CSC 226
1 Programming Assignment
The assignment is to implement an algorithm to determine which teams in a sports league division have
been eliminated from the playoffs. A Java template has been provided containing an empty method
BaseballElimination, which takes a single argument consisting of a Scanner object which connects you
to the input consisting of the data related to a division of teams within a sports league. The expected
behavior of the method is as follows:
Input: A baseball division consisting of 𝑛 teams.
Output: An ArrayList consisting of all the teams that have been eliminated from the league playoffs.
We will assume that the team with the most wins in the division at the end of the season is the only team
to make the playoffs. So, a team is eliminated from the playoffs if they cannot possibly win as many
games as some other team in the division.
You may use the FordFulkerson, FlowNetwork, and FlowEdge classes from the Algorithms (Sedgewick)
textbook through the agls4.jar file. You may not change any of these classes and thus you do not need to
include this code in your program.
2 Input Format
The testing code in the main function of the template reads an input file containing all the necessary data
for a sports division, relevant to this problem. It passes this input file as a Scanner stream to the
BaseballElimination method which builds an ArrayList called eliminated, a list of all the eliminated teams
you have found.
The input files will have the following format for a division in a league: an integer representing the
number of teams in the division followed by, for each team, the team name, their number of wins, their
number of remaining games (total), an ordered list of the number of remaining inter-divisional games
between the team and the rest of the division (one for each divisional team). Thus, for the example we
looked at in class
i Team wins games left vs. 0 vs. 1 vs. 2 vs. 3 vs. 4
0 New York 75 28 - 3 8 7 3
1 Baltimore 71 28 3 - 2 7 4
2 Boston 69 27 8 2 - 0 0
3 Toronto 63 27 7 7 0 - 0
4 Detroit 49 27 3 4 0 0 -
the input file, teams5.txt, will be
New_York 75 28 0 3 8 7 3
Baltimore 71 28 3 0 2 7 4
Boston 69 27 8 2 0 0 0
Toronto 63 27 7 7 0 0 0
Detroit 49 27 3 4 0 0 0
3 Test Datasets
A collection of test input files have been included in Connex. Some contain historical data from real
sports divisions and some are fictional. Not all of them are actually baseball. I have also included the
output of my code for each file. You will notice that my output contains more information than I am
asking from you.
4 Sample Run
The output of a model solution on the division above is given in the listing below.
Reading input values from teams5.txt.
Teams eliminated: [Detroit]
5 Evaluation Criteria
The programming assignment will be marked out of 25, based on a combination of automated testing and
human inspection, based on the criteria in the table below.
Score (/25) Description
0 - 5 Submission does not compile or does not conform to the
provided template.
6 - 15 The program compiles but reports the eliminated teams
incorrectly or does not use a maxflow algorithm to
solve the problem.
15 - 25 The implemented algorithm is accurate on all tested
inputs and uses maxflow. (Note, there is a large range
here. More efficient code will be rewarded).
To be properly tested, every submission must compile correctly as submitted, and must be based on the
provided template. You may only submit one source file. If your submission does not compile for any
reason (even trivial mistakes like typos), or was not based on the template, it will receive at most 5
out of 25. The best way to make sure your submission is correct is to download it from conneX after
submitting and test it. You are not permitted to revise your submission after the due date, and late
submissions will not be accepted, so you should ensure that you have submitted the correct version of
your code before the due date. The conneX site will usually allow you to change your submission before
the due date if you notice a mistake. After submitting your assignment, conneX will automatically send
you a confirmation email. If you do not receive such an email, your submission was not received. If you
have problems with the submission process, send an email to the instructor before the due date.