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Algorithms Problem Set 2

CSCI 3104: Algorithms
Problem Set 2

1. (10 points) For each of the following claims, determine whether they are true or false.
Justify your determination (show your work). If the claim is false, state the correct
asymptotic relationship as O, Θ, or Ω. Unless otherwise specified, lg is log2.
(a) n + 1 = O(n
(b) 22n = O(2n
(c) 2n = Θ(2n+7)
(d) 1 = O(1/n)
(e) ln2 n = Θ(lg2 n)
(f) n
2 + 2n − 4 = Ω(n
(g) 33n = Θ(9n
(h) 2n+1 = Θ(2n lg n
(i) √
n = O(lg n)
(j) 10100 = Θ(1)
CSCI 3104: Algorithms
Problem Set 2
Instructor Buxton
Summer 2019, CU-Boulder
2. (25 points) Asymptotic relations like O, Ω, and Θ represent relationships between
functions, and these relationships are transitive. That is, if some f(n) = Ω(g(n)), and
g(n) = Ω(h(n)), then it is also true that f(n) = Ω(h(n)). This means that we can sort
functions by their asymptotic growth.1
Sort the following functions by order of asymptotic growth such that the final arrangement of functions g1, g2, . . . , g12 satisfies the ordering constraint g1 = Ω(g2), g2 = Ω(g3),
. . . , g11 = Ω(g12).
n n

2)lg n 2
lg n n! (lg n)!
1/ lg n n lg n lg(n!) e
n 42
Give the final sorted list and identify which pair(s) functions f(n), g(n), if any, are in
the same equivalence class, i.e., f(n) = Θ(g(n)).
1The notion of sorting is entirely general: so long as you can define a pairwise comparison operator for
a set of objects S that is transitive, then you can sort the things in S. For instance, for strings, we use a
comparison based on lexical ordering to sort them. Furthermore, we can use any sorting algorithm to sort S,
by simply changing the comparison operators , <, etc. to have a meaning appropriate for S. For instance,
using Ω, O, and Θ, you could apply QuickSort or MergeSort to the functions here to obtain the sorted list.

CSCI 3104: Algorithms
Problem Set 2
Instructor Buxton
Summer 2019, CU-Boulder
3. (30 points) Professor Dumbledore needs your help optimizing the Hogwarts budget.
You’ll be given an array A of exchange rates for muggle money and wizard coins,
expressed as integers. Your task is to help Dumbledore maximize the payoff by buying
at some time i and selling at a future time j i, such that both A[j] A[i] and the
corresponding difference of A[j] − A[i] is as large as possible.
For example, let A = [8, 9, 3, 4, 14, 12, 15, 19, 7, 8, 12, 11]. If we buy one stock at time
i = 2 (assuming 0 indexing) with A[i] = 3 and j = 7 with A[j] = 19, Hogwarts gets an
income of 19 − 3 = 16 coins.
(a) Consider the pseudocode below that takes as input an array A of size n:
makeWizardMoney(A) :
maxProfitSoFar = 0
for i = 0 to length(A)-1 {
for j = i+1 to length(A) {
coins = A[j] - A[i]
if (coins maxProfitSoFar) { maxProfitSoFar = coins }
return maxProfitSoFar
What is the running time complexity of the procedure above? Write your answer
as a Θ bound in terms of n.
(b) Explain (1–2 sentences) under what conditions on the contents of A the makeWizardMoney
algorithm will return 0 gold.
(c) Professor Dumbledore knows you know that makeWizardMoney is wildly inefficient. He suggests you write a function to make a new array M of size n such
M[i] = min
0 ≤ j ≤ i
A[j] .
That is, M[i] gives the minimum value in the subarray of A[0..i].
What is the running time complexity of the pseudocode to create the array M?
Write your answer as a Θ bound in terms of n.
(d) Use the template code provided and implement the function described in (3c) to
compute the maximum coin difference in time Θ(n).
(e) Use the template code provided to determine and compare the runtimes for the
functions in 2a and 2d. Explain your findings.
CSCI 3104: Algorithms
Problem Set 2
Instructor Buxton
Summer 2019, CU-Boulder
4. (15 points) Consider the problem of finding the maximum element in a given array.
The input is a sequence of n numbers A = ha1, a2, . . . , ani. The output is an index i
such that ai ≥ a1 ≥ a2 ≥ ... ≥ an.
(a) Write pseudocode for a simple maximum element search algorithm, which will
scan through the input sequence A, and return the index of the last occurrence
of the maximum element.
(b) Using a loop invariant, prove that your algorithm is correct. Be sure that your
loop invariant and proof covers the initialization, maintenance, and termination
CSCI 3104: Algorithms
Problem Set 2
Instructor Buxton
Summer 2019, CU-Boulder
5. (20 points) Crabbe and Goyle are arguing about binary search. Goyle writes the
following pseudocode on the board, which he claims implements a binary search for a
target value v within an input array A containing n elements sorted in ascending order.
bSearch(A, v) {
return binarySearch(A, 1, n-1, v)
binarySearch(A, l, r, v) {
if l <= r then return -1
m = floor( (l + r)/2 )
if A[m] == v then return m
if A[m] v then
return binarySearch(A, m+1, r, v)
else return binarySearch(A, l, m-1, v)
(a) Help Crabbe determine whether this code performs a correct binary search. If it
does, prove to Goyle that the algorithm is correct. If it does not, state the bug(s),
fix the line(s) of code that are incorrect, and then prove to Goyle that your fixed
algorithm is correct.
(b) Goyle tells Crabbe that binary search is efficient because, at worst, it divides the
remaining problem size in half at each step. In response Crabbe claims that fournary search, which would divide the remaining array A into fourths at each step,
would be way more efficient asymptotically. Explain who is correct and why.

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