Starting from:




Sources: List in comments at the top of your file
Figure 1: Ducks
problem 1 Seam Carving
George Costanza needs our help! In the summer of 1989, after the “boombox incident” on
the beach, he finds that he is in the background of his new boss’ family photo. The techology
of the time, airbrushing, caused him some trouble, but now there’s Photoshop, Gimp, and more
importantly, seam carving! Before we move on to George’s slightly more complicated verison
of the problem, let’s start with the ducks pictured in Figure 1. We want to remove the “less
interesting” parts of the picture (the water) to bring the ducklings closer to their mother. You
must write a dynamic programming algorithm that finds the lowest-energy “seam” in the image.
You will be given a color picture consisting of an m × n array image[0..m-1][0..n-1] of pixels
as seen in Figure 2, where each pixel specifies a triple of red, green, and blue (RGB) intensities. The
intensity of a color is an integer value between 0 and 255. Specifically, accessing the red intensity
of pixel pi,j
(the pixel in column i and row j) would be image[i][j][0], the green intensity would
be accessed by image[i][j][1], and the blue intensity accessed by image[i][j][2]. Note: for
images, the (0, 0) position is the top-left corner of the image.
To move our ducks closer, we wish to remove one pixel from each of the n rows of the image,
so that the whole picture becomes one pixel narrower. But we also want to avoid any disturbing
visual effects, so we require that the pixels removed in two adjacent rows be in the same or
adjacent columns; therefore the pixels removed form a “seam” from the top row to the bottom
row where successive pixels in the seam are adjacent vertically or diagonally.
Homework 5 - page 2
We also want to remove the less interesting parts of the picture, so we also want to calculate
the real-valued energy measure e(pi,j) for each pixel in our image. We define this measure as the
average of how different a pixel’s colors are from its neighbors to the right, bottom, left, and top.
Specifically, the energy of pixel pi,j
is defined as
e(pi,j) =
, pi+1,j) + d(pi,j
, pi,j+1) + d(pi,j
, pi−1,j) + d(pi,j
, pi,j−1)
where the difference in pixel colors is defined by their 3D euclidian distance,
d(p1, p2) = q
(p2[red] − p1[red])2 + (p2[blue] − p1[blue])2 + (p2[green] − p1[green])2
If a pixel is on the edge of the image, calculate the average of differences between its colors and
those of its available neighbors. Intuitively, the lower a pixel’s energy measure, the more similar
the pixel is to its neighbors. We define the energy measure of a seam to be the sum of the energy
measures of its pixels. Your algorithm must find a seam with the lowest energy measure.
For this assignment, you are provided scaffolding code that reads in an image and converts
it to a 3D array of pixel color information. It then passes that array to the SeamCarving class,
which you will implement, to find the lowest-weight seam. Finally, it prints out the weight of
the seam, the ordered x-coordinates of the seam, and has a commented-out section to highlight
and graphically display the seam for testing purposes. You must implement the run() method
that accepts the 3D image array and returns the weight of the lowest-weight seam (as a doubleprecision number). Your method must also use backtracking to store the seam as an ordered list
of x-coordinates (from top to bottom of the image) as an instance variable to be returned by the
getSeam() getter method that you must also implement. That method should return an array of
Additional Details
• Your algorithm must be written in Python (2 or 3) or Java (10).
• You must download the appropriate wrapper code from Collab based on the language you
choose: and for Python, and for
• Implement the run() and getSeam() methods in the SeamCarving class. The run() method
should execute the entirety of your algorithm and store the seam and seam weight as instance variables; getSeam() should return the resulting seam without additional computation (i.e. it should be a “getter”).
Figure 2: Our images are stored in image[i][j][c], where i is the x-coordinate of the image and
j is the y-coordinate of the image. The (0, 0) coordinate is the top-left of the image. At each (i, j)
position, there is a triple (c ∈ {0, 1, 2}) of color intensities. image[i][j][0] is the red intensity,
image[i][j][1] is the green intensity, and image[i][j][2] is the blue intensity.
Homework 5 - page 3
• For Python, you will need the PIL library. Information on this library can be found at
• Two test images are provided, along with the picture of the ducks above. You should produce additional tests, including edge cases.
• You may modify the or files to test your algorithm, but they will not be
used during grading.
• You must submit your or files on Collab. Do not zip
them. Do not submit,, or any test files.
• A few other notes:
– Your code will be run as:
python or python3 for Python,
or javac *.java && java Main for Java.
– You may upload multiple Java files if you need addional classes, but do not assign
packages to the files
Since we want to eventually use this algorithm to help out George, we want it to be efficient.
Therefore, your algorithm must run in O(nm) time.
(a) (b)
Figure 3: (a) Sample input image test1.png. (b) A lowest-weight seam colored red.
weight: 588.8972745734183
seam: [4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4]
time: 0.002
Figure 4: The text-based output from the or file for the example image in
Figure 3.
Homework 5 - page 4
(a) (b)
Figure 5: (a) Sample input image test2.png. (b) A lowest-weight seam colored red. Note that for
this input image,
weight: 699.3155135559343
seam: [5, 5, 4, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 4]
time: 0.001
Figure 6: The text-based output from the or file for the example image in
Figure 5.
(a) (b)
Figure 7: (a) Our sample image with of ducks. (b) A lowest-weight seam colored red. Note that
we would need to repeatedly find and remove least-weight seams to move our ducks closer, but
for the assignment we will only be finding the first seam.
Homework 5 - page 5
weight: 1771.2297134608168
seam: [274, 274, 275, 275, 276, 277, 278, 277, 278, 279, 280, 281,
282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 288, 289, 289, 289, 289, 289, 288,
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time: 0.013
Figure 8: The text-based output from the or file for the example image in
Figure 7.

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