APS106 – Lab #3
This week you will practice manipulating strings by writing four separate functions to extract
experimental information from strings.
By completing this lab, you will develop, utilize, and practice the following skills:
• setup, debug, and run a program
• interpret real world parameters as variables
• utilize string methods
• convert between variable types
• writing and calling functions
• develop effective test cases
Use appropriate variable names and place comments throughout your program.
The name of the source file must be “lab3.py”.
For this lab, you must submit four functions within a single file named ‘lab3.py’ to MarkUs by
the posted deadline. The functions to be included are:
1. email_to_name
2. count_measurements
3. calc_control_average
4. generate_summary
Details and requirements of each of these functions are provided within the document.
Five test cases are provided on MarkUs to help you prepare your solution. Passing all these test
cases does not guarantee your code is correct. You will need to develop your own test cases to
verify your solution works correctly. Your programs will be graded using ten secret test cases.
These test cases will be released after the assignment deadline.
• Do not change the file name or function names
• Do not use input() inside your program
For this week, we will imagine you are an engineer working on a treatment process for
wastewater from a mine. To evaluate whether your design is effectively desalinating the
wastewater, you hire several technicians to measure the pH of treated water at multiple locations
around the mine every day.
Everyday, the measurements from each technician are recorded and uploaded to a database as a
string with the following format:
Technician email, date, site name, pH measurement, site name, pH measurement, site name, pH
measurement, …
• technician email is the email of the technician
• date is the day the measurements were taken
• site name is the name of the site where a measurement was taken
• pH measurement is the measured pH at that site. Note that there are multiple sitemeasurement pairs. The number of measurements taken by technicians can vary each
Example strings are given below:
dina.dominguez@company.com, 01/11/20, A, 4.2, B, 6.7, Control,
7.1, B, 6.5, Control, 7.8, Control, 6.8, A, 3.9,
jamie.riggs@company.com, 14/12/20, B, 5.6, Control, 5.5, Db,
3.2, Control, 6.1, Control, 5.9,
The first string contains measurements by Dina Dominguez from Nov. 1, 2020. There are a total
of seven measurements from three sites (A, B, and Control). The second string contains
measurements by Jamie Riggs from Dec. 14, 2020. There are a total of five measurements from
three sites (B, Db, and Control).
You are interested in extracting the following information from each string:
1. The name of the technician
2. The total number of measurements contained within the string
3. The average pH measurement at the Control site
After a few weeks, there are hundreds of measurements being added to the database every day
and you are finding that manually analyzing and extracting information is very inefficient.
Luckily, you have programming skills from APS106 that will help you efficiently extract the
information you need. So, you decide to write a program to extract the information you need
from each string and generate new stings that can be analyzed quickly.
For this week’s lab, you will write a program with four functions: email_to_name,
count_measurements, calc_control_average, and generate_summary. Instructions for each of
these functions will be given in the subsequent sections.
Part 1 – Convert Email to Full Name
For the first part of this lab, you will complete the function email_to_name. This function
accepts a string input parameter, email, and returns a string containing the last and first name
in all uppercase letters and separated by a comma. You may assume that all input strings will be
formatted as ‘firstname.lastname@domain.com’.
Sample Test Cases
Input Output
ada.lovelace@emaildomain.com LOVELACE,ADA
guido.vanrossum@companyX.com VANROSSUM,GUIDO
Part 2 – Count the Total Number of Measurements
For the second part of this lab, complete the function count_measurements which accepts a
string input parameter containing comma separated site-measurement pairs and returns the total
number of measurements contained within the string. You may assume the string contains at
least one measurement.
Hint: There is a mathematical relationship between the number of commas in the string and the
number of measurements.
Sample Test Cases
Input Output Description
B, 5.6, Control, 5.5, Db, 3.2, 3 Multiple measurements
Control, 7.5, 1 Single measurement
Part 3 – Calculate the Average pH at the Control Site
For the third part of this lab, complete the function calc_control_average which accepts
a string input parameter containing comma separated site-measurement pairs and returns the
average pH measurement at the control site. Each input string will contain exactly three
measurements from the control site (i.e. the site named Control). You may further assume
each measurement will contain exactly one decimal point of precision. You may also assume that
the last measurement in the string will be followed by a comma. The average should be returned
as a float rounded to one decimal place.
Hint: You will need to slice the input string to extract the information you need. You may find
the find method useful for determining the slice indices.
Sample Test Cases
Input Output Description
Control, 7.4, Control,
7.2, Control, 7.6,
7.4 All three measurements are from
control site, all pH measurements <
Control, 10.2, Control,
11.2, Control,9.6,
10.3 All three measurements are from
control site, some pH
measurements > 10
A, 4.2, B, 6.7, Control,
7.1, B, 6.5, Control,
7.8, Control, 6.8, A,
7.2 Not all measurements from control
Note: There is no guarantee regarding the number of spaces following each comma. There may
be zero, one, or multiple spaces following any comma in the string.
Part 4 – Put Everything Together
For the final part of this lab, complete the function generate_summary. This function
accepts a string input with the following format:
Technician email, date, site name, pH measurement, site name, pH measurement, site name, pH
measurement, …
and returns a string containing the technician name, number of measurements, and average of
the control site pH measurements:
Last name (uppercase), first name (uppercase), total number of measurements, average of
control site pH measurements
There should be no spaces before or after the commas. This function should call the other
functions you created in parts 1-3. As with part 3, each string will contain exactly three
measurements from the control site and the average pH at the control site should be rounded to
one decimal place.
Sample Test Cases
Inputs Output
dina.dominguez@company.com, 01/11/20,
A, 4.2, B, 6.7, Control, 7.1, B, 6.5,
Control, 7.8, Control, 6.8, A, 3.9,
jamie.riggs@company.com, 14/12/20, B,
5.6, Control, 5.5, Db, 3.2, Control,
6.1, Control, 5.9,
Note: No test cases for this function will be provided on MarkUS until after grading is complete.
You are responsible for testing this function.