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Homework 3 Pointer manipulation

[Question 1. 30 points] This exercise shows you how to do low-level pointer manipulation in F#. We can define linked lists as follows:
type Cell = { data : int; next : RList} and RList = Cell option ref
Notice that this is a mutually recursive definition. Each type mentions the other one. The keyword and is used for mutually recursive definitions.
Implement an F# function reverse which implements in-place reverse of a list by changing the pointers. This means that you will have mutable fields that get updated. Please note the types carefully. Here is the code I used to test the program.
let c1 = {data = 1; next = ref None} let c2 = {data = 2; next = ref (Some c1)} let c3 = {data = 3; next = ref (Some c2)} let c5 = {data = 5; next = ref (Some c3)}
(* This converts an RList to an ordinary list. *) let rec displayList (c : RList) = match !c with | None - [] | Some { data = d; next = l } - d :: (displayList l)
(* Useful if you are creating some cells by hand and then converting them to RLists as I did above. *) let cellToRList (c:Cell):RList = ref (Some c)
You may find the displayList and cellToRList functions useful for testing purposes but they play no role in the solution. Here are examples of the code in action:
displayList (cellToRList c5);; val it : int list = [5; 3; 2; 1] val reverse : lst:RList - RList
let l5 = cellToRList c5;; reverse l5;; displayList l5;; val it : int list = [1; 2; 3; 5] let l0: RList = ref None;;
val l0 : RList = {contents = null;}
reverse l0;; val it : RList = {contents = null;}
The program is short (5 lines or fewer) and easy to mess up. Please think carefully about whether you are creating aliases or not. You can easily write programs that look absolutely correct but which create infinite loops. It might happen that your reverse program looks like it is working correctly but then displayList crashes. You might then waste hours trying to “fix” displayList and cursing me for writing incorrect code. Perhaps your reverse terminated but created a cycle of pointers which then sends displayList into an infinite loop.
[Question 2. 20 points] In class, we have shown you a program which mimics transactions done on a bank account. For this we have first defined a data-type for transactions:
type transaction = Withdraw of int | Deposit of int | CheckBalance | ChangePassword of string | Close
We have added two new transactions to the example done in class.
In class, we defined a function make-account which generates a bank account when given an opening balance.
In this exercise, you are asked to modify this code and generate a password-protected bank account. Any transaction on the bank account should only be possible, if one provides the right password. For this, implement the function makeProtectedAccount with the arguments and types shown below.
let makeProtectedAccount(openingBalance: int, password: string) =
This function takes in the opening balance as a first argument and the password as a second, and will return a function which when given the correct password and a transaction will perform the transaction. One crucial difference to be noted right away is that in the new code I want you to print the balance on the screen instead of returning it as a value.
val makeProtectedAccount : openingBalance:int * password:string - (string * transaction - unit)
Now, two things may go wrong. The password could be incorrect and the amount to be withdrawn could be too big. In these cases I want you to print an appropriate message on the screen and not let the transaction go through.
The user can also close down the account which means that any further requests, even with the correct password, will just get the response Account closed. When the account is closed one should see the message Account successfully closed. Even after the account is closed it is still there and can answer requests, and will insist on the correct password, but the answer will always be Account closed. The user can also change password; from the type definition above it should be clear how this works.
Here are examples of the code in action; I have deleted some lines:
val makeProtectedAccount : openingBalance:int * password:string - (string * transaction - unit)
let Leah = makeProtectedAccount(1000, "BiologyRocks");; val Leah : (string * transaction - unit) let Talia = makeProtectedAccount(500, "MathIsAwesome");; val Talia : (string * transaction - unit) Talia("MathIsAwesome", Withdraw 50);; The new balance is 450: . val it : unit = () Leah("PhysicsRocks", Withdraw 100);; Incorrect password. val it : unit = () Leah("BiologyRocks",CheckBalance);; The balance is 1000: . val it : unit = () Leah("BiologyRocks", Deposit 125);; The new balance is 1125 . val it : unit = () Talia("MathIsAwesome", ChangePassword "CSisBetter");; Password changed. val it : unit = () Talia("MathIsAwesome", Withdraw 50);; Incorrect password. val it : unit = () Talia("CSisBetter", CheckBalance);; The balance is 450: . val it : unit = ()
Leah("BiologyRocks", Close);; Account successfully closed. val it : unit = () Leah("BiologyRocks", CheckBalance);; Account closed. val it : unit = ()
[Question 3. 30 points] In this question we work with trees where the number of children at each point can vary. Instead of having a fixed number of subtrees we will have at each node an item and a list of subtrees. The type definition is:
type ListTree<’a = Node of ’a * (ListTree<’a list)
Note that is is parametric in ’a. I want you to implement a general purpose breadth-first traversal. This should be a function that takes another function f as argument and then takes a ListTree. The function f is to be executed at each node. The nodes must be visited in breadth-first order. I want this done imperatively using the built-in Queue collection. I have discussed queues in class briefly but you can read the details from documentation. Here are examples of the code in action.
val bfIter : f:(’a - unit) - ltr:ListTree<’a - unit Node (1, [Node (2,[Node (5,[]); Node (6,[]); Node (7,[]); Node (8,[])]); Node (3,[Node (9,[]); Node (10,[])]); Node (4,[Node (11,[Node (12,[])])])])
bfIter (fun n - printfn "%i" n) n1;; 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 val it : unit = ()
[Question 4. 0 points] One can define stacks by means of equations as follows. There are three basic operations: pop,top,push. If s is a stack and x is an item we can specify the behaviour of a stack with the following equations.
top(push(x,s)) = x, pop(push(x,s)) = s.
Here top returns the top element without changing the stack and pop removes the top element and returns the new stack. There are error conditions when you try to apply these operations to an empty stack; I have not written them down. Here is the question: can you write down equations for queues? The answer is “no” but you should try to explain why and then prove that it is impossible.

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