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Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems 1 Assignment 2

Computer Science 456: Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems 1
Assignment 2
Weight: 15% of your final grade
Due: after Unit 4
Please note that, for the sake of fairness to all students, your tutor is not supposed to provide help
with your program coding (e.g., pick up compiler errors, send a working code for part of the
program, correct your wrong code and convert it to a working one). S/he may, however, give
advice about your steps and/or your techniques. If you need help with your coding in order to
complete your assignment or to keep you going with it, then you may lose marks on your
Question 1 (25 marks)
Discuss two major situations where heuristic strategies are used in AI problem solvers.
Question 2 (25 marks)
For this question, you should write a short report that explains how your program works and give some
execution examples.
Given a graph G and two nodes A and Z in G, write a program in Prolog or Lisp that finds an acyclic path
P between A and Z. The path should be represented as an ordered list of nodes from the start node to
the goal node. Since the path must be acyclic, a node can appear in the path only once.
Question 3 (25 marks)
For this question, you should write a short report that explains how your program works and give some
execution examples.
Consider the following graph that has costs attached to its edges:
Computer Science 456: Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems 2
Write a program in Prolog or Lisp that given two nodes X and Y in the graph above will find the
minimum-cost path from node X to node Y and display the found path and its cost. All data about the
graph should be declared in the program.
Example: the minimum path between a and d is [a,b,c,d] with cost = 6.
Question 4 (25 marks)
For this question, you should write a short report that explains how your program works and give some
execution examples.
Write a Prolog/Lisp program that teaches children how to pronounce multisyllable words by dividing
them into syllables. Limit your program to deal only with syllables of the following two sequences:
1. vowel–consonant–vowel: divide the word after the second vowel.
Example: analog ---> ana-log
2. vowel–consonant–consonant–vowel: divide the word between the two consonants.
Example: bumper ---> bum-per

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