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Advanced Data Models  Neo4j Assignment

COMP5338: Advanced Data Models 
Neo4j Assignment

1 Introduction
In this assignment, you will demonstrate that you know how to import semi-structured
data into Neo4j as property graph by creating nodes and relationships between them. You
also demonstrate that you are able to query the graph to explore various aspects of the
real world data.
The data set you will work with has the same format as the one you worked in MongDB
assignment. It consists of tweet objects downloaded from Twitter using Twitter API. You
are asked to import the data as property graph in Neo4j and to implement a set of target
queries. A practice data set is released along with the assignment instruction. The expected
answer of each query for the practice data set is given in the assignment instruction to
help you self check the correctness of the implementation. A test data set will be used by
markers to mark the implementation. The practice and the test data set are of similar size
and format. It is important that you do not redistribute the data set used in the assignment
to any party outside this course. Doing so may violate Twitter’s content distribution policy.
2 Data set
The practice data set contains a single JSON file downloaded using keyword search of
twitter’s standard search API. The JSON file contains around 10K downloaded tweet
objects. We omit the field description of tweet object here. They can be found in the
MongoDB assignment instruction.
Each tweet has an unique ID. The data set contains more tweet IDs than the number of
Tweet objects in the JSON file. There are tweet IDs without a corresponding object. Such
ID usually appears as the replyto_id or retweet_id of another tweet.
A tweet could be a general tweet, a retweet or a reply to a tweet. We can tell the type of
a tweet if the corresponding object is in the data set. For tweet with only an ID in the data
set, the type is unknown.
There could be reply to a retweet or a reply; and retweet of a reply. Some queries
in this assignment explore the tree structure formed by reply and retweet relations. For
convenience, we use the following tree data structure terminologies to refer to tweets in
different part of the tree structure:
• parent refers to a tweet that receives a reply or retweet
• child refers to a retweet or reply of another tweet
• ancestor refers to any high level tweet in the parent hierarchy. An ancestor could be
a parent, a grand parent or a tweet further up the parent hierarchy of another tweet.
• descendant refers to any low level tweet in the child hierarchy. A descendant could
be a child, a grand child, or a tweet further down the child hierarchy of another
• root refers to the tweet that does not have known parent in the data set. Note that
in theory a root should be a general tweet. But since our data set only contains a
tiny subset of the entire tweet graph, it is possible that the root tweet is of unknown
type with only an ID in the data set.
• leaf refers to the tweet that does not have any children.
Figure 1: An Example Tweets Tree formed by Reply and Retweet
Figure 1 shows an example tree consists of six tweets connected by reply and retweet
edges. The actual tweets objects in the data set are shown in next page. You may notice is that the data set contains only five tweet objects. Tweet “1308466464337297408”
is the root of the tree and does not have a corresponding object in the data set. But
the ID appears as the replyto_id of the tweet object “1308517003062370313”. This
root tweet does not have a known parent in the data set. The tree has three leaf tweets:
“1308517931341484032”, “1308535681514438656” and “1308544373613879296”. Tweet
“1308535292824035328” has two ancestors: the root and “1308517003062370313”;
and two descendants: tweet “1308535681514438656” and “1308544373613879296”.
1 {
2 "id" : NumberLong(1308517003062370313),
3 "created_at" : "2020-09-22 21:22:19",
4 "text" : ""We will definitely be standing on the shoulders of ’Schitt’s Creek.’"\n
\n\"The Simpsons\" writer @mrtimlong says new C...",
5 "user_id" : 14133037,
6 "replyto_id" : NumberLong(1308466464337297408),
7 "replyto_user_id" : 14133037,
8 "user_mentions" : [ { "id" : 227771301, "indices" : [ 94, 104]}]
9 }
10 {
11 "id" : NumberLong(1308517931341484032),
12 "created_at" : "2020-09-22 21:26:00",
13 "text" : "@dfriend @mrtimlong Absolutely they will get more eyes on them just by
virtue of what Schitt’s Creek accomplished....",
14 "user_id" : 289496163,
15 "replyto_id" : NumberLong(1308517003062370313),
16 "replyto_user_id" : 14133037,
17 "user_mentions" : [ {"id":14133037,"indices":[0, 8]}, {"id":227771301, "indices":[
18 }
19 {
20 "id" : NumberLong(1308535292824035328),
21 "created_at" : "2020-09-22 22:34:59",
22 "text" : "I don’t think Canada can ever be second-guessed the way it might’ve been
in the past.\"\n\nThe \"Schitt’s Creek\"...",
23 "user_id" : 14133037,
24 "replyto_id" : NumberLong(1308517003062370313),
25 "replyto_user_id" : 14133037
26 }
27 {
28 "id" : NumberLong(1308544373613879296),
29 "created_at" : "2020-09-22 23:11:04",
30 "text" : "RT @dfriend: "I don’t think Canada can ever be second-guessed ...",
31 "user_id" : 824157,
32 "retweet_id" : NumberLong(1308535292824035328),
33 "retweet_user_id" : 14133037,
34 "user_mentions" : [ {"id" : 14133037,"indices" : [ 3, 11]}]
35 }
36 {
37 "id" : NumberLong(1308535681514438656),
38 "created_at" : "2020-09-22 22:36:32",
39 "text" : "RT @dfriend: "I don’t think Canada ...",
40 "user_id" : 55610483,
41 "retweet_id" : NumberLong(1308535292824035328),
42 "retweet_user_id" : 14133037,
43 "user_mentions" : [ {"id" : 14133037,"indices" : [ 3, 11]}]
44 }
3 Query workload
• [Q1] Find out the number of general tweets that do not have a reply nor a retweet
in the data set. This question is the same as Q6 in MongoDB assignment. And the
sample answer for the practice data set is: 911
• [Q2] Find out the top 5 hashtags sorted by their occurrence in general or reply tweets.
We do not count retweet, which has the same textual content as the parent tweet.
This question is the same as Q2 in MongoDB assignment. The sample answers for the
practice data set are:
Venus Quran QURAN space NASA
57 18 14 8 7
Note that the order does not matter if a few hashtags have the same occurrence
number. The 5
th tag in the sample result could be ‘phosphine’,which also occurs 7
• [Q3] Find out the most popular tweet ranked by the number of descendants in the
database. Print out the tweet id and the number of descendants.
The sample answer for the practice data set are:
Tweet ID Descendant Count
1306104147209584640 5159
• [Q4] Find out the most popular tweet ranked by the number of unique users as
author of its descendant tweets. Print out the tweet id and the number of authors.
The sample answer for the practice data set are:
Tweet ID User Count
1306104147209584640 5159
• [Q5] Find out the longest discussion path in the data set. A discussion path is a
sequence of tweets from a root tweet to a leaf tweet along the reply and retweet
edges. Print out the path length and the path as a list of tweet ids. If there are
multiple paths with the same maximum length, you only need to print one of them
as the result.
The sample answer for the practice data set are:
path length Tweet IDs in Path
9 [1306516021499494402,
• [Q6] Some tweets mention users in their texts. This information is stored in the field
mentions. There are in general two cases a user might be mentioned:
– A retweet or reply may mention its ancestors’ authors. In particular, a retweet
may automatically mention its ancestors’ authors. An example can be seen
from tweet “1308517931341484032”, which mentions its’ parent tweet’s author “14133037”.
– A tweet may mention a user that is not the author of any ancestor tweet but is related with the content. An example can be seen in tweet "1308517003062370313",
which mentions user "227771301" (@mrtimlong). This user is not the author
of any ancestor tweet.
We are interested in the second case and would like to find out the top user with
most mentions not from its descendant tweets. Print out the user id and the number
of time it is mentioned by a tweet that is not a descendant. If there are multiple top
users with the same mention count, you only need to print one as the result.
The sample answers for the practice data set are:
user id count
1233245849427136513 363
4 Implementation Requirements
The data loading, query and clean up should be implemented as three separate cypher
shell scripts:
• setup.cypher: this script contains all statements related with loading the JSON file
and constructing the graph.
• queries.cypher: this script contains query implementations. Running this script
should print the result of each query in correct order. There is not much control on
neo4j’s output format. You are asked to to specify “verbose” format. You should only
print the target query result and the query sequence number should be included in
one of the result column for easy marking. A sample output for the practice data set
is given in next page. Q5 results are shortened to fit in the page.
• cleanup.cypher: this script contains statements to clean up the graph including the
indexes created.
Three sample scripts are released along with the assignment instruction. They show the
format of a cypher script. setup_sample.cypher loads the “persons.json” file used in
week6 lab into a simple graph. The script contains two statements: the first one creates an
index on name field of Person node, the second one loads data from local file. Each statement ends with a semicolon. queries_sample.cypher runs two queries. Each query is
implemented as a statement ending with a semicolon. cleanup_sample.cypher removes
all nodes/relationships/indexes.
The script can be executed using :source command inside the cypher-shell or be
invoked from command line. Figure 2 shows how to execute it inside cypher-shell.
Figure 2: Run Cypher Script inside Cypher-shell
In MacOS, the cat command can be used to invoke cypher script from command line:
$neo4jhome> cat a2sample.cypher | bin/cypher-shell -u neo4j -p <password> --format verbose
In Windows, the type command can be used to invoke cypher script from command line:
$neo4jhome> type a2sample.cypher | bin/cypher-shell.bat -u neo4j -p <password> --format verbose
| Q1_results |
| 911 |
| Q2_tag | tag_count |
| "Venus" | 57 |
| "Quran" | 18 |
| "QURAN" | 14 |
| "space" | 8 |
| "NASA" | 7 |
| Q3_root_id | descendant_count |
| 1306104147209584640 | 5159 |
| Q4_root_id | user_count |
| 1306104147209584640 | 5159 |
| Q5_length | tweets |
| 9 | [1306516021499494402, 1306519149175169024, ...] |
| user_id | mention_count |
| 1233245849427136513 | 363 |
5 Deliverable and Submission Guidelines
The final deliverable of this assignment consists of two elements:
• A zip file with all three cypher shell scripts due for submission on Canvas by week
8 Monday October 19, 2020 23:59pm.
• A 5-10 minutes zoom demo with your tutor in week 8. In the demo the tutor will
run your submitted script on a test data set of similar size and of the same format.
6 Mark Distribution
The target query is worth 1.5 points each. The marking is based on whether or not your
query produces the correct results on the test data set during the demo. The test data
set is collected using the same Twitter API with different search term(s). There is no
intentionally added corner case(s) in the test data set.
There is 1 point allocated for script conforming to the required format. Your script needs
to produce at least the correct result following the implementation requirements to receive
the format point.

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