APS106 – Lab #6
This week you will create functions to perform some simple, yet powerful, operations for image
processing. In the process of this lab, you will build a simplified corner detector that will be able
to analyze images and return the location of potential “corners” present within the image.
Input Image Identified corners indicated by red circles
As usual, we will not be concerned with complex theory or mathematics behind these approaches
but focus on how these algorithms can be achieved using the tools you have learned within
APS106. The focus of these exercises is to practice using lists and loops with structured data.
The lab may seem a little overwhelming in places because we are giving you background
information about the problem, but we have broken the problem down into small functions that
are well within your capabilities as APS106 students.
Make sure you read the instructions carefully, give yourself time to complete the lab, and ask
questions in your tutorials and practicals when you get stuck. If you think carefully about each
function, you can finish the lab by writing less than 150 lines of code. Most importantly, have
fun. This lab is designed to show you some of the really cool things you can do with only a little
bit of programming experience!
For this lab, you must submit the five functions listed below within a single file named ‘lab6.py’
to MarkUS by the posted deadline.
Functions to implement for this lab:
• rgb_to_grayscale
• dot
• extract_image_segment
• kernel_filter
• non_maxima_suppression
Two additional functions are provided within the starter code. You may use these functions to
complete and test your code as needed. You are not expected to modify these two functions.
• harris_corner_strength
• harris_corners
Use appropriate variable names and place comments throughout your program.
The name of the source file must be “lab6.py”.
Five test cases are provided on MarkUs to help you prepare your solution. Passing all these test
cases does not guarantee your code is correct. You will need to develop your own test cases to
verify your solution works correctly. Your programs will be graded using ten secret test cases.
These test cases will be released after the assignment deadline.
• Do not change the file name or function names
• Do not use input() inside your program
• Using numpy, scipy, opencv or other image processing packages to complete this lab
is strictly prohibited and will result in a grade of zero.
For this week’s lab, you will imagine you are working on a team developing autonomous
vehicles. As a new engineer on the team, you have been asked to create some tools to detect and
track the movement of certain objects in the vehicle’s environment using the video from cameras
in the vehicle’s sensor system. As a starting point, someone tells you that corner detection can be
used as a simple method for object movement detection and tracking. So, you set out, armed with
your APS106 programming skills, to tackle this problem…
At this point you may be a little confused. We have not discussed “images” as a data type within
the lectures and many of you may be asking questions like:
• How do I get an “image” into my program?
• What do images look like when stored in a variable?
Luckily, both questions are not too difficult to answer, and you already have all the programming
tools you need to complete this lab! We will start by answering the second question and then
answer the first question a little later.
So how are images stored in computers and our python programs? Computers store all
information in binary code, so they ‘see’ images quite a bit differently than us humans. Rather
than seeing abstract elements like colours, shapes, and objects, computers see a grid of numbers.
These numbers are referred to as “pixels”. The colour or intensity of an image at a location on
the grid is determined by the value of the pixel at that location. Check out this short 2-minute
video for a quick overview of how computers see images: https://realpython.com/lessons/howcomputers-see-images/. You can also check out this demo to zoom in and out of a low-resolution
image to see how pixels can make up a lager image:
Image source: https://cs231n.github.io/
An image is simply an ordered collection of numbers. This means we can store and represent
images in python as lists of integers! For example, we could represent an image using the
following list of numbers:
pixels = [250, 253, 255, 223, 181, 184, 232, 255, ...
Each one of these numbers is the value of a pixel at a particular location. To specify pixel
locations, we use 2-dimensional coordinates along the height and width of the image. By
convention, the top left corner pixel is the coordinate (0,0). Increasing the x-coordinate is
equivalent to moving from left to right across the image. Increasing the y-coordinate is
equivalent to moving from the top to the bottom of the image.
For our program this week, you will be storing pixels in a one-dimensional list. Pixels will be
ordered row-by-row. This means the pixel at location (0,0) is stored in list index 0, the pixel at
location (1,0) is stored in list index 1, the pixel at location (2,0) is stored at list index 2, and so
on. Once we reach the end of a row, we move down a line (increase y) and start again from the
beginning of the row. The pixel location and corresponding list indices for a 3x3 pixel image are
visualized below.
Optional – Loading and Displaying Images in Python
Now we will show you how to answer the question: How do I get an “image” into my program?
Note that this component of the lab is for fun and completely optional and will not impact
grading. If you choose to skip this part, you will not be able to load your own images into your
program nor will you be able to display or save images generated by your program.
We have created a separate file, lab6_image_utils.py, which can be downloaded from the
course website. Download and save this file in the same folder as your lab6.py file. The file
contains two functions:
1. Image_to_pixels
2. Display_image
The image_to_pixels function will load an image specified by a filename and return a
three-element list. The first element is a list of RGB pixels (described in part 1), the second
element is the width of the image in pixels, and the third element is the height of the image in
The display_image function can be used to display and optionally save a list of pixels as an
image. The first argument passed to this function is a list of pixels, the second argument is the
width of the image in pixels, and the third argument is the height of the image in pixels. You
may additionally pass two optional parameters. The first, markers, is a list of pixel
coordinates. If markers are passed to the function, red circles will be added to the image at that
coordinate location. The second optional parameter, filename, is a string. If a filename is
passed to the function, it will save the image to a file with the specified name.
To use these functions in your lab, simply uncomment this line from the top of lab6.py
#from lab6_image_utils import image_to_pixels, display_image
To use these functions, you will need to install the pillow package. Instructions for installing the
package are given on quercus.
Usage examples:
# load an image
pixels, width, height = image_to_pixels('crosswalk.jpg')
# display an image
display_image(pixels, width, height)
# display and save image
display_image(pixels, width, height, filename= 'my_image.jpg')
# display image with markers at locations (9,0) and (4,2)
display_image(pixels, width, height, markers = [[0,9],[4,2]])
# display and save image with markers at locations (9,0) and (4,2)
display_image(pixels, width, height, markers=[[0,9],[4,2]], filename=
Testing Your Functions without Loading Images
The file lab6_test_cases.py provides RGB pixel values and expected function outputs the
example snippet below for four different 32x32 images. You may use these samples to help you test
your code. The 32x32 images can also be downloaded from quercus.
# rgb_pixels is a list of RGB pixel values
# convert to grayscale
grayscale_pixels = rgb_to_grayscale(rgb_pixels)
# apply blur filter
blur_kernel = [[1/9, 1/9, 1/9],
[1/9, 1/9, 1/9],
[1/9, 1/9, 1/9]]
blurred_pixels = kernel_filter(grayscale_pixels, 32, 32, blur_kernel)
# apply vertical edge filter
vedge_kernel = [[-1, 0, 1],
[-2, 0, 2],
[-1, 0, 1]]
vertical_edge_pixels = kernel_filter(grayscale_pixels,32,32,vedge_kernel)
# calculate harris corners
threshold = 0.1
harris_corners_result = harris_corners(grayscale_pixels, 32, 32, threshold)
# suppress non-maxima corners
min_dist = 8
non_maxima_result = non_maxima_suppression(harris_corners_result, min_dist)
Part 1 – RGB to Grayscale Conversion
For this part of the lab, you will complete the rgb_to_grayscale function that converts a
RGB (colour) image into grayscale (black and white). The input to the function is a list of RGB
pixels and the function returns a list of corresponding grayscale pixels.
RGB Image Grayscale Image
The image on the left is in RGB format. In this format, each pixel is a combination of different
intensities of red, green, and blue pixels. RGB images are represented by nested lists where each
pixel is a three-element list. The first element is the red intensity, the second element is the green
intensity, and the third element is the blue intensity.
pixel_list = [[R0, G0, B0], [R1, G1, B1], [R2, G2, B2], ...
Grayscale images, on the other hand, are made up of only one value per pixel. An RGB pixel can
be converted to a grayscale pixel using the following equation:
𝐺𝑟𝑎𝑦𝑠𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑒 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 = 0.3 𝑅 + 0.59𝐺 + 0.11𝐵
where R, G, and B are the red, green, and blue pixel intensities of the RGB pixel, respectively.
All grayscale pixels computed by this function should be rounded to the nearest integer.
Sample Test Cases
>>> rgb_to_grayscale([[3,67,90], [249, 255, 0], [49, 150, 128]])
[50, 225, 117]
For additional test cases, see the Testing Your Functions without Loading Images section.
Part 2 – Kernel Filtering
In this part of the lab, you will implement a function to apply two-dimensional filters to
grayscale images. This filtering approach is called convolutional filtering and it is the building
block of many modern deep learning and artificial intelligence algorithms. By the end of this
part, you will be able to achieve some of the image transformations shown below.
Filter Output Image
Vertical Edge
The mathematical theory behind these filters is beyond the scope of APS106. The exercises here
will focus on how these this filtering procedure can be implemented using the lists and looping
tools you have acquired in the course thus far.
Part 2.1 Problem Description
Each individual pixel value in the filtered images is a weighted sum of pixels from of an 𝑁 × 𝑁
(N pixels high & N pixels wide) segment of the original input image. The weights for this sum
are defined within a grid, referred to as a kernel.
To illustrate the filtering process, we will examine a simple kernel called the blurring filter as an
example. This 3 × 3 kernel has the following weights:
1/9 1/9 1/9
1/9 1/9 1/9
1/9 1/9 1/9
Using this kernel, the output pixel at position (x,y) is computed using the following four-step
1. Extract the 3 × 3 image segment from the input image centred around the position (x,y)
2. Multiply each pixel from this segment with the corresponding weight in the kernel
3. Sum the products from step 2
4. Truncate the sum from 3 into an integer
To better understand this, we will work out an example with the following 7x7 input image:
4 87 233 245 227 209 190
2 59 235 246 229 219 200
17 99 230 220 211 210 201
46 58 196 165 201 179 150
82 63 41 169 190 188 145
99 55 54 55 74 23 12
45 55 56 45 155 145 156
Now let’s compute the output pixel value at position (1,1):
1. Extract the 3x3 image segment around the pixel at position (1,1)
4 87 233
2 59 235
17 99 230
2. Multiply each pixel from this segment with the corresponding weight in the kernel
4 87 233 1/9 1/9 1/9 4/9 87/9 233/9
2 59 235 × 1/9 1/9 1/9 = 2/9 59/9 235/9
17 99 230 1/9 1/9 1/9 17/9 99/9 230/9
3. Sum the products from step 2
4 + 87 + 233 + 2 + 59 + 235 + 17 + 99 + 230
≅ 107.33
4. Truncate the sum to an integer
int(107.33) = 107
The resultant pixel at location (1,1) in the output image would be 107. Looking at the equation in
step 3, you will see that this kernel is just computing the average value of a pixel and its eight
neighbours! We would then repeat this process for the other pixels. The output pixel values for
the entire 7x7 image would be:
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 107 183 230 224 210 0
0 104 167 214 208 200 0
0 92 137 180 192 186 0
0 77 95 127 138 129 0
0 61 65 93 116 120 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Looking at that output, you are probably wondering why all the pixels at the edge of our output
image are zero, even though the average of the input pixels in these areas of the input image are
not zero! The reason for these zeros is for these edge pixels, we cannot extract a full 3x3 window
around the pixels because the 3x3 window would extend beyond the border of the image. So, for
simplicity, we will set the output to zero for all pixels in edge regions where a full NxN window
cannot be extracted.
If this example was unclear, check out this great interactive tool that shows you how output
image pixels are computed using segments of the input image and the kernel:
In the next parts of the lab, you will write three functions to implement this kernel filtering
process. We will begin by writing two helper functions to complete steps 1, 2, and 3 from the
four-step procedure outlined above and finish by writing a function to perform these steps for all
pixels in the image.
Part 2.2 Dot Product – dot
If we convert the kernel weights and image segments from step 2 of the four-step procedure into
vectors, steps 2 and 3 become the dot product operation from linear algebra. In the next part of
the lab, you will write a function to perform this dot product operation.
The dot function accepts two list, each representing a vector, as inputs. You may assume the
lists are of equal length and only contain numerical values. The function should compute and
return the dot product of the two vectors as a float.
Part 2.3 Extracting NxN Image Segments – extract_image_segment
In this part of the lab, you will write the extract_image_segment function. This function
will be used to complete step 1 of the four-step output pixel calculation procedure. This function
accepts the following input arguments:
• img – A list of grayscale image pixel values
• width – The width of the input image
• height – The height of the input image
• centre_coordinate – A two-element list containing the coordinate specifying the
centre of the segment to extract
• N – Integer specifying the width and height of the segment to extract, N will always be a
positive, odd integer
The function should extract the 𝑁 × 𝑁 segment of pixels centred around the
centre_coordinate and return the pixel values contained within the segment as a list. For
this lab, you may assume that an 𝑁 × 𝑁window around the centre coordinate will always exist.
That is, you may assume that the centre coordinate is not within an edge region where the full
window is undefined.
Sample Testcases
For each testcase, assume that the img list contains the pixel values for 7x7 image used in the
example in part 2.1.
>>> extract_image_segment(img, 7, 7, [4,1], 3)
[245, 227, 209, 246, 229, 219, 220, 211, 210]
>>> extract_image_segment(img, 7,7, [2,2], 5)
[4, 87, 233, 245, 227, 2, 59, 235, 246, 229, 17, 99, 230, 220, 211,
46, 58, 196, 165, 201, 82, 63, 41, 169, 190]
Part 2.4 Put it Together – kernel_filter
In this part, you will complete the kernel_filter function. This function takes the following
as input parameters:
• img – A list of grayscale image pixel values
• width – The width of the input image
• height – The height of the input image
• kernel – A nested list defining the 𝑁 × 𝑁 two-dimensional kernel weights. Each
element of the list is a row of kernel weights. N must be an odd integer.
The function should return a list of grayscale pixel values representing the filtered image. The
output image should be the same size (height and width) as the input. All pixels in the edge
region of the output should be set to zero. Hint: as part of this function, you will need to
determine the size of the edge region where a full 𝑁 × 𝑁 window cannot be extracted.
For sample test cases, see the Testing Your Functions without Loading Images section.
Here are a few test kernels you may want to further experiment with.
Name Kernel Description
Blur 1/9 1/9 1/9
1/9 1/9 1/9
1/9 1/9 1/9
Blur images by taking
average of 3x3
Sharpen 0 -1 0
-1 5 -1
0 -1 0
Enhance image edges
Vertical Sobel -1 0 1
-2 0 2
-1 0 1
Detect vertical edges in
Horizontal Sobel -1 -2 -1
0 0 0
1 2 1
Detect horizontal edges in
5x5 Gaussian 1/256 4/256 6/256 4/256 1/256
4/256 16/256 24/256 16/256 4/256
6/256 24/256 36/256 24/256 6/256
4/256 16/256 24/256 16/256 4/256
1/256 4/256 6/256 4/256 1/256
Like blur, with greater
weight given to pixels closest
to the centre
Part 3 – Harris Corner Computations
There is no code to write for this part of the assignment. Instead, we will describe the output of
the harris_corners function which you will be used as the input to the
non_maxima_suppression function in the next part.
The Harris Corner Detector algorithm is an algorithm to infer the location of corners within an
image. A detailed description of the algorithm and its derivation is beyond the scope of this
assignment. If you want to learn more about the algorithm, there are several tutorials available on
the internet. Briefly, the algorithm takes a grayscale image as an input and computes a “corner
strength” for each pixel in the image. The algorithm then identifies the locations of all pixels
with a corner strength greater than a user-defined threshold. These locations are then sorted
according to the corner strength value from greatest to smallest. Our harris_corners
function outputs these sorted corner locations as a list.
If you examine the returned values from this function, however, you will find that it often returns
many pixel locations which are very close to each other (see all the overlapping red circles in the
image below). Many of the locations returned are identifying the same corner. Ideally, we would
like our corner detector to only identify one pixel location per corner. In the final part of this lab,
you will implement a function that will limit the number of corners returned by the algorithm
within subregions of the image.
Output of Harris Corners without Non-Maxima Suppression. Each red circle indicates a detected
Part 4 – Non-Maxima Suppression
In this part of the lab, you will complete the non_maxima_suppression function. This
function takes the following input parameters:
• corners – A list of corner locations, sorted from strongest to weakest, as returned by
• min_distance – A float defining the minimum allowed distance between corners
returned by this function
This function filters the list of corners to remove any corners that are within a specified distance
to corner with a greater corner strength. This filtering is achieved using the following algorithm:
1) Initialize an empty list of unsuppressed corners, F
2) For each potential corner i in the corners list:
a) Calculate the Euclidean distances between i and all corners within F
b) Add i to F, unless any of the Euclidean distances from 2a are less than min_distance,
The Euclidean distance between two pixels i and j with locations (𝑥𝑖
, 𝑦𝑖) and (𝑥𝑗
, 𝑦𝑗), can be
computed as
((𝑥𝑖 − 𝑥𝑗)
+ (𝑦𝑖 − 𝑦𝑗)
Let’s work through an example to see how this works. Suppose our input list of potential corner
coordinates is [[5,6], [15,6], [17,5]] and min_distance = 10.
In step 1, we create an empty list of unsuppressed corners
F = []
Then we start to iterate through all the corners of our input list. The first coordinate i is [5,6].
In step 2a, we need to calculate the distance between i and all the coordinates in F and check if
any of these are less than min_distance. Since F is empty, there are no distances to
calculate and therefore, there are no distances less than min_distance. So, we add i to F.
F = [5,6]
Now we return to step 2 and set i to the next coordinate [15,6] and then calculate the distances
between i and all the points in F. The Euclidean distance between [5,6] and [15,6] is
exactly 10. Since 10 is not less than min_distance, i is added to F.
F = [[5,6], [15,6]]
Now we repeat the process for the final coordinate [17,5]. The distances between [17,5]
and the points within F are 12.04 and 2.24. Since 2.24 is less than min_distance, we do not
add [17,5] to F.