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CSE 2010, HW4

Submit Server: class = cse2010, assignment = hw4SxIndividual
Due Tue Mar 12 at the end of your lab section; Submit
Server: class = cse2010, assignment = hw4SxGroupHelp
x is 14, 23, or j—your merged section number or java.
To add an element of surprise/excitement (and perhaps
more revenue), an online retail/auction site tries to sell multiple items of the same product at random times over a period
of time (e.g. 1000 items at random times over 24 hours). How
would you design an efficient system to match items to bids?
The goal of HW4 is to design a system that can efficiently
match items with the highest bidding price at different times.
The system allows customers to enter bids. Each bid consists
of a price and quantity. For simplicity, each customer can have
one bid and there is only one product. If two bids have the
same price, the earlier bid has a higher priority (assume the
timestamp of a bid is unique). Also, to not lose money, the
site does not sell an item if the highest bidding price is lower
than the minimum acceptable price, which can be updated
over time by the retailer (e.g. higher at the beginning).
To manage and find the highest bid efficiently, use a priority
queue implemented with a heap. Each entry of the priority
queue has: bid price (key), timestamp (secondary key), and
customer name (value). Assume at most 100 entries. A tie
in the price is broken by the timestamp. Functions/methods
• insert(pQueue, entry)
• removeMax(pQueue) // return and remove entry with the
maximum key
• getMax(pQueue) // return entry with the maximum key
• isFull(pQueue)
• isEmpty(pQueue)
To implement the priority queue, you may modify/rewrite Programs 9.20 and 9.21 on pp. 352-355 (Java: Code Fragment
9.8 on pp. 377-378 in Goodrich et al.). We will be evaluating your submission on; we strongly recommend you to ensure that your submission functions properly
Input: The command-line argument for hw4.c (
is the name of the input file, which has:
• EnterBid time name price quantity
• UpdateMinimumAcceptablePrice time price
• SellOneItem time
• DisplayHighestBid time
Time is an integer in HHMM format, where HH is 00-23 and
MM is 00-59 (leading zeros are optional). Sample input files
are on the course website. You may assume names are unique.
Output: Output goes to the standard output (screen), each
line corresponds to an action:
• EnterBid time name price quantity
• UpdateMinimumAcceptablePrice time price
• SellOneItem time name price [NoBids / HighestBiddingPriceIsTooLow]
• DisplayHighestBid time name bidT ime price quantity
Sample output is on the course website.
Extra Credit (10 pts): Separate submission via
hw4extra.c ( Consider the customers
are also allowed to update bids. Additional possible input
action is:
• UpdateBid time name price quantity
and output result is:
• UpdateBid time name price quantity [customerNotFound]
Although the priority queue is designed to find the highest bid
quickly, it is not designed to find a customer quickly—faster
than O(N), where N is the number of customers.
1. Design and implement an additional data structure that
can help find a customer and update the priority queue
faster than O(N).
2. Note that UpdateBid might not udpate the entry with the
highest bid in the priority queue.
3. In the comments at the top of your program (or in a separate PDF file):
• explain why your additional data structure can help
UpdateBid become faster than O(N) with an analysis of the time complexity of UpdateBid.
• when UpdateBid does not remove the entry of highest bid, discuss how the heap (priority queue) needs
to be adjusted.
[It’s OK if EnterBid becomes slower than O(log N), which
can be remedied with data structures to be discussed later in
the course.]
Submission: Submit hw4.c ( that has the main
method and other program files. Submissions for Individual
and GroupHelp have the same guidelines as HW1.
Note the late penalty on the syllabus if you submit after the
due date and time as specified at the top of the assignment.
For extra credit, submit hw4extra.c ( that
has the main method and other program files. GroupHelp
submission is not applicable to extra credit. Late submission
for extra credit is not accepted.

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