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APS106 – Lab #4

APS106 – Lab #4
This week you will practice using conditional statements by writing a function to determine
whether two rectangles overlap.
Use appropriate variable names and place comments throughout your program.
The name of the source file must be “”.
For this lab, you must submit a function rectangle_overlap within a single file named
‘’ to MarkUS by the posted deadline.
Five test cases are provided on MarkUs to help you prepare your solution. Passing all these test
cases does not guarantee your code is correct. You will need to develop your own test cases to
verify your solution works correctly. Your programs will be graded using ten secret test cases.
These test cases will be released after the assignment deadline.
• Do not change the file name or function names
• Do not use input() inside your program
While developing solutions or new technologies, engineers are faced with balancing trade-offs in
their design. For example, in designing a car, reducing the size can increase fuel efficiency but
result in lower crash safety ratings. Computer scientists and software engineers typically need to
balance the speed of their programs with the amount of memory they require to execute. One
way to approach these trade-offs is to define some constraints and then optimize the design
within those constraints. In our car design example, we could define a minimum safety rating
and then design the car to maximize fuel efficiency while still meeting our minimum safety
In this week’s lab, you will be writing a function that will check whether a design meets a
particular constraint. For our problem, we will imagine we are designing the layout of a wind
farm and are trying to identify where to place hundreds of turbines1
. We want to optimize turbine
placement to maximize energy generation while adhering to land use constraints. These
constraints define areas where turbines cannot be placed. These constraints come from land
rights, proximity to other turbines, and regulations regarding turbine proximity to human housing
and natural habitats.
You will write a function named rectangle_overlap which will analyze whether two rectangles
overlap in two-dimensional space. In cases where the rectangles overlap, your function will
determine the nature of the overlap (details below). In the context of our problem, these
rectangles can be thought of as a restricted area and a proposed turbine site. The output of the
function will tell us whether the proposed location meets the constraints.
Each of the rectangles input to the function will be defined by two points: the bottom left corner
and the top right corner (see figure 1).
Figure 1. A rectangle can be defined with two non-adjacent corners. In this case, we are given
the bottom left and top right corners. Because the angles at each corner are 90°, the other two
points can be calculated using the given points.
1 This is a real problem that has been previously investigated by Prof. Beck! See
The rectangle_overlap function will accept the following inputs:
Input Parameter Name Description
rect1_bl_x x coordinate of the bottom left corner of rectangle 1
rect1_bl_y y coordinate of the bottom left corner of rectangle 1
rect1_tr_x x coordinate of the top right corner of rectangle 1
rect1_tr_y y coordinate of the top right corner of rectangle 1
rect2_bl_x x coordinate of the bottom left corner of rectangle 2
rect2_bl_y y coordinate of the bottom left corner of rectangle 2
rect2_tr_x x coordinate of the top right corner of rectangle 2
rect2_tr_y y coordinate of the top right corner of rectangle 2
The function will output one of the five following strings describing the overlap of the two
Function Output Scenario
"no overlap" The two rectangles do not have any overlapping area2
"identical coordinates" The two rectangles have the same set of corner
"rectangle 1 is contained
within rectangle 2"
The entire area of rectangle 1 is contained within the
area of rectangle 2 AND the two rectangles do not
have the same set of corner coordinates
"rectangle 2 is contained
within rectangle 1"
The entire area of rectangle 2 is contained within the
area of rectangle 1 AND the two rectangles do not
have the same set of corner coordinates
"rectangles overlap" The rectangles share some overlapping area, but
neither is contained completely within the other
For this problem we will define “overlap” as a non-zero area that is within both rectangles. This means rectangles
can share common borders without being considered as overlapping.
Each of these scenarios is presented below with a visual and sample inputs to help
understanding. Note images are not to scale.
Output Visual Representation Function Input Parameters
"no overlap"
rect1_bl_x: -1
rect1_bl_y: 1
rect1_tr_x: 3
rect1_tr_y: 5
rect2_bl_x: 6
rect2_bl_y: 0
rect2_tr_x: 9
rect2_tr_y: 2
*R1 is hidden by R2, due to
perfect overlap
rect1_bl_x: -1
rect1_bl_y: 0
rect1_tr_x: 3
rect1_tr_y: 4
rect2_bl_x: -1
rect2_bl_y: 0
rect2_tr_x: 3
rect2_tr_y: 4
"rectangle 1 is
contained within
rectangle 2"
rect1_bl_x: 2
rect1_bl_y: 1
rect1_tr_x: 3
rect1_tr_y: 2
rect2_bl_x: 1
rect2_bl_y: -5
rect2_tr_x: 10
rect2_tr_y: 6
"rectangle 2 is
contained within
rectangle 1"
rect1_bl_x: 2
rect1_bl_y: 1
rect1_tr_x: 13
rect1_tr_y: 20
rect2_bl_x: 10
rect2_bl_y: 2
rect2_tr_x: 11
rect2_tr_y: 6
rect1_bl_x: 1
rect1_bl_y: 1
rect1_tr_x: 10
rect1_tr_y: 20
rect2_bl_x: 7
rect2_bl_y: 18
rect2_tr_x: 30
rect2_tr_y: 33
Additional notes and assumptions:
• We define “overlap” as a non-zero area that is within both rectangles. This means
rectangles can share common borders without being considered as overlapping.
• Rectangle coordinates will always be integers.
• Rectangle coordinates can be from any of the four quadrants of the two-dimensional
plane. That is, x and y coordinates may be zero, positive, or negative.

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