Starting from:


Advanced Operating Systems P4

                        Advanced Operating Systems

Enhance the shell from p3 to support the new facilities described below.

Enhance the shell's capabilities with support for two new builtin commands
named shmalloc and shmdel:

    shmalloc SHM_NAME SHM_SIZE_IN_MB
        makes a posix-compatible shared memory area available for subsequent
        programs to use (mmap and shm_open); note that multiple processes
        can share the area simultaneously
    shmdel  SHM_NAME
        removes the shared memory area (shm_unlink)

Submitting the project for grading:

The project should compile and link as p4.

You should turnin a tar file containing all of the required files.

To build the project, I will cd to my directory containing your files
and simply type:

    rm -rf p4
    rm -rf *.o

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