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Advanced Operating Systems P5

                             Advanced Operating Systems

Write a C/C++ program which implements a client/server pair
of programs that provide the functionality described below.

The client and server should support functionality similar to that
provided by ssh/sshd or rsh/rhsd.  However, we are not requiring
that support be provided for full-screen applications such as vi.

The server should accept connections on a port specified as the
only cmd-line arg.  (It should use setsockopt with the SO_REUSEADDR
option to make the port reusable.)  The server should then accept
connections from one or more clients (concurrent server, not
iterative) and fork and exec each application that is requested.
Each application should have its time usage restricted based on
the value of cpu args passed to the server from the client (see
client description below).  The stdin and stderr of the application
process does not have to be handled; you may close them if desired.
The stdout of the application process should be captured by the
server and delivered to the client for printing.

The client requires a minimum of 4 cmd-line args.
It should accept these args in the order shown:
    host on which to connect to server
    port on which to connect to server
    max cpu time in seconds usable by remote app (e.g. 6)
    appname to run via remote server
    args to appname

Submitting the project for grading:

The project's two programs should compile and link as p5s and p5c.

You should turnin a tar file containing all of the required files.

To build the project, I will cd to my directory containing your files
and simply type:

    rm -rf p5s p5c
    rm -rf *.o
    make    ## this one command should cause BOTH programs to be built

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