In this homework, you are asked to write a MATLAB program to find the adjacency
matrix of the spanning tree via the spanning tree algorithm in the lecture notes. Please
download the adjacency matrix of network A (network_A.mat that contains a 100x100
matrix named “A”) on iLMS.
1. The matrix A is the adjacency matrix of a network with 100 nodes.
A(i,j)=1, if there is an edge between nodes i and j and 0 otherwise.
2. Node “1” is root.
3. Please use matrix A to find the adjacency matrix tree (t) of the spanning tree
via the spanning tree algorithm in the lecture notes.
matrix tree (t) is the adjacency matrix of the spanning tree and tree(i,j)=1
if there is an edge between nodes i and j in the tree and 0 otherwise.
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