticed that only
user Paul reaches or exceeds MD, since Camila ’s at least 3 friends are friend with Paul. For MD =
2, the suggestion list will become Paul and Lou. Note that, MD must be greater than 1 and user
cannot determine a non-existing user or a user having friend less than MD.
Command type should be as follows:
SF < username > < MD >
BBM103: Introduction to Programming Laboratory I (Fall 2021) 19.11.2021
Your implementation should give a message either
“Error: Wrong input type! for 'SF'! -- No user named <username> found!!” if a non-existing user
is given as first parameter or “Error: Mutually Degree cannot be less than 1 or greater than 4” if
either MD is less than 1 or greater than 4. Otherwise, your implementation should give an output
as below.
SAMPLE OUTPUT for Suggest Friend function: When we use the command SF<“Camila”,2>, we
will get an output like:
Suggestion List for 'Camila' (when MD is 2):
'Camila' has 2 mutual friends with ‘Lou’
'Camila' has 3 mutual friends with ‘Paul’
‘The suggested friends for ‘Camila’: ‘Lou’, ‘Paul’
Figure 8: Tree Representation of Friendship
NOTE: The suggested friends for the user given as parameter should be listed in ascending order.
BBM103: Introduction to Programming Laboratory I (Fall 2021) 19.11.2021
Fig.9. shows the content of a sample “output.txt”.
Figure 9: Sample Output
NOTE 1: Your implementation must process on the file named “commands.txt” which will be
shared on Piazza.
NOTE 2: Your implementation should give an output file named “output.txt” after performing
the commands in the file of interest.
NOTE 3: In your assignment, it is expected from you to use File (I/O), dictionaries, lists, tuples
and sets in your implementation.
NOTE 4: Your implementation must be original and flexible as much as possible. In other words,
your implementation should produce reasonable results when completely different-valid files
are used. Otherwise, it will not be considered for evaluation and you will get 0 score from this
For execution, the path of the directory where input files exist will be taken from console. To
execute your code on dev, firstly use following command line in your terminal:
python3 dirpath dirpath
BBM103: Introduction to Programming Laboratory I (Fall 2021) 19.11.2021
➢ Do not miss the submission deadline!
➢ Save all your work until the assignment is graded.
➢ Your assignment must be original and you must do it with your own individual work. Duplicate or
very similar assignments are both going to be considered as cheating. You can ask your questions
via Piazza and you are supposed to be aware of everything discussed on Piazza. At Piazza, you
cannot share your source code completely or partially. Assignments will be checked for
similarity, and there will be serious consequences if plagiarism is detected.
➢ Your programs will be executed in DEV machine, please make it work on dev before submitting.
➢ It is your duty to check the Piazza platform against any possible update about this assignment. If
any instruction written by the TA violates any condition against this document, the new
instruction(s) on Piazza is/are valid!
➢ You have 3 days extensions for this assignment.
o 1-day late submission will be graded over 90 points
o 2-day late submission will be graded over 80 points
o 3-day late submission will be graded over 70 points
➢ You will submit your work from department submit system with the file hierarchy as below:
This file hierarchy must be zipped before submitted (Not .rar, only .zip files are supported by the
→<student id>
➢ You can lose points if you don’t follow the rules defined above.

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