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Algorithms for Data Science Homework 5

685.621 Algorithms for Data Science
Homework 5

Total Points 100/100
Total Points 100/100
Collaboration groups have been set up in Blackboard. Make sure your group starts one thread
for the collaborative problem. You are required to participate in the collaborative problem. Do not
directly post a complete solution, the goal is for the group to develop a solution after everyone has
participated.There are two parts for this HW; the first part is a theoretical set of problems with one
individual problem and second with a collaborative problem; the second part is a programming problem that has a collaborative part and a programming part. You are only required to do one of the two
Part 1
1. [100 points]
(a) [50 points] Note this is not Collaborative Problem
Based on the rules of Depth-First Search draw the tic-tac-toe board with the leaf node
starting as an empty board (as shown in the Game Theory document), then expand the
your tree to show the first four left leaf nodes. What does this board look like assuming
your AI places pieces on the board from top to bottom and left to right?
(b) [50 points] Note this is a Collaborative Problem
From your solution in part a) write and algorithm using a recursive call to search for the
next move. Your decision in this algorithm should be based on the ability for the AI to
WIN or at a minimum have a DRAW. You will need to pass in the board state at every
recursive call. You must ensure that a WIN for your AI is always taken first and a WIN for
your opponent is always blocked. Based on your development of the algorithm what is the
running time of your algorithm?
Note: When developing a search tree as shown in the Game Theory document, diving down
the tree is a recursive call and exploring additional child nodes at a specific level is an
iterative move.
Part 2
2. [100 points]
(a) [50 points] Note this is not Collaborative Problem
in the tic-tac-toe code provided add the following method to allow an unbeatable AI in your
• Best Move (Provided)
• Implement a method that uses conditional statements to play against a user of your
code. You must always check to see if your AI has a WIN and take that move, if not
check to ensure your opponent does not have a WIN, if your opponent has a WIN
possibility you must block your opponent.
• The following is a bonus problem to make a much smaller code base than your implemented conditional statements. 1
– MiniMax
– Alpha Beta
(b) [50 points] Note this is a Collaborative Problem
Show how the MiniMax algorithm from the Game Theory document is to be implemented
for the tic-tac-toe game. You will need to alter the provided pseudo code to show how the
game board is passed in.

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