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Greater than Sudoku_Homework 2 Solution

1 Instructions
In this assignment, you will be required to write JavaScript functions that simplify playing of the variation of Greater Than Sudoku.
1.1 Data File Specification
An example of properly formatted file is shown in Figure 1. The first file encodes a list of spaces to place values into; the second file encodes the values to be placed in the corresponding spaces, the third file encodes the visible grid; the fourth file encodes the inequalities between the rows (−1 means decreasing from top to bottom, 1 means increasing from top to bottom), and the fifth file encodes the inequalities between the columns (−1 means decreasing from left to right, 1 means increasing from left to right).
part01test01.spaces.gts 11,8,6,1,4,10,9,11,15,16,15
-,4,-,2 3,-,-,4 4,3,-,-,-,4,
1,-1,-1,1 1,1,1,-1 -1,-1,1,1
1,-1,-1 -1,-1,1 -1,-1,-1 -1,1,-1
Figure 1: A properly formatted game encoding
Spaces are defined from the upper-left corner of the game (Position 1), down the first column, down the second the bottom of the last column.
2 One Player, One Move
The first part (onePlayerOneMove in the file csce322hw02pt01.js) will take in three (3) arguments (a game’s seen values, signs between rows, and signs between columns) and return a function that takes in two arguments (a location and a value for a move), and returns the seen game that is the result of making the move in the initial game. If the space is occupied or the value would violate the relevant inequalities, the state of the game is unchanged.
3 One Player, Many Moves
The third part (onePlayerManyMoves in the file csce322hw02pt03.js) will take in three (3) arguments (a game’s seen values, signs between rows, and signs between columns) and return a function that takes in two arguments (an array of locations and an array of values for moves), and returns the seen game that is the result of making the moves in the initial game. If a space is occupied or the value would violate the relevant inequalities, the state of the game is unchanged for that move and the next move (if there is one) is processed.
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4 Naming Conventions
Your files should follow the naming convention of csce322hw02pt01.js and csce322hw02pt02.js.
4.1 helpers.js
A file named helpers.js has been provided with the functionality to read the .gts files into numerical matrices. If a modified helpers.js file is not included with your submission, the default will be used in its place.
5 webgrader Note
Submissions will be tested with node.js, note the browser. is currently running version 4.2.4 of node.
6 Point Allocation
Component Points csce322hw02pt01.js 50% csce322hw02pt02.js 50% Total 100%
7 External Resources
JavaScript Tutorial

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