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Project 02 - Stack and Queue

Project 02 - Stack and Queue

You are required to implement two data structures: a dynamic stack and a
dynamic queue. You are also required to create UML diagrams for each of the
classes that you implement. Finally, you have to provide the means to test your
system by developing a menu program that allows the user to manipulate your
• A 1 page pdf report with your UML diagrams and a brief explanation.
Please include what each teammate did and approximate hours spent on
the project.
• An implementation of a dynamic stack.
• An implementation of a dynamic queue.
• A menu program to test the implemented data structures.
1 Stack
In this part of the project, you need to implement one class, and create its
respective UML diagram. Your functions must meet the required running times
or no points will be granted.
1.1 Description
A stack stores elements in an ordered list and allows insertions and deletions at
one end of the list in O(1) time.
The elements in this stack are stored in an array. The size of the array may
be changed depending on the number of elements currently stored in the array,
according to the following two rules:
If an element is being inserted into a stack where the array is already full,
the size of the array is doubled. If, after removing an element from a stack
1.2 Data Members Stack and Queue
where the number of elements is 1/4 the size of the array, then the size of the
array is halved. The size of the array may not be reduced below the initially
specified size.
1.2 Data Members
1. A pointer to an instance of type, Type *array, to be used as an array.
2. A counter, int count.
3. The initial size of the array, int initialSize.
4. The current size of the array, int arraySize.
1.3 Member Functions
DynStack( int n = 15 ) The constructor takes as an argument the initial
size of the array and allocates memory for that array. The default number of
entries is 15. If the argument is either 0 or a negative integer, set the initial
capacity of the array to 1. Other class members are assigned as appropriate.
∼DynStack() The destructor deletes the memory allocated for the array.
Type top() const Returns the object at the top of the stack. It may
throw a underflow exception. (O(1))
int size() const Returns the number of elements currently stored in the
stack. (O(1))
bool empty() const Returns true if the stack is empty, false otherwise.
int capacity() const Returns the current size of the array. (O(1))
void display() Prints the content of the stack. (O(n))
void push( Type const & data) Inserts the new element at the top of
the stack. If the array is full, the size of the array is doubled. (O(1) on average)
1.3 Member Functions Stack and Queue
Type pop() Removes the element at the top of the stack. If, after the
element is removed, the array is 1/4 full and the array size is greater than
the initial size, the size of the array is halved. This may throw a underflow
exception. (O(1) on average)
void clear() Removes all the elements in the stack. The array is resized
to the initial size. (O(1))
This class has no friends.
Stack and Queue
2 Queue
In this part of the project, you need to implement one class, and create its
respective UML diagram. Your functions must meet the required running times
or no points will be granted.
2.1 Description
A queue stores objects in an ordered list and allows insertions at one end and
deletions from the other end of the list in O(1) time.
The objects in this queue are stored in an array. The capacity of the array
may be changed depending on the number of objects currently stored in the
array, according to the following two rules:
If an object is being inserted into a queue where the array is already full, the
capacity of the array is doubled. If, after removing an object from a queue where
the number of objects is one-quarter (1/4) the capacity of the array, then the
capacity of the array is halved. The capacity of the array may not be reduced
below the initially specified capacity.
2.2 Data Members
1. A pointer to an instance of type, Type *array, to be used as an array.
2. A head index, int iHead.
3. A tail index, int iTail.
4. A counter, int count.
5. The initial size of the array, int initialSize.
6. The current size of the array, int arraySize.
2.3 Member Functions
DynQueue( int n = 15 ) The constructor takes as an argument the initial
capacity of the array and allocates memory for that array. If the argument is
either 0 or a negative integer, set the initial capacity of the array to 1. The
default initial capacity of the array is 15. Other member variables are assigned
as appropriate.
∼DynQueue() The destructor deletes the memory allocated for the array.
2.3 Member Functions Stack and Queue
Type front() const Returns the object at the front of the queue. It may
throw a underflow exception. (O(1))
Type back() const Returns the object at the back of the queue. It may
throw a underflow exception. (O(1))
int size() const Returns the number of elements currently stored in the
queue. (O(1))
bool empty() const Returns true if the queue is empty, false otherwise.
int capacity() const Returns the current size of the array. (O(1))
void display() Prints the content of the Queue. (O(n))
void enqueue( Type const & data) Insert the new element at the back
of the queue. If the array is full, the size of the array is first doubled. (O(1) on
Type dequeue() Removes the element at the front of the queue. If, after
the element is removed, the array is 1/4 full and the array size is greater than
the initial size, the size of the array is halved. This may throw a underflow
exception. (O(1) on average)
void clear() Removes all the elements in the queue. The array is resized
to the initial size. (O(1))
This class has no friends.
Stack and Queue
3 The Menu Program
In order to test your program, you are required to implement a menu program
that provides the means to run each of the functions in your classes. Please
choose the string data type to create your Queue and Stack. So, when asked
to create a Queue or a Stack, its array cells should hold string elements. The
TA will choose one group to demo the project.
Format for the Menu Program
First, take a character, ’s’ or ’q’ (lowercase) that specifies whether we will be
working with a stack or queue. Next, give the options (please have them in this
EXACT order for grading purposes):
1. Return Capacity (items actually in the data structure)
2. Return Size of the data structure
3. View first item (”top” for Stack, ”front” for Queue)
4. Insert item (”push” for Stack, ”enqueue” for Queue)
5. Delete item (”pop” for Stack, ”dequeue” for Queue)
6. Display
7. Clear
8. Exit
Submit the following files to Canvas (named EXACTLY as shown below
without zipping for grading purposes: (you may also include implementation
files with the header files if you would like)
1. menu.cpp
2. stack.h
3. queue.h
4. makefile
5. project2.pdf
The rubric is as follows:
1. A program that does not compile will result in a zero
2. Runtime error and compilation warning 5%
3. Commenting and style 15%
4. Report 10%
5. Functionality 70% (functions were declared and implemented as required)
4 Acknowledgment
This project was created based on the work shared by the University of Waterloo.

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